Starfield's early access period rumbles on, and one issue that the game's first players have been fairly vocal about so far is feeling a bit rudderless and unenthused in the first 10 to 12 hours of the epic campaign.
It's kinda understandable really - this is a huge RPG, easily Bethesda's biggest, and with all the freedom that entails you can end up getting more than a little lost and bogged down in doing the wrong things to make the most of your early adventure. However, in the opening few hours of the game there is one specific mission you can undertake that we reckon helps to side-step those creeping early feelings of a slight lack of focus.
Starfield: Our #1 Top Tip For The Early Game
So, what is this magical mission then? Well, as soon as you find yourself in New Atlantis, the capital city of the planet Jemison and one of your first ports of call in the game, you should make a beeline for the MAST Headquarters in the centre and head into the main lobby. From the front desk hang an immediate left to find the UC Vanguard recruitment desk.
Speak to Commander Tulsa here and you can choose to begin your enrollment into this faction - the very first you'll encounter in Starfield. Don't worry too much about getting bogged down in the Vanguard's ethics or moral standing, you won't become a full member right away, and signing up brings with it some benefits that really help ground you in the game.
Benefits Of Joining The UC Vanguard Early
The benefits, obviously, consist of a bunch of pretty cool side missions that get you kicked off properly into some monster mashing and exploration, but the most crucial element here is a walk through a museum area in the UC Vanguard training area of MAST HQ that acts as a great way to learn about the universe you're about to explore.
We hit the Vanguard training area to get our licence via the space combat training simulators down here - another great bonus as they'll teach you all the ropes to becoming successful in dogfights - and emerged with a working knowledge of Starfield's history, its politics, great wars of the past, various factions and where the galaxy stands as things are right now.
It gives a huge boost to your sense of being grounded in the mythos and conversations and events that are being talked about make a hell of a lot more sense as a result. It's totally optional whether or not you choose to join the UC Vanguard early on, and you can drop the whole thing once you've investigated the museum's history lessons, but we 100% thoroughly recommend making this a very early port of call in order to relax into the game's fantastic narrative.
All of a sudden you'll feel a little more knowledgeable in conversations, and in the decisions you're asked to make as you deal with various parties, and that makes the opening hours of this epic feel all the more personal and immediate!
Comments 19
I concur. Knowing the world you inhabit sure helps the immersion.
It feels really odd that its not even out yet.. Ive been playing it solid since Friday, and it feels like this world - no, Universe - has been around for years now. Thats testament to the depth of the whole saga. Thumbs up from me!
I highly recommend Vanguard. I really loved that story line.
Great tip! Thanks
I didn't sign up when I had the chance, in case it conflicted with other offers later, but I will do so when I am next in New Atlantis (ETA, just after tea )
Thanks! I don’t feel lost, just soaking up everything bit by bit since I know I’ll stick around for months at least. Still it seems like a good thing to do early in the game.
But even just roaming around a planet scanning things feels adventurous enough. For Skyrim (never really played it) they said there is no wrong approach to the game and with Starfield it feels the same already.
Just had the option pop up for me and I am def consdiering joining. I have had quite a few offers from diffrent places to do bounties or security! It's honestly so cool!
Great tip, but I missed my chance of signing up for Vanguard before triggering the mission where I'm undercover in the Crimson Fleet. The game does not prohibit me of joining UC Vanguard while I'm at that mission, but I think it would be bad role-playing to do both quest lines at the same time.
The "Donny Brasco" mission where we are moles in the Crimson Fleet is awesome, by the way.
I've just joined the Freestar Raiders in Akila City. I love this place, it's got that whole Firefly feel about it with the western themes.
Man I have been having a busy weekend. Finally get a chance today to try out the game. Thank you for the tip. Looking forward to playing this game.
Good thing it's what I went with!
#1 Top Tip For The Early Game…. Play Armored Core instead 😎
@ApostateMage good choice I like how all the weapons are western themed, it's very worth while for what you get out of it. The deadeye took me a while to get used to.
Yea im about 4 hrs in and, i had just turned tje guy down when he offered while i was on mission. Completed the mission and just gone back to sign up, defo top tip. Really getting into the game now. Can see myself playing this for a long time. Probably wont touch another game until spiderman 2 now.
The Museum info should have been as a high budget starting video to the Entire Game!
Same here, did it also, but didn't even go into The Lodge first, which was a mistake, because you have to get the restriction on the Frontier unlocked before you can fast travel for the first UC Vanguard mission
My #1 tip is don't play the game. Lol. I'm around 10 hours in and I'm just not having fun with it. I just don't think it's for me. By the looks of these comments, I think I'm the only one.
@ArmoredMore Yup.
No spoilers, but the first mission on the Vanguard line after the museum and training is fantastic.
Awesome tip, thanks! I am definitely going back to that desk and signing up
@Romans12 I didn't like The Outer Worlds at all, and Starfield is giving me the same vibes. I think is not for me either, but maybe I will try it. Maybe.
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