Looking for an All Blue Medallion Locations Guide for Resident Evil 4 Remake? As part of our Resident Evil 4 Remake Guide we'll be walking you through the locations of all blue medallions with step by step instructions and screenshots to help you.

In this guide we've rounded up All Blue Medallion Locations in the game, making it easy for you to dive in and nab any that may have eluded you thus far.

We've listed the merchant's medallion requests in the order you'll find them in the game below, so, without any further hesitation, let's get stuck in stranger!

Resident Evil 4 Remake: All Blue Medallion Locations

All Blue Medallion Merchant Requests -

Destroy All Blue Medallions 1

Destroy All Blue Medallions 2

Destroy All Blue Medallions 3

Destroy All Blue Medallions 4

Destroy All Blue Medallions 5

Destroy All Blue Medallions 6