
Topic: Jet Set Radio Future and "Unknown Racing Game"

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I remember back when I got my Original Xbox here in the UK that it came bundled with Jet Set Radio Future and "another game" but for the life of me I Cannot remember what it was, It was a racing game that featured the Caterham Super 7 Kit Car. No matter how many video's I watch about Racing Games on the original xbox I can;t see it in anyone's "favorite's list".

Does anyone know what it is?



If I remember rightly, that would be Sega GT 2002

Switch Friend Code: SW-7576-3214-5317


I can confirm that it's Sega GT 2002 as well. Just got this fairly recently myself.



WTF? Is there a second part of this game? I remember being a fan of the first game when I was a kid. I'm going to try this one right now!


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