
Topic: Older XBox Players

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I had a horrendous wrist tendonitis issue on new years day, still wearing a wrist brace.. last year I probably gamed more than I can remember, but barely played any guitar and that was the culprit for wrist pains in the past. When I used to get flare up from over-playing guitar, stretching our the tendons before a practice genuinely did wonders. I think I may need to start doing this daily now!



@trekr200 did they tell you how to stretch? having lived through this myself, it's not fun!



So despite frustrations at all the madness going on online in the gaming community, I still want to talk about games online! a sub forum for us oldies seems a good spot

so what's everybody playing right now?? I've just started COD black ops 1 campaign for the first time, and next up is probably quantum break



@Dimey bought Tekken 8 and loving it. Akai katana and just had a go of Forza on the new track. I feel us oldies are probably the only ones not losing our ***** about this weeks news lol. Glad not to be young and getting worried about nonsense.
Never been a big Cod fan myself Dimey. but i did play that one back in the day.

Xbox: Garbonzoni


@GarbonZoni I think I learnt my lessons with fighting games, used to buy loads of them and was always awful at them! Only one I was ever half decent at was Soul Caliber on the Dreamcast.

Also started Ori and the Will of the Wisps this weekend so I have a couple on the go to alternate. Having almost skipped the last generation, aside from Nintendo, I have a lot of catching up to do still



@Dimey Soul Calibur is a bit different from most fighting games I've played in that a lot of the combos and special moves are button presses rather than directional inputs. You can 'accidentally' pull off some great combos just mashing the buttons! Kilik was always my go-to as the staff was pretty good as a ranged weapon.



52 years young here 😊
Never get tired of spending a few hours a night in front of the TV gaming. I'm a big fan of arcade style games, especially the SHMUP genre which is what I use my Switch for mainly. I'm mostly playing Robo Quest at the minute on my Series S which I'm actually finding quite addictive, amongst others like BF2024, Division 2 and Pinball FX. I also recently discovered a game called Pixel Strike 3D, which is basically an online shooter.... that's a lot of fun too.

"Here for a good time... Not a long time..."


@Dimey I found a site on the web...but I can't find it now. I will keep looking



@Dimey I'm playing all the Halo games again. I am currently caught up in the Halo universe.

When I get tired of Halo, I'll play some Destiny.



Ori and the Will of the Wisps almost broke my tendonitis addled wrists, but finished it... a beautiful game... but that may be my last hardcore platformer!

Played through return to grace on gamepass, short but fun. and now onto Jedi fallen order!!



I'm 38 this year mostly like single player games but do love FIFA/ea FC aswell best games I recently played was Alan wake 2 both plague tales and elden ring though I'm still playing tru that also loved the mafia remake I know it's old but only played it a while ago and was amazing glad to see the elder folk of gaming still going my misses keeps telling me I'm to old for it now ha but im not stopping any time soon



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Weapon_Wheel wrote:

What I look forward to the most are the remasters of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3.

Those would both be great, though not sure they've officially actually been announced? They were in a leak during the ABK trial, but nothing official? Hope I'm wrong, as never played Oblivion!



64 now. Used to play shooters a lot but never any good. Didn’t enjoy multiplayer much. But like setting up games with bots. Prefer some coop play these days. And mostly rpgs. Reactions too slow for super fast games and tire more easily. But still love my Xbox to unwind.



I'm 60, and I still enjoy gaming I have an Xbox series X in my living room and a series S in my bedroom. I am a casual gamer who plays for fun, I play PUBG (even though I'm not that good at shooters I still enjoy them), the Halo series, and the Gears of War series. I had cataract eye surgery last year and it helped out a lot to see the screen much better now. Before I had glasses and it was always blurry & hard to see what was going on on the TV screen, but now it is much better and a lot clearer to see what going on since the surgery.

[Edited by Rayne-man]



@greydogwalking @Rayne-man glad to see some old guard gamers in here besides me.
I'm discovering that some levels in shooter games are meant to last a while. I have had to work on more patience. This has made gaming more fun. If that makes sense.



@trekr200 - enjoy Borderlands, and AC Odessey etc, playing a bit of Skull and Bones at the moment, but it's basically a grinder (no PVP for me! LOL), Gears was always fun and most games where you can co-op, also play World of Tanks (free to play is always good!), still got most of the Call of Duty games but rarely play them now (especially not mutiplayer) but enjoyed Zombies and teaming up against Bots!



I'm 42.

Love Street Figher, Killer Instinct, Gears, Halo, and the entire Bethseda Catalog.

I dip my toe into raching with Forza once or twice a week as well.

GT - JohnnyUtah61
Nintendo - DarkFalco - SW - 1852-3950-9117


I'm 40 (will be 41 at the end of May) and still love gaming on all console brands. On Xbox Series X it's mainly the old guard, Halo, Gears and Forza but I also play a lot of Street Fighter 4 and 6, Cyberpunk recently and I really like that a good number of my original Xbox and 360 games can be played on the current hardware, sometimes with upgrades.



I'll be 56 this year, still a gamer and I actually stream. Third person, open world are my preferences. State of Decay 2, Tom Clancy's The Division 2, PsychoNauts, Immortals Fenyx Rising, etc.

I'm the hero of a thousand stories. I'm a superhero, an assassin a soldier. I've slain dragons and traveled through portals. I am a spartan, a commander. A king. I've saved a thousand worlds and countless more lives. What am I? I'm a gamer.

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