
Topic: Fallout 4

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Morning all just setting up my Xbox series x with mods to play fallout 4, have had a two year break from the series x and notice there seems a lot less mods than there used to be. Fallout patch is not there any reason for less mods



Figured it's a good time to start this up again. Brand new to the series, and first thing i have to ask, is there an easy way to have a mini map on your screen? Bringing out the pip boy and going through the prompts seems like I'm doing something wrong. Either that, or I'm going to be having a frustrating time over 40hrs.



@Tasuki I guess if that's why they did it, I'm good with that. Just feels a little cumbersome.



@NintendoByNature Yeah, but you get use to it after awhile. I appreciate it now. To be honest it does feel a little werid when playing a game and you need to access a screen to select items or what not. Fallout and Borderlands had a good idea to keep the immersion.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki yep. I'll continue onward. I love the setting so far. Only an hour in though. Gunplay is a little tough in 3rd person so I might switch to 1st.

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



@NintendoByNature That's how I play Fallout 3 and New Vegas, first person mode. Not a big fan of 4 due to one part which I won't get into here so I don't spoil it. But yeah 3rd person just feels awkward.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki interesting. I played starfield in 3rd person and it felt fine. Maybe the gunplay was a little easier to handle in that though. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the game is like.



@NintendoByNature Maybe I know when I play Skyrim, I play that in 3rd person because first just feels odd to me. I never played Starfield. Look at videos and such it just made me want to play Fallout again lol.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki hah. I hear starfield is pretty much fallout but in space. And I really enjoyed fallout. With that said, I'm sure I'll enjoy fallout. I already like the setting more than I did in starfield and I'm early in. And the story of the whole nuclear fallout thing has always been interesting to me.

Funnily enough I never played skyrim either. It's on my WL and ill get to it at some point. Just little time man, ya know.



@NintendoByNature Yep that's one way of putting it. It's seems Bethesda RPGs feel the same it just depends what setting you want.

Fantasy ----- Skyrim
Post Apocalypse ------ Fallout
Space ----- Starfield.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Never played Fallout 4 before, the only previous one i played was the original on PC many, many years ago.

Started this when the new update dropped…and its brilliant, feels great at 60fps, not sure what the visual differences will be once the Xbox version gets updated, but is definitely playing really well. I might need to drop the difficulty as i tried the same fight probably 5 times last night and got destroyed each time



@Tasuki I might just be dense, but are the quest markers and quest lines a tad confusing? I would get a few parts of a specific quest checked off but then couldn't figure out a way to close out the rest of quest Even though I was right in the area. I also don't know where I can sell off some of this stuff. I'm almost at full weight. I just made it to the first downtown area( concord maybe). Got the power suit. Saw deathclaw and avoided it at all costs. Any other tips for beginners? I have no clue what I should be doing or how to progress the story.

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



@NintendoByNature I will be honest, I didn't put much time into Fallout 4 and it's been awhile since I played it. I am not a big fan of it and preferred Fallout 3 and New Vegas. If you are getting encumbered you can place items in containers such as desks, drawers, fridges etc and come back to them later. Maybe try looking up a guide online for specifics such as vendors and such. Wish I can be more help but as I said I haven't played the game in awhile and I didn't get to far in it.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@NintendoByNature With that quest line you have to defeat the raiders and the deathclaw before you can continue, I’ve never been able to progress it any other way but I could be doing it wrong. If you’re struggling there is lots of cover within shops and the powerarmour will take some stick too. If you’re almost at capacity, you can leave some stuff back in Sanctuary or if you have Codsworth or Dogmeat (you meet him at red rocket gas station) with you, off load some gear to them. Good luck out there 👍

[Edited by AgentCooper]

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Bundersvessel ok good stuff. I'm still getting acquainted with this whole series as I never played a fallout game before.



@NintendoByNature Excited for you friend! If you need any other advice I’ll do my best to assist. A good tip is to regularly off load your “junk” into a workbench which is most likely to be Sanctuary or Red Rocket initially, you’ll be upgrading weapons and the like from there too so very convenient and relieves you of the burden of carrying too much. What kind of build are you thinking, or is it just see how you get on type of thing?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Bundersvessel yea I did a dump off over at the diner and craft whenever I can. I guess I don't even know how to answer what type of build I'm going for lol. Should I be doing a certain kind? What kind are there? I'm completely new to this haha.



@NintendoByNature I managed to kill the deathclaw last night. I also have no idea what I am doing, and I still haven’t worked out how to get that armour etc. I should probably be ashamed to say that I killed it by sending the dog out to draw it out and then Sniping the deathclaw till it ran away again. Realised if I draw it to the correct area, there’s another fellow on the rooftop with a similar rifle who will shoot at it too. It wasn’t very pretty but it was quite effective
I think that’s a very early story mission and I haven’t tried any of the side missions yet, should probably do that or I’m going to get stuck at some point I’m sure!


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