
Topic: What are you watching?

Posts 321 to 340 of 376


Dang, I have read several of the last few pages and I have never heard of more than three of these shows.

We don't "binge" per se because there is just so much to watch.

But I will tell you what we like. Boston legal, breaking bad, House of Cards, Modern Family and the absolute best and funniest series ever!

The sopranos! Funniest damn show ever! A friend told us about it many moons ago, but then it was not on HBO anymore. So we got the first season off of Amazon.

Watched the entire season, then bought season 2. We watched season 1 over again then watched season 2. Then we bought season 3, watched one and two again, and on and on we went.

However, we never watched the last episode until it's anniversary, June 10th 2017.

If I had to guess, I would say we have watch the entire season at least a dozen times.



i have alot of stuff to watch on Disneyplus and Netflix and Tubi

Netflix I still need to watch the final chapter/season of Disenchantment and the new Castlevania and finish up on season 5 of Naruto

then on Disneyplus I still have alot of the Marvel movies to watch along with the old 1980s Spider-Man and friendfs cartoon and the 1990s Incredible Hulk show along with the movies Cheetah, Luca and Ron Gone Wrong



Just finished Fallout. Absoluley incredible. I will definately watch again.

Also wathing weekly releases of Shogun. I tell you what Shogun and Fallout have entered the Game Of Thrones tier for me.

Besides that just wathgfing random episodes on Friends and South Park when not gaming.

Finished The Gentlemen and Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix recently.

Xbox - LordDieAlot

Xbox Gamertag: SpartanZVM


I just finished Fallout as well. Now I'm watching Star Trek Discovery and Dead to Me.



watching some stuff for the rest of this month

DVD, Blu ray
-Bubba Ho Tep

-The Bronze movie
-Vampire Lovers. an old flick from that Jess Franco from the 1970s

-Suspiria remake but might wait to watch it in May



I haven’t really watched anything recently, but I did watch a few animes earlier in the year. I have a bunch of other shows on my watchlist that I still haven’t gotten into.

If anime does count, I watched the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen back in January. I had heard of the manga and anime for years, but I knew little about it and initially didn’t have an interest in it. I gave it a try and I really liked it!

It had plenty of likable characters, great action, emotional scenes, and hilarious moments too; I can remember that at the end of nearly every episode, there were these segments called “Juju Sanpo” which were small comedy bits and random moments unrelated to the episode they were in, and they were one of my favorites by far. And, what’s really cool is, one of those segments actually featured a recipe on how to make seafood ramen using a cup of dry instant noodles and milk!

The music was also my favorite as well, namely the opening and ending songs. If I recall, there were a total of two opening songs and two ending songs, which changed depending on the episode cour. While I did think they were all great, the OP and ED used in the first cour were the best in my opinion, the ED especially; the sketchy animation paired with the jazzy beat and singing of the song work so well! I love art and animation a lot, so of course I liked it a lot.

Pretty good show in my opinion. The manga the show is based on is farther into the story than the anime, and they did release a second season last year, but I haven’t gotten onto that yet, mostly because I put a bunch of other shorter anime on my watchlist that I have either started but haven’t gotten far into, or haven’t even tried watching.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


Just finished this series called Red Eye on ITV X in the UK if you have it, I enjoyed it and well worth a watch.



I just watched John Wick 1-4 pretty awesome!
Also did a Nolan movie run through have to say Interstellar is one of the best movies i have seen.



I'm watching The Lord of the Rings of Power right now, but I personally don't really like this series, although I'm a big fan of the Jackson trilogy.



@ErikaPhillips i didn't like the series taking liberties with the mythology. I could care less that its based on a female character as the one its based on has always been a badass I just think it did a poor job representing the overall feel of the books. That being said if I had never read the stuff it could have been pretty awesome the visuals were great the acting great and the story was interesting.
I feel the same way about the Wheel of Time the tv show is fine but they didn't do the books justice. The first five minutes of that tell you you're in for a ride of nonsense or as Hollywood calls it artistic licenses.
I'm not sure why you make a movie on a famous ip and then change it a bunch but thats me.



I was watching a little bit of Bocchi The Rock! back in May. I enjoyed it, but I think I only watched two or three episodes, so I’m not done with it yet. It was pretty popular back when it released, though it got sort of overshadowed by other highly anticipated animes like Chainsaw Man.

Back in January, I also watched the anime adaptation of Danganronpa for fun, but I didn’t finish it. It’s ok to me… I haven’t played Danganronpa and I don’t think I will, but apparently a lot of fans said the anime butchered a lot of moments from its source material, which is probably why I felt mixed on it. I don’t think I’ll finish it.

I put more anime on my watchlist, including Kaguya-Sama, Demon Slayer, and Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill, which I did watch one episode of but didn’t continue.

EDIT: I’ll add another anime I watched earlier in the year, which was Wonder Egg Priority, and oh boy is this going to be pretty lengthy. It was this show about a girl who protects deceased victims in a dream world from monsters, and if she saves enough of them, she can revive a deceased friend of hers and hopes to find out the reason for why her friend passed, and over the course of the show, she befriends three other girls who are also trying to achieve the same goal as her. Although the show isn’t called a magical girl anime by its staff, it has been considered one for having elements similar to that of one (e.g. girls fighting monsters with special and gigantic weapons, the girls having animal companions) and I really liked the aesthetic of it. It was popular for its handling of sensitive material that I won’t mention here since it might be triggering, and some said it was tonally similar to another popular magical girl anime called Madoka Magica. I actually knew what Wonder Egg was years ago and reading that it had a terrible ending, but didn’t know how it actually ended. I watched the show out of curiosity and dang it, I am so mad with how the show handled its story and writing at the end of it because it had such a promising concept and storyline.

It started off so good and had really great and likeable main characters, and it even delved into some of their histories and personal issues in some episodes, but then just fumbled it with the writing and sort of wrote two of its main characters out of the story by the end of it. One of the main characters I am referring to was this idol girl, and the reasoning the show gave for writing her out of the story was maybe the most stupidest of all and so nonsensical. People had issues with them introducing sci-fi elements nearing the end, but the main issue I had was with them introducing an antagonist right as the anime was about to end, and it really disrupts the narrative and a couple of the character arcs too, as well as the introduction of parallel worlds, which made it all the more confusing. They tried explaining that concept in the finale but it didn’t work and doesn’t even fit the tone or setting for this anime, I might argue. If that concept had been introduced earlier, then it might not have been a huge issue.

There was a “special” episode they released a few months after the final episode and I’d say it was the worst of the show yet. 25 minutes of it is just a recap and the remaining minutes are pieces of lackluster new content that don’t tie up any loose ends or give the show a proper ending. It sort of teases a continuation or second season, but with how badly the show turned out and how much it has become forgotten, I am now sure it’s never going to get a real ending. Now that I look at it, the show’s writing seems to also victim-blame certain characters as well (especially in a subplot involving two other characters in the show) and the way the supposed antagonist and a few characters are treated in the show is questionable as well. I might add that Wonder Egg was a victim of crunch time and a few episodes were finished hours before it’s air date, which is unfortunate and might be an explanation for why the show had such a big downfall right at the end. It stinks that the show is only going to be remembered for its awful ending.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli daaaaaaaamn all good stuff! And damn, bocchi? That’s the good stuff.
Never saw chainsaw man.
I saw the danganronpa anime when it was new back in 2012-ish. Good times!
Kaguya same is dope. Saw it while it was airing.
Never saw demon slayer.
Campfire cooking is cool. Relaxing SoL, I like those.

How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495 | Bluesky:


@Yousef- I put a lot more animes on my watchlist but I haven’t watched them yet lol. I do watch stuff but not a lot, and I decided to watch some animes that were popular just for fun. That Campfire cooking anime seems hilarious from what I saw in the first episode, so I’ll probably watch it more since I love comedy.

I think someone in my family was watching Kaguya-sama on television once, but I didn’t stay to watch it. I do know what it is because of that Chika dance meme that went around the internet a few years ago, and a lot of people said it’s amazing, so I could give that a go once I finish Bocchi.

Around that time, I was also watching Spy x Family with my family and found it very hilarious and interesting, but we didn’t get around to the remaining episodes of the first season or it’s second season, as well as that anime film they released back in December last year. The service I am using to watch anime has that show, so I can watch the remaining episodes of the first season, though the second season unfortunately can’t be watched unless you pay for it.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli I see. I relate to this. I’ve also tried watching Spy x Family though I’ve strangely had more fun with its “clone”. It’s called Buddy Daddies, it’s a clone of SxF, but a fun one! It’s a guy and a girl, it’s two dads! And instead of a psychic girl, it’s a normal girl. Really fun watch!

Also, thought I’d let you know I sent you a friend request based on what you wrote in your signature. I’m patient, don’t worry. xD. I’ll wait as long as it needs.

How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495 | Bluesky:


@Yousef- I have heard of that anime! I did watch a short video that sort of went over the first episode and it’s plot, and I found that what causes the two assassin colleagues having to parent and take care of a young child to be interesting. Not a lot of people have mentioned it, but I have heard pretty good things about it.

And thank you for sending the friend request! To make sure I did put in the correct friend code in my signature, did the name of the Switch account appear the same as the name I have on this site?

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli no, the name was “custard” with a Pokémon violet avatar. I even entered the FC a second time just to double check.

How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495 | Bluesky:


@Yousef- Yep, that was me! That is my old account name. I had the name changed, but I guess the internet was probably not on when the name was updated. The old name was a pretty random one I came up with. If the name changes to “Pastelioli,” then that is still me Just needed to double check if I got the friend code right.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli hell yeah! And phew, I was worried I had a temporary case of blindness there xDD.

How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495 | Bluesky:


@Yousef- It’s ok! All is good I’ll probably have my icon on there changed too when I get back to the Switch. It’s almost two years old actually.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778

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