We're only just over a week away from the 2022 version of the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase, which should give us plenty to get excited for throughout the rest of the year and beyond. Let's hope so, anyway!
Microsoft has remained mostly quiet about what to expect from the show so far, other than expected gameplay deep dives for Starfield and Redfall, along with the usual Xbox Game Pass announcements, but there are plenty of other things we could speculate about such as the rumoured Gears of War Collection, or maybe a shadow drop for the GoldenEye 007 port, or possibly even a 2022 release date for Forza Motorsport.
We've already asked what your wild predictions are for the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase this year, but with over a week still to go, we're now interested to know what your actual expectations are for the event.
What will we see? How good of an event are you expecting? We want to hear your thoughts!
What are your expectations for the 2022 Xbox Games Showcase? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 49
I think it'll be fine but those expecting answers to the long list of 1st party games announced in 2019-2021 with no release windows will be disappointed.
I want to see Avowed and Fable. Also I’m curious about Compulsions game. And I’d love to see a tease for a story expansion for Halo Infinite, but I’m not expecting that one until fall 2023 minimum.
@xMightyMatt14x +1 for Avowed and Fable
More CGI trailers than I care to see with next to no gameplay, of any, of upcoming exclusives.
I hate to be so cynical about it, but man, that feels like that's all we ever get.
The looking forward but not hyped response couldn't describe me any better if it tried.
Hoping for an xbox release of Deathloop once the exclusivity period is up
Gamepass going to shadow drop like 20+ games....Last year they went ham with bethesda games and FPS boost. Im still excited to hear about whats up with Xbox and what we need to wait for.
Xbox knows how bad the Starfield and Redfall delays will have hurt them so I'm expecting huge amounts of money have been spent on big 3rd party game pass releases.
Not expecting a huge shadow drop but definitely some to look forward to for the rest of the year.
It is 6 year since the last Forza Motorsport so it would be very nice if they could show us gameplay. Turn 10 starts to look like Polyphony Digital.
I've said it before, gameplay and release date trailers. I care not for these "announcement" trailers.
I definitely have reduced expectations after the delays for this year so far, but still expect a good show. Age of Empires 4 on Console would be a nice cushion after the delays for other games. Grounded Full release would be good... Think the new Forza coming out this year is the minimum Xbox can get away with.
Surprises... We don't know what Double Fine are working on and they're a productive studio. Surely Rare also can't just be wasting their time on this Everwild disaster (Banjo Kazooie 3 time)
Goldeneye re-release would be nice. Maybe As Dusk Falls or Somerville to shadow drop after the showcase. Forza Horizon 5 expansion is also must show by now...
Deathloop is bound to turn up. Marcus Fenix collection maybe... Let's see. I'm already looking forward to it
Forza Horizon 5 DLC - shadow drop
Forza Motorsport - trailer and winter 2022 release date
Starfield - cinematic trailer
Redfall - cinematic trailer
Gears - collection (MCC equivalent).
Assorted gamepass additions (mostly Bethesda IPs and indies).
Plus hopefully some sort of deal with a third party for a winter 2022 exclusive.
Longshot... Perfect Dark trailer.
I'm really looking forward to the new game of Itagaki Tomonobu. I hope we will see or hear more from him.
Ps: Im really excited to see more gameplay of Wanted:Dead. Developer of Soleil and the publisher is 110 Industries
Forza Motorsport & Hellblade II I can see coming out this year
A bear and bird adventure please and thank you
Deathloop definitive edition
Gears collection
Starfield gameplay
Redfall gameplay
Fable trailer
Forza motorsport
Wolfenstein 3 teaser
Avowed trailer
Evil within 3 cgi teaser
A star wars game by coalition unreal E5 teaser.
Modern warfare 2, and Gotham knights day 1 gamepass.
Oh ya know...Not much...🤦♂️
I'm hoping we get atleast 2 trailers with 2022 release dates.. A Marcus Fenix Collection would be epic.. Overall i think it'll be a great show..
Keeping the expectations mid range.
As we know I’m a big AAA new game fan.
So hoping for something this year.
But 2023 best be a very good year Xbox first party AAA in house studios wise. Even the last full Gears game will be 4 years old in 2023 and all those studios they have not including Activision of course, they should start delivering big ones.
So far they have had a bad year with 2 big ones pushed to 2023 and news about Microsoft’s ability to manage their studios to deliver.
Let’s hope at the show they show us what they can really do and deliver.
Though I have a feeling the good ole remasters will surface yet again and be made a big deal of, which in my opinion is just a cop out.
B&K in a platform world full of adventures and exploration would be amazing.
Not too excited to be honest. Hopefully I don't sound to whiney when I say I've just gotten bored waiting for the games from the first batch of studios they bought (Avowed, Fable, Project Mara, Perfect Dark, inXiles supposed 3d RPG,), those games got me excited about their first party. Now I'm just expecting nothing to show (nothing that's to my personal liking anyways).
Hopefully they announce new quality indies though and throw a big old 'Play Day one on Xbox Game Pass' sticker on them. That would make me a decent bit happy actually!
Suppose seeing some Starfield gameplay (finally!) would help, but I'm worried it'll just be a quick gameplay trailer. Would much rather a fallout 4 E3 presence.
I have low expectations that this show will be good for me but for multiple reasons, I can see final fantasy 7 remake being announced but I've already played it, I want to see state of decay 3 but an article a few months back hinted it was way off, going to be a lot of indie trailers for gamepass day one which I'm not interested in, gears collection which I'm not interested in, persona 5 announcement which I've already played, new Fable which by the sounds of it is having problems so probably won't show anything for that either.
But two things they could show that I'm interested in would be some starfield gameplay which is long over due and some hellblade 2 gameplay.
This comment is definitely not in the right section, but why isn't PureXbox posting the Halo Infinite challenges every week or the in-game events for Forza (amongst others that deserve attention on XSX, don't attack me for playing Halo lol!)? Nintendo Life, the sister site, is always posting about in-game distributions and events in older games like Pokemon SwSh and Super Smash Ultimate. I look up the weekly challenge every now & again but might be good for the website's optimization & clicks, wouldn't need to search elsewhere.
I'm split. On one hand I think they're going to keep pushing hard on their upcoming pipeline games to build marketing hype for the platform as a whole. On the other hand, they know they're been dropping a lot of balls and the optics aren't the best right now in terms of reasons to buy in, so I'm also expecting they hear that and are going to go out of their way to please the fans. Not just because they're nice guys like that, but because they need the fan energy to keep evangelizing the platform for the marketing power that has, so going big (3rd party) and keeping the fans happy is an important goal for them.
I think we may end up surprised by how good the rest of the year looks from the show, not with first party, but from content/value they'll bring.
Also, Forza is almost a guaranteed lock. They don't have any FM for sale at all. Sony just released their competitor and it went down kinda spotty due to the self-inflicted MTX wound. I would be utterly dumbfounded if they did not have a Forza Motorsport coming soon.
@Kilamanjaro I kinda skim half that stuff on NL and find myself almost never reading the NL news anymore because it always feels like most of the news is either indies I've never heard of, or "events" in service games I have no intention of playing and wouldn't care about even if I did. I get it. Services are the big thing. Jim Ryan tells me that, daily....but if you're outside it's market it's the most boring thing ever.
I expect the show to be awesome. I hope that slimerancher 2 gets a date cuz my oldest is all about slimerancher. I thinking they will add some Activision Blizzard games similar to how they did with Zenimax...so bring on Diablo!!
Also. I know we will never get this. But I really would like to see Halo 3 remastered for the MCC. I know it was “high def” but it really could use the same treatment Halo CE and 2 got.
I really want to see a release date for the new Forza Motorsport, hopefully it’s out sometime this year. It’s getting to the point now where I’m losing interest in the Horizon series, so I’m looking forward for Motorsport.
I’d like to see how they are getting on with Fable. It would be a nice surprise if a game from the showcase got shadow dropped onto Game Pass as the show closed.
Low. Expectations are always best kept low.
@NeutronBomb Spencer said that XBox would be the best place to play Deathloop (and Ghostwire) when the exclusive period is over. What that means I don't know. It is a shame that MS owns the pubs/devs/IP and users were still shutout for a year. That lack on new IPs and continuing delays (Starfield, Redfall) will impact sales.
Deathloop is a great game — I'm playing it on PC and did not want to wait for a Gamepass Ultimate release.
Good predictions, BTW.
I've had the same two unlikely wishes for the past half decade or more:
Showcases are pointless. Most of the games we saw last year have still not been released and its been a whole year. So what's the point when the games that get shown are years away? These showcases should be limited to games which 100% coming out in the next 12 months not 12 years.
I think we'll see an extended trailer and gameplay for STALKER 2 along with a tribute to GSC.
@Chaudy We get a milestone and a look at the progress. If games just went missing for years people would ask questions and get anxious. It fosters negativity and erodes confidence in the developers or platform.
It's time they have a 2016 sony e3 level of e3. Hit after hit after hit.
I've already bought the next gen consoles and I dont plan on getting rid of them anytime soon so... If it doesnt knock it out of the park this year I'll live.
I'm sick of all the 8 bit games. Yes, it's cool to have content, but I don't have a next generation console to play games that were cutting edge 30 years ago!!
We are doing a barbacue with family just to watch this (no joke), and that's the reason I'm hyped, hahaha.
Hellblade new gameplay video with release date, Unreal 5 Gears game, starfield gameplay and a release date, TES 6 new video, Avowed and Perfect Dark gameplay. They are probably going to disappoint me.
Some folks seem to forget, or acknowledge, that Covid-19 is still wreaking havoc with everything in this world, including gaming.
Does it suck? YES. Are timely game releases important, in the greater scheme of things?
These companies are too difficult to predict these days so I'm going into this the same way I did the recent State of Play... no expectations at all, just hope what's shown is good and that maybe we're getting some games sooner than we thought.
I really just want to see games that are coming THIS year. I'm aware of the huge backlog of annouced first party games from MS in last 2-3 years but they won't be out this year (Exclude usual halo and forza)
Strangers Wrath, Exhumed and Shadow Man all coming to Gamepass would be nice. Not expecting much though - maybe FH5 dlc, new Forza, Gears collection and Deathloop. I know the fps boost project is ‘dead’, but I’d still like to see Dishonoured 2, Orange Box and Red Dead Redemption (1 and 2j added to the list. I hope the Goldeneye remake doesn’t ruin the memories of what was a ‘perfect’ game, back in the day.
@theduckofdeath yeah platinum'd it on ps5. I'd defo do it again on my x if there's new content. Ghostwire too.
Xbox needs to start under promising and over delivering. Stop announcing games years earlier, do what you did with Forza Horizon 5, announce it during the same year or less than a year before it's set for release and they'll be fine.
I'm not really into RPGs, never have been. But I was still going to download and at least try to play Starfield later this year because of GamePass. So it being delayed is really not an issue for me.
What I'm truly looking forward to this year is the new Forza Motorsport game. I'm really hoping it comes out this year, if it doesn't, Playstation will have the edge with Gran Turismo 7 for a little longer.
I'm also hoping Xbox will have more games out on day one on GamePass. If they don't have any other significant games, Xbox will start losing ground to Playstation 5 and Sony just may continue to dominate the industry.
Nothing new anytime soon but alot Gamepass drops. 007 Goldeneye drops in Gamepass.
Obviously starfield and redfall gameplay. Maybe some atomic heart, darktide, scorn, Somerville, Wolfenstein, avowed, new doom teaser, Marcus Fenix collection (the worst kept secret), Forza, hellblade 2, maybe the last night might finally appear again with a release date. I'm sure we'll get updates and teasers from a bunch of their studios even if no release dates, and of course they'll have 3rd party showings too like always as well as some unknown surprises no doubt. Would be cool if they featured a longer gameplay segment from the Callisto protocol even though it was already on sonys state of play. That's the game I care about above all others for this year. Would be cool if it was a surprise day one gamepass release since pubg was on gamepass. That's the only Reason I suggest that even if not super likely. I'll still buy it regardless. It'll be a good show, MS has been good for the last few years since they started focusing on games back to back
@Gamer83 state of play isnt really a show in the same sense though, it's just sort of a teaser highlight reel. I never expect much from those. These big publisher shows are where it's at and MS sits high on the top tier now as far as interest from core gamers and second place isn't even close. Even Sony fans who hate Xbox watch it.
Removed - off-topic
Gameplay for starfield, redfall, Contraband, forza ms, pentiment as dusk falls as published titles. Judgment and lost judgment instantly available on gamepass, release date and gameplay of a plague tale. Goldeneye release date. And outside of that no idea. But this is what I at least want to see
I'm your no1 Fake Xbox Leaker
No Banjo/Perfect Dark .. yet
Starfield 15-20 mins gameplay
Persona/Silksong on gamepass
Indiana Jones reveal
Forza Horizon Hotwheels DLC
Kojima working with Xbox Annocement but no game to be revealed
Forza MS7 Spring 23
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