Welcome to the weekend! We're closing in on the end of September, and it's safe to say it's been a bumper month for Xbox Game Pass, so we have an inkling you might be making the most of that this weekend. Of course, this week's big addition is Deathloop, Arkane's former-PS5 exclusive, which finally came to Xbox on Tuesday!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Ben Kerry, Staff Writer
After holding off on picking up the PS5 version for the last year, I'll be starting Deathloop at some stage this weekend. I'm very, very excited to dip into this one, especially as our resident reviewer PJ gave it a 10/10, calling it Arkane's very best game. High praise!
You know what else is piquing my interest? Slime Rancher 2. After our recent chat with the developer about how the sequel is shaping up, I'm really interested in trying this one out. It might be another shooter, but it looks like it'll provide quite a different experience to Deathloop!
Have a great weekend folks.
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 61
Well, I recently got the Battle for Bikini Bottom remake to prepare for the new game. I’ll also still be playing Marvel vs. Capcom 3, as you can’t get much better than the Ace Attorney taking down a literal space god.
@SinfulDestroyer Oh, Road 96 is amazing! I wish there were more TellTale-like games on game pass.
As always, Persona 3 Portable, Immortals Fenyx Rising and GTA Vice City but I've also started Dark Souls III. Really looking forward to giving this game a go!
I'm trying to play Hardspace Shipbreaker on Series S but it sometimes crashes when entering the hab to finish your shift. Luckily it autosaves but it's peeing me off so I'll wait to see if they fix it. Praise game pass or I'd be even more pi55ed having spent money on a crashy game.
Current playing through Metro 2033 Redux after having a blast with Metro Exodus. I'm gonna start Deathloop next week and will try to stick at it after not really enjoying it on the PS5.
On PS5 I've decided to give Soul Hackers 2 and Soulstice a break as they are becoming quite a bore fest to complete, both started off great but the axis dungeon is the blandest dungeon I've ever explored and it doesn't help its massive, and the same for Soulstice the game is just set in one big city and everything looks the same and bland and the combat just isn't fun. I want both to end but can tell I've got atleast 10 hours left in both 😩
If I do play the PS5 this weekend it will be on Atelier Sophie 2
On the Switch I will be continuing with the excellent Pikmin 3 deluxe and will be playing the hell out of splatoon 3, it's splat fest time.
On my series S I'm continuing with Far Cry 5, once I've finished with the second zone (faith) I will give it another break and either start Deathloop or Tinykin
I'll jump into Hood: Outlaws and Legends because nothing beats Robin landing a headshot lol! After that, maybe I'll check out Scarlet Nexus but I don't think I'll play a lot this Saturday because I have plans with my boyfriend.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
I'm playing FEAR 2 and Grid Legends. Don't know who is scarier: Alma or Ravenwest 😁
I’m chipping away at the final act of Gears 5
Its actually not Deathloop 😂 with Return to Monkey Island coming out the day before I'm playing that. A superb game.
I'll probably be starting Deathloop sometime Sunday evening though
Hi there fellow gamers.
Since I got my own Xbox Series X last weekend, I´ve been replaying the Gears of War games and I´m on the last chapters of Gears 2 and will probably start Gears 3 either today or tomorrow.
I´ve missed playing this series and now I can finally play Gears 4 and 5.
Might also dable in some DnF Duel matches and more Horizon Forbidden West quests on my PS5.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming weekend to us all
I got super into it and beat Deathloop a couple nights ago. Couldn't put it down! Not as good as Dishonored or Prey, but still very good. I played On PS5 for the gyro aiming and haptics.
I started Metal: Hellsinger last night and could not stop trying to gyro aim which obviously didn't work 😅 I'm going to have to play a different game inbetween to break the habit. Thinking about starting either Omori or Weird West today, but haven't decided yet.
Slime Rancher 2 for me.
Got a little bit of tinykins to finish off although it's the collection of pollen. I've also been doing a bit more on powerwash sim with some time trying deathloop. Still unsure whether this is a game I will continue with.
I am playing Mario oddesey on switch at moment
Probably Splatoon 3 all weekend. Picked it up just in time for the splat fest. It’s fantastic.
Opus Echo of Starsong, Deathloop second time playing through, Slime Rancher 2, Metal Hellsinger
Yup.. deathloop for me..I'm about 1 hour in. So far so good...the menus are confusing but I might get used to it later on.
I’m playing Steelrising (Xbox Series X). I’m going to be honest - I bought this game on a whim, and I’m so glad I did. The setting is an alternate French Revolution, and automats created by greedy people are in control. The atmosphere and overall style of the game — a Soulsborne— is reminiscent of Bloodborne. While the game isn’t as good as that, nor polished, it is still an enjoyable romp.
The combat is pretty good, and there are a variety of weapons you can use at your disposal. Furthermore, the more you progress in the story, the more you’ll unlock abilities that will allow you to reach new areas in the map. These abilities can also be used in combat, which makes for a fun dynamic.
Speaking of traversal and maps, the level design is also quite excellent. It’s structured the same way the Souls games are - where there are many locked doors or areas, but you’ll eventually find a way to unlock them, making backtracking much quicker. That said, movement is janky, though I believe that’s intentional since you are an automat.
As for side quests, they are quite good. They aren’t on the level as some other deep RPGs, but they are multi-faceted and run entire game length deep, which I find very intriguing.
Overall, the game isn’t the best. It’s janky, linear, and flat out rough around the edges. However; the game goes a lot of things brilliantly with the budget they had to work with. I hope they get a chance to make a sequel with a bigger budget because this game has tons of potential, and I’d love to see the game world expanded upon further.
just finished deathloop. tomorrow fuga also finish
Assassin's Creed Odyssey again. I was playing a few other games but decided to pause that and start Odyssey again. Great game. Gonna try to 100% it. Probably will continue with Valhalla after that.
been thinking about replaying Resident Evil Director's Cut Dual Shock for my old Playstation sometime this weekend
I’m so addicted to that Disney Dream Valley game. I’ll probably throw in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 as well.
I'm planning to finish the last couple of main mission levels in Floppy Knights on game pass, maybe chip away at Yakuza Like a Dragon (is that now just Like a Dragon?), and play a little Inscryption on PS
Still pushing through It Takes Two with my non-gamer gf. Hopefully will still be my gf after playing more of it, heh. Pretty challenging for those not used to playing.
Will also dip into Deathloop to get first impressions.
Age of Empires: Castle Siege (Android) - Nearly gone as far as I can with this.
World At War (Windows Phone) - Progressing well, built up a nice army.
Temple Run 2 (Windows Phone) - Making it further and further
I rolled credits on Beacon Pines yesterday. Good stuff, It’s right behind Elden Ring for good stuff played this year. I think I’m gonna get down with the. Splatoon 3 Splatfesr (Team Gear!) for a while, then check out some more of the MW2 beta. There’s a playlist with the anticipated 3rd person mode, I checked it out for a match yesterday…gonna be a good time this October, if you’re into that sort of stuff.
Other than that I really need to play Triangle Strategy
@BlackMayge that was one of the best mini-reviews I’ve ever read, upvoted
@Odium prepare to make a difficult choice
I'm gonna start up Yooka Laylee on Series X..
Grinding on Halo Infinite ranked battles road to onyx is a cruel one, besides that gonna get some games in on my Madden NFL 23 and NBA 2k23 franchise modes, other than that will continue to play cyberpunk 2077 brought a physical copy for my series x and has been loving it played a little bit of death loop the other night for the first time seems pretty cool and unique will definitely play it some more… at some point honestly I got a huge backlog I need to play (assassins creed valhalla being the main one)
The wolf among us & just ordered pure for Xbox 360 from cex
I was playing Deathloop, but I loaded the game up this morning and it acted as if it was the first time I ever played the game. Sadly, that new local save data overwrote my Cloud Save file upon exiting and now I lost all my progress.
I had already finished the game on PS5. I wanted to see the extended ending that was added but actually replay the game on Xbox rather than just do a quick run through the loop again on PS5.
Well, due to losing about 9 hours of progress on Xbox, I am reinstalling the PS5 version. Deathloop is a great game, but I just can't do that all over again for the third time.
Assassins CV. Main game done, currently in Ireland then off to Paris.
Death ☠️ Loop.
Still smashing it on grid legends
Lego Batman 2 (Series X) Going through my backlog, I realized I never played this game. I was in the mode for a Lego game so this will do nicely.
Tekken 7 (Series X) Just playing some random VS matches against my son and Tekken Bowling.
I paused on Soul Hackers 2, the Axios dungeons can get tedious depending upon your level. I'll keep at it later on. Also paused on A Plague Tale for now.
I wrapped up Prey Mooncrash last weekend. I had such a blast, I absolutely loved it. I actually started Dishonored and got far, I think it's finally clicking for me.
BUT. Deathloop and Hardspace Shipbreaker came out. I am absolutely obsessed with both for different reasons, and they are both very much my kind of games.
Monster Boy on ps4. That haunted house is tough.
Pokemon leaf green on gba or donkey kong country 4 on 3ds next
Yeah, it's Deathloop for me! Had really been looking forward to it, but have mixed feelings so far... I loved the Dishonored games, and I'm enjoying the level design of Deathloop and spotting all the changes between times of day etc., but inevitably I end up taking out all the goons and then just wandering around trying to find residuum to build up a little stash of permanent trinkets. Got a couple special weapons so far, but not any slabs, so once I get one or two of those I'm sure it'll become a lot more interesting, although I wish there was a bit more to distinguish the slabs from the powers in Dishonored.
The shooting mechanics are pretty fun for the most part, although the AI is a bit too easy to exploit at longe range (maybe a holdover from Dishonored having mostly short to medium range combat?).
Still feeling compelled to go back to playing it each day though, just haven't quite got into the flow of it just yet.
Tomorrow will be a whole other story though, as it's my nephew's birthday, so I'm excited to spend some more time exploring GamePass with him... who knows where we'll end up!
Going old school playing cnc kanes wrath on backwards compatible.Got stuck on spellforce 3 reforged. May jump back into weird west.
Still haven't finished Origins, so there's that. I do want to try Beacon Pines as my affinity short, simple games is growing as a busy adult.
On my Xbox it's Ni no kuni. Since it came to gamepass last week I had to give it a try. That studio Ghibly art style is amazing. The game itself is also pretty relaxing, you catch familiars and have them fight for you. Makes me think of Pokémon but never played that before hehe. But yeah charming and enjoyable jrpg. Might also start deathloop since I'm playing 2 jrpg atm and need something for a change next to it.
On my ps5 I already finished last stop this weekend and just started Atelier Ryza. My first ever Atelier game. This one is supposed to be the most beginner friendly and easiest to get into so let's see.
@Dusk_Actual unless there’s more than one choice I had little difficult choosing, given past revelations in the game.
@Odium fair enough. I let Del go.
Soul Hackers 2 and past the main Soul Matrix floors. Now I’m trying to fill out my compendium.
@Dusk_Actual I did too, I wasn’t the biggest fan of JD to begin with, then that revelation hit. I didn’t even hesitate when I had to make that decision.
Death Loop and As Dusk Falls on the Series S. Love the story in A.D.F.
On the Switch I've just started Disco Elysium. Only heard about it a week ago and really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this one. Cool so far.
Tinykin and Grid legends on game pass for me. I have downloaded Deathloop, but haven’t started it yet.
I’m also playing Splatoon 3 and I’m loving it.
As I love Tinykin. It’s a great little platformer.
MW2 Beta, Beacon Pines, and some GRID Legends for me.
MW2 beta for me as well as some more arcade paradise.
Been playing cyberpunk all weekend hoping to get it finished soon but there's so much to do. Also played a bit of the mw2 beta it's surprisingly good been enjoying it a lot more than vanguard.
@Auglicious you can definitely wrap Beacon Pines up in an afternoon.
@Dusk_Actual that's the plan!
Finish Mafia I Definitive Edition, it was good to remember Mafia I and that racing mission, i tried Deathloop but not the game im looking for right now. So i start Hardspace Shipbreaker and i like a lot i think its gonna be the game for the next busy weeks with work. Just finish my work and at night work in some space ships, im really enjoy the game, but it will be amazing if sometimes they bring the millennium falcon to the game 😅
Re3 and cult of the lamb
Diablo 2 with a barbarian.slime ranch 2
Late to this thread , but I've been enjoying some horizon 4 again. Haven't even started 5 as by the time I get my fulfilment with the 4th instalment , I'm hoping all dlc is out and can buy a full premium package. Well worth the money .
Oh , and the Mrs is playing captain toad treasure tracker (excellent game )
@Deemo37 it is good isn't it . I do love having a switch to go back to and take a break from the Xbox . Enjoy the splatfest
@Lavalera @Lavalera what did you think of last stop and which was your favourite story of the three before they all interwined? I kind of liked the one with the switching bodies. Not a bad game of that genre .
@kailun The John & Jack story was indeed my favorite one . Even though jack wasn't the nicest guy in the start, seeing him change so much was what made it the best. I liked the Meena story the least, i don't like cheating people so kinda didn't like her as a personality.
Over all it was a pretty enjoyable game, just the last chapter went a bit over board.
@Lavalera I agree with the ending . I'm sure they could have connected things a bit better without a portal to another dimension. Glad it was a gamepass game as I would have brushed past this otherwise. Have a good one
Yeah it's Deathloop
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