Welcome to the weekend! There's plenty to check out on Xbox over the next few days, including some major new releases this week, a bunch of Xbox Game Pass additions, and four fantastic Free Play Days titles. Also, don't forget that the massive Xbox Shocktober Sale is still ongoing, and you haven't got long left to take advantage!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, Editor
There's one game I'm definitely planning to play this weekend, and that's The Forgotten City. If you haven't heard of it, it's a highly rated Xbox Game Pass title based on an old Skyrim mod, but sadly it's leaving Game Pass on October 31st. The good news is that it doesn't take long to complete, so that's my mission this weekend!
Also, is it bad that I've already given up on NHL 23 and gone back to my long-running Franchise Mode in NHL 20 instead? This year's game really hasn't grabbed me in the way I'd hoped, and ultimately the series just feels like it's gone stale. I'm still enjoying my Franchise in NHL 20 at least, especially as I'm competing for the cup right now!
Have a great weekend, everyone.
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 31
On PS5 i will yet again be playing Atelier Sophie 2, and I will also be playing Plague Tale Requiem, started it yesterday and three chapters in so far and it's been really good. I just hate the forced stealth sections.
On switch I've recieved my copy of Bayonetta 3 but I am putting it to one side for now as I want to complete Xenoblade chronicles 3 and Mario and Rabbids sparks of hope first, just spent around 15 hours exploring the Erythea sea and omg is that place huge, I don't think I've ever played a jrpg with maps that big altogether.
On seires S I've recently completed Beacon Pines and I've just bought some more games so I can unsubscribe to gamepass for a few months, so I will playing Chernobylite and Alan Wake Remastered
Still playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I'm close to the Platinum (PS4), but I've also been playing a little of The Evil Within and Lost in Random from Game Pass. I should continue A Plague Tale: Requiem too, but I found the stealth more difficult than in the first one.
This weekend I have the house to myself while my fiancé is out of town. I officially finished my first playthrough of A Plague Tale: Requiem on Xbox Series X. So far, it’s my game of the year. We will see how that stands once God of War Ragnarok releases.
The story is amazing, and all of the emotional beats have hit me significantly. This is even more poignant by the incredible performance from Charlotte McBurney. Speaking of emotional - holy hell, Chapter 12 was absolutely gut wrenching, terrifying, and downright shocking. I won’t give away any spoilers, but it is an experience that video games rarely ever tread.
With that said, the game isn’t without its faults. For me, I found the stealth mechanics rather poorly optimized. This was made all the more irritating due to outdated level design and invisible walls. Moreover, a lack of resources would sometimes prevent me from exploring more of the open areas thoroughly due to an abundance of enemies. Regardless of those complaints, I find this game to be utterly essential.
Other than that, I’ll probably be playing RE: Village’s Shadow of Rose DLC. I’m hearing it’s a rather short experience which will be perfect for the weekend.
I’m also going to start up Signalis via Xbox Game Pass. This game looks to be right up my alley, and all of the rave reviews has me even more excited. These handful of games should keep me busy for the spooky season this weekend.
Shadows of Rose, if I’m lucky enough to have gaming time. Outside that, I’d really like to plunge further into a Plague Tale Requiem and start Signalis, which looks fantastic. I’ve been telling myself all month to start Beacon Pines too though… If I have time, if I have time…
Currently playing through the entire Devil May Cry series and right now I'm on the 3rd game.
Finally started Requiem, thank you game pass. Im still really early so the jury is out, but its very pretty!
Im also still doing my tour of forza games, and having finished Forza Horizon 1 last week, im now stuck into FH2, which is a great game.
On ps5 im actually playing 'The medium' as i missed playing it on gp. Its pretty good!
Whatever and where ever you are playing, I hope you have fun this weekend.
I finished the Modern Warfare 2 campaign yesterday, and was very impressed. The mission Alone was standout for me.
Now, having replayed A Plague Tale Innocence last week, I'm moving on to its sequel Requiem. I've only just started it, but already the quality of the graphics can be seen to have improved. Not quite sure I like the way they have changed how you use equipment just yet, but I'm sure there's a reason they have done so, and I'll probably get used to it eventually. In the meantime, I can see me loading the wrong items into the sling on a pretty frequent basis to begin with...
Gears of War Ultimate Edition on PC Game Pass.
I owned the original on Xbox 360 but never finished the campaign. I’m terrible at first person shooters on controller so I just couldn’t stick to it. I’m really enjoying the game so far. Especially with the updated visuals and playing at 120fps is great on a 2K monitor is great.
I finished Plague Tale: Requiem a couple of days ago. Needless to say, I cried my eyes out when I finally reached the end. I won't spoil anything, but I never expected them to do that. I'm going to rate it as a 9 out of 10. Sure, some stealth sections were a bit annoying, but remember that this isn't COD where you can just shoot and kill everyone with ease.
Anyways, I'll play some Heroes vs Villains in Battlefront II.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Will be playing A Plague Tale: Requiem on Series X, Resident Evil 5 on PS4 and AI: The Somnium Files on Switch. Fitting games for the Halloween weekend!
Plague Tale Requiem to probably finish this weekend. Soma a few hours in. I brought the RE Winters Expansion so will replay the game in 3rd person and tackle the DLC. Also got my eye on Inscryption and Cult Of The Lamb on sale
Call of Duty modernwarfare 2.
Man having a blast with that game.
My favorite game for now, will enjoy this game for a long time.
Well, I suppose it's good to know I'm not alone in finding the equipment selection procedure mildly annoying, @Dr_Luigi. However, now I have some trepidation at the thought of mis-selecting the equipment I need come the boss fights! Thanks for that...!
@Dr_Luigi I know, right?! The way she came to terms with what she needed to do... Lord have mercy, I was bawling lmao 🤣
I had hope, but I guess reality set in at some point. Also, that teaser....
Mario Kart 64 (N64) - Playing the ghost courses for Halloween.
World At Arms (Windows Phone) - Back to this for the time being.
Temple Run 2 (Windows Phone) - Playing one last time before I delete it forever.
Disney Dreamlight Valley and King of Fighters 15 for the Series X. Bayonetta 3 on the Switch.
I been playing Persona 5. Got the Leblanc background music earwormed bad.
Also occasionally hopping into arc (man I love quick resume) and trying to figure out how the hell to progress on that game without watching a guide… not sound much of said progress…
Attempted to also juggle in Requiem but it’s extremely jarring to switch from a 60fps game to a 40fps one back and forth, so had to drop it. I’ll either have to wait for a performance mode down the line, or drop everything else to only play that game, and THAT is not happening for a while because P5 will take me more than a month to beat, very likely.
@Dr_Luigi seems to work wonderfully so long there are no persistent online connection features in the game.
UBisoft games tend to be overzealous with their connection for something that is not even multiplayer, but most single player games work smoothly. Hell even UBisoft games are fine if you can live without taking the daily quest stuff that requires the connection.
But yea quick resume is the biggest reason why I prefer to play any multi-plat game on Xbox. The switch gives me portability and the PS5 gives me…. Exclusives?
Nier automata, Resident Evil Revelations and P5R on series S.
I have to echo the praise for quick resume. There have been plenty of times where I've had to play 45 minutes past what I wanted to on PS4 just to hit a save point for P5R. It'll work for nier automata too, which makes me happy.
I'm also eyeing Trails of Cold Steel on the PS4 November sale.
On my ps5 it's Gotham Knights and Atelier Ryza. Nearing the end of the story in Ryza and after that I'll do the rest for the platinum. Loving the relaxed atmosphere in it. Was my first ever Atelier game and it tastes like modem. Gotham Knights is an entertain able game, nothing groundbreaking but not as bad as some people make it out to be.
On my Xbox I started Persona 5 on gamepass. My first ever Atlus game and I can say I'm blown away by the start. Such and amazing game with a stellar soundtrack. Gives me Like a Dragon vibes somehow. I also decided to buy Star Ocean the Divine Force. Which feels a lot like Tales of Arise in a lot if ways. Not very far in yet, but the combat is great and the traversal system in the game with the dumas is actually great. With it you can basically dash through the world making traversal a lot easier.
Been playing full race senario on f1 22 trying to catch up before season ends on series x
Currently on race 13 so another 7 to go to reach Mexico.
Been spending time on series s playing maneater. Nearly at Elder level
@BBB not that far in yet. I basically just opened the free roaming and now on the quest for Kamoahida treasure. I'm used to slow starts in jrpg so it doesn't bother me, I'm actually liking the start already. The game does a great job in explaining stuff and the soundtrack is amazing. So if the rest gets even better I'm even more hyped to play the rest.
Played through Backbone (as it's leaving gamepass on 31/10. Loved the art style, the game itself was ok.
Now playing art of rally, again, ok game, love the art style.
Happy gaming everyone!
Did Alan Wake American Nightmare before it leaves gamepass!
Castlevania SotN (Series X) It's that time of year again. I decided to do my yearly playthrough of SotN to coincide with Halloween this year.
Forza Horizon 3 (Series X) Been in the mood for a FH game so I figure it was time to go back to this one and finish a few loose ends.
TMNT 3 Radical Rescue (Switch) An interesting Metroidvania type of game. I never played it during the Gameboy days but I am enjoying it now.
Just completed Kentucky Route Zero, mixed feelings about it to be honest. Need to think of what to play now, might give Scorn a try or Beacon pines, not sure Octopath Traveler is also there...
Modern Warfare 2 on Series X, RE Village Shadows of Rose DLC on PS5, and I also really would like to play Signalis on GP, either on Series X or my PC. I may try out RE:Verse too. Trying to get in as much different stuff as possible before God of War Ragnarok takes over my gaming life. I also have hopping in on a new Persona 5 Royale Series X run even though I've beat it on PS4, I really wanted to see it at 60 FPS & just see what extra content made it in, it's already sucked 10 hrs out of my life this week, but it's one of the best games ever made so no complaints.
Not much so far but downloaded and started playing Plague Tale Requiem on the Series S. Probably game of the year so far for me and it sure is pretty.
Played through the Forgotten City and wow, it's one of the best games I've played in 35 years and well worth putting on hold my crowded backlog for. The writing is absolutely fantastic, the story riveting and the ending I got was both rewarding and heartbreaking at the same time. I'm going back to Deathloop and a Forbidden West followed by A Plague Tale Requiem but I doubt these will come close the overall satisfaction I felt with The Forgotten City. Best game I've played through since Disco Elysium. What a gem!
Gonna start up Easy Come Easy Golf on my Switch
Might I suggest for your xbox enjoyment this weekend, the most amazing thing that has happened to your gamer score since.. ever. For over 2 years I have been ending on either a 1 or a 6 all thanks to Doom Eternal and some rando achv that gave me 1 darn point.
But if you're like me don't despair! Now there is HOPE! I give you GUNFIRE REBORN! It will fix all your awkward gamer scores guaranteed. It has all sorts of random achievements with odd numbers and you will for sure be able to fix those tricky scores.
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