Yesterday's news of a fresh release window for GTA 6 has once again brought Rockstar's upcoming epic back to the forefront of our minds, with publisher Take-Two now full steam ahead towards a fall 2025 launch.

While that might seem like ages and ages away right now, we're sure the time will fly - especially once 2024's big launches come around and we get a few more early looks at the next Grand Theft Auto along the way. The question is, how hyped are you to play GTA 6 after just the one trailer so far?

For some reason, that confirmation of a release window has gotten us more excited about it. Just '2025' felt so vague that we almost didn't believe it, but now that the team seems to have a stronger idea about when the game will launch, we're in on the hype - and a couple of fresh trailer viewings have us very excited about it right now.

As we talked about right after 'Trailer 1' landed, this could be an absolute treat from a technical perspective. The next 18 months in gaming haven't really been mapped out yet, but we still can't see anything getting close to GTA 6, and that's based off just a minute-or-so of footage. Honestly, this looks so impressive - and a return to Vice City is only adding to the hype as well!

But anyway, how are you folks feeling about GTA 6 after the first trailer and a fresh release window? Is the hype building or are you still waiting to see more of the game in action? Comment down below and let us know!