By now, we're sure you're well aware of how GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition is being perceived by gamers across the web, and the truth is that we probably don't feel quite as negatively about it as the vocal crowd does. Then again, we can also understand why it's suffering such a poor reception right now. On the one hand, it seems like many of us collectively got our hopes up too high for it. On the other, this undoubtedly feels like a messy, rushed release.
Full disclosure, we haven't had enough time to really put a full review together for the Trilogy yet. We only received access to it on release day, and considering the size of these games and how the 20th anniversary of Xbox is taking priority for us right now, we'd much rather wait until we've had ample time with all three titles to give it a 'definitive' review score - it's only fair. We've been able to play a good few hours of each game on Xbox Series X so far though, so feel perfectly qualified to give some early impressions.
Let's start with the good stuff, eh? First things first, the visuals. Yes, the new graphical style for the Trilogy has come in for a lot of scrutiny over the past few days, but for the most part, we're actually fans of it. In particular, the environments in each game are impressively detailed - a massive improvement on the original games. The main characters might look a little strange and cartoony at first glance, but they definitely still have a familiar and retro-style charm to them. Admittedly, some of the side-characters haven't received the same treatment and are dressed up like a dog's dinner at times, but overall we're generally pleased with the new art style in this remastered package.

Another positive relates to some of the quality-of-life improvements that Grove Street Games has implemented in these three titles. The ability to set waypoints was a much-needed addition that seems obvious by today's standards, and is now available across all three games. You also get the GTA V weapon-wheel system which allows you to slow down time while you pick a new weapon (or radio station), and again this is a nice new feature that works really well in GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas. There aren't any ground-breaking additions or anything, so you have to set your expectations accordingly, but they do at least help to modernise these aging titles a little more for the 2021 crowd.
And as for the games themselves? They're still great fun, albeit understandably dated. The stories aren't as strong as the likes of GTA IV or GTA V, the missions are less elaborate and the maps are understandably much smaller in GTA 3 and Vice City, but if you enjoyed them back in the day, we still think you're going to get a kick out of them now. San Andreas is the clear highlight of the three games in our view, with Vice City not too far behind in second place.
But here's the kicker. As great as these games still are to play, they're riddled with a fairly large array of issues at launch. Take the brightness, for example - apparent issues with HDR mean that the games appear far too dark at times, and so you need to turn the contrast all the way to the left (and brightness to the right) just so you can see what's going on. And don't get us started on the rain, which is an absolute eye-sore and near-impossible to drive through in certain lighting. You've probably seen viral clips of this online, and it really does look that bad at its worst.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Even though we've only spent a few hours with each game, we've run into issues with CJ getting stuck inside of a wall, cars becoming strangely magnetised to our vehicle and ramming it until everything explodes (even if we got out of it), radio stations cutting off for no reason, audio clips ending before they should during cutscenes, missions failing to trigger when stepping into the marker, and a few apparent lighting and graphical bugs at times - although these are quite minor. None of these have been consistently game-breaking for us or ruined our fun for too long, but they're an obvious indication that these remasters needed extra polish prior to launch.
Performance-wise, we've been lucky. Playing on an Xbox Series X with the benefit of VRR support via HDMI 2.1, it's a pretty smooth experience. Fidelity Mode (aka, the default) seems less stable than Performance Mode, yet the visual difference between the two appears quite minimal to the untrained eye. The latter supports a framerate of up to 60 frames per-second, and while it evidently doesn't always hit a consistent 60fps even with VRR enabled, we've been perfectly happy with it so far. That said, your mileage will vary depending on the console you're playing on (and whether your display supports VRR), and we've seen plenty of reports of "laggy" experiences across multiple platforms.
We're going to need some more time with all three games to reach a 'definitive' verdict, but in all honesty, our opinion probably isn't going to change too much. GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition is still a fun way to play these three classic GTA games with a welcome HD glow-up, but it also feels like it needed more time in the oven. The biggest issue right now is that the bundle requires a few patches in order to justify its £54.99 / $59.99 price tag, so maybe stick with GTA: San Andreas on Xbox Game Pass for now, and hopefully it'll be fixed up properly in a few months' time.
What are your thoughts on the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition so far? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 13
I hope they get some significant updates! Hate to see them get anything less than they deserve.
It’s inexcusable that this has been so poor. The graphics in these games was far from state of the art on release. I can remember these games launching and even then the graphics were underwhelming to say the least. The fact that all these years later they’re re released in such a poor state by what I’d imagine is probably one of the most wealthy/successful developers of all time. I mean, seriously? They’re taking the absolute p*ss.
It’s so depressing. Not so much just this release but games in general these days are so often sub standard on release.
Definitely just sticking with SA on Gamepass until they patch this all up and put the trilogy on sale. I was going to get this on the Switch but with that version being so bad I just cancelled those plans.
@MrMonkus Yeah sadly that's a development that was ushered in during the PS4/One generation when game patches went from an optional minor thing to a major part of how we get and play our games. Now a days lots of games seem to get rushed to market as developers rely upon patching to eventually complete the games at a later date. Cyberpunk was probably the most notorious example of that until this definitive trilogy came along.
Should have left them in the past when they were something special and got on with full workforce making new game.
I am not at all confident in GTA 6 at this point. This is very sad as GTA V (on release) was one of my favorite games ever.
They do not justify the price tag. Its a minimal update asking for a maximum price. Its actually disgusting how they hid gameplay and had a long review embargo until release day. Still people will defend, buy it and loop will continue. This is just what the gaming industry and community has become.
@JayJ that's agile software development for you, unfortunately not just in the games industry but everywhere else! It's nice for software crashes / bugs not definitely not a good business practice tp launch things not passing even basic quality assurance testing
I'm enjoying San Andreas, didn't play very much the first time around, but now I've got the time.
Yes it doesn't look great but it's a fun game and I love the radio DJs
Its like an ex girlfriend, dont go back leave it in the past.
Playing on my Series X, I honestly haven't seen any "gameplay" bugs yet. A few graphical hiccups, but that's all. Really enjoying it. That said, for those who ARE experiencing bugs, I hope it gets patched up soon.
Thanks for the review Fraser. Largely matches my experience with the game so far. It’s certainly not the best port and needs patches, but neither is it the dumpster fire many are making out.
At its core it’s still old school GTA and a lot of fun.
Although many of these bugs existed in the originals e.g. “we've run into issues with CJ getting stuck inside of a wall, cars becoming strangely magnetised to our vehicle and ramming it until everything explodes” all sound like usual GTA janky mayhem, helicopters falling out of the sky, cars knocking over lamp posts etc.
@themightyant My thoughts exactly. It's far from the gold standard of remasters, but I can't help but feel much of the criticism is the internet's usual melodramatic overreaction.
Regardless, I'm having a fun time with it so far, warts and all (be they new or carry-overs, as you mention). The nostalgia is obviously a key factor in my personal enjoyment, of course, and I think many will be in the same boat. Those who like it already know they will.
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