Author Profile

Ben is a News Writer at Pure Xbox, and is a fan of action, racing and straight-up shootin' in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he's not clutching an Xbox controller like his life depends on it, Ben spends his time listening to music that's far too old for him, watching football on the telly and probably eating somewhere.

I've been into video games ever since they provided me with an effective escape from the real world - since about the age of 5 really. Back then, it was all about racing for me, a genre I've stuck with ever since.

In my late teens I became more and more fascinated with how games are made and the talented folks behind all of that work, so I started nipping down to my local corner shop and grabbing a copy of '360 Gamer' whenever I could afford it.

A few years later, I decided to embark on a career covering games by learning all about the industry at university. The rest, as they say, is history.


Ben joined Pure Xbox as a Staff Writer in 2022. Prior to this he worked as a freelance writer for a variety of outlets, including Eurogamer.

As a Staff Writer at Pure Xbox Ben’s covers everything from news to reviews, features and guides. Although he has a bit of a soft spot for the first two!

My focus is largely on news and reviews - they interest me the most. News is a constant, and it always scratches that itch about learning more about game developers and everything going on behind the scenes. Reviews also allow me to dig deeper into the games I really enjoy - and some I don’t quite as much. If it’s got racing or shooting in it, I’ll likely have something to say about it!


  • 2022: Joins Pure Xbox as Staff Writer

Qualifications & Awards

  • Games Journalism & PR Degree, Staffordshire University


Ben’s first console was the PlayStation 1. Since then he’s owned every PlayStation and Xbox console, along with a variety of Nintendo systems including the Game Boy, DS, Switch, GameCube, Wii and Wii U.

His favourite Xbox console of all time is the Xbox 360. For Ben, it solidified Xbox as an important platform in the industry, and he has plenty of great memories of its games library - not to mention the brilliance of Xbox Live.

My favourite genre is racing. It’s where I started out in gaming, and although I’ve branched out to enjoy many different genres these days, racing is my go-to. I think I like the fact that racing games are always easy to pick up and play, whatever mood you’re in!

Ben’s Favourite Games

From the Archive

We asked Ben to pick out his three favourite pieces of work from across his personal archive, and tell us why he picked them!

Forza Motorsport Review

I'll start with my Forza Motorsport review and its accompanying guides. It was the first time at Pure Xbox that I'd taken a good chunk of time to just sit down with a game and really learn it - and for a major Xbox IP to boot.

Reaction: Xbox's Push Towards 'Microsoft Gaming' Looks More Drastic Than We First Thought

Next, probably a timely feature I put together earlier this year surrounding all the Xbox controversy that's been going on in 2024. I think it provided a different take to what else was out there at the time. It seemed to resonate with other staff members as well as our audience on Pure Xbox.

Interview: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits - Blending Eastern And Western Themes In A New Xbox Adventure

Lastly, probably some of the interviews I've done since starting here at Pure Xbox. It's a bit of a hurdle to get out there and talk to other industry folks, so I'm proud to have got a couple of these under my belt - with more to come!

4,332 (40 reviews)
First Article
Mon 10th, January 2022
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