Bethesda Announces Plans For The Final Redfall Update On Xbox & PC

Redfall isn't dead yet! It's been announced today by Bethesda that the Xbox first-party title will receive one final update before Arkane Austin closes down, and it'll include some important features such as an Offline Mode.

The news was announced on social media earlier this afternoon - here's a look:

As you're probably aware, it was revealed back on May 7th that Microsoft was closing a number of studios including Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks, with the former being the lead development team behind Redfall's 2023 release.

At the very least, it's great to see that the Offline Mode will allow the game to live on, and we're looking forward to the rest of the new features as well. Redfall definitely still has its fans, and hopefully that'll continue well into the future.

Looking forward to this final Redfall update? Let us know down in the comments section below.