Xbox's New Board Game Looks Awesome, But It's Only Playable Online

Sorry to be a downer, but why does it feel like all of Xbox's coolest creations are never available to buy?!

Take this, for example. It's an Xbox Game Pass version of the classic board game "Guess Who?", and as you can see from the photo above (and below), it's a really cool take on the formula that works perfectly with the XGP library.

We'd buy this in a heartbeat, but unfortunately that's not an option. Instead, it's limited to an online game which admittedly still gets the job done, but it's obviously not as interesting. You can play it right now on the Xbox website.

Random: Xbox's New Board Game Looks Awesome, But It's Only Playable Online 1

It's great to see Xbox coming up with awesome ideas like this, but it's impossible not to feel a bit short-changed when cool things are waved in your face and then you're told you can't have them. Shut up and take our money, Microsoft!

What do you make of this? Let us know down in the comments section below.

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