Starfield's New Xbox Update Is Getting Fantastic Feedback So Far

One of the biggest releases of this week was the massive Starfield update for Xbox Series X and Series S (along with PC), and the good news is that overall, most players seem to be really impressed with what Bethesda has delivered.

In particular, we're seeing a lot of praise for the ability to customise gameplay in a variety of ways following the new update, with all sorts of weird and wacky combinations being cooked up by the Starfield community.

Of course, another big part of this update is the ability to access Starfield at 60FPS on Xbox Series X (along with a few other FPS options for VRR displays), and despite a few occasional hiccups, this seems to be going down well, too.

There's plenty of other great stuff to dig into in this Starfield update, so don't forget to check out the full patch notes if you're interested, and we're keen to hear your thoughts about it down in the comments section below.

What Do You Think Of The New Starfield Update So Far? (592 votes)

  1. It's fantastic, I'm loving it!49%
  2. It's pretty good, I like the new features28%
  3. It's alright, not bad6%
  4. I don't hate it, but it's not exciting to me either13%
  5. Sorry, I think it's terrible!4%

How are you getting on with the new Starfield update on Xbox? Come and tell us!