During last year's Gamescom convention, the folks at Tripwire Interactive announced Killing Floor 3; the next entry in the studio's 15-year-old zombie FPS series. We've not really heard much about it since, but the team returns today with a chunky dev diary looking back at the history of the franchise - while also teasing more of its upcoming sequel.

We've thrown the 5-minute ViDoc up above, which is well worth a watch if you're a big Killing Floor fan - or if you're just mildly curious about the third entry for Xbox Series X|S. There's not loads of new footage in here, but the team does talk about its overall goals with KF3 and what it's learnt from developing the series so far.

"The Killing Floor franchise is officially 15 years old! Join the Tripwire development team as they recount the steps they took to grow Killing Floor from a highly-addictive Unreal mod into the zed-slaying cooperative shooter franchise it is today. Then take a sneak peek at what's to come for Killing Floor 3!"

We don't have a launch date for Killing Floor 3 just yet, but we can't imagine it's too far off now. The second game has been out for eight years on PC at this point - and it's actually at an all-time-low discount right now on Xbox alongside its inclusion in Free Play Days. Seriously, can you go wrong with this much zombie slaying for just over £1?!

Excited for Killing Floor 3, then? Tell us how much you've enjoyed the series do far down in the comments.