Pick One: Which Was Your Favourite Big Exclusive From Year-Two Of Xbox One?

Somehow it's been a whole decade since we were all settling in with our Xbox One consoles! Yep, this time 10 years ago, we were becoming well-accustomed to Xbox One. The year after a big console launch is always a tough one, but we thought Microsoft handled year-two of the Xbox One's lifespan very well indeed.

As we roll around to 2024, we've started to look back at how Xbox was faring 10 years ago. We have the Developer Direct on the horizon and that will surely bring great news on Xbox's 2024 lineup, but we reckon they'll have a tough time beating 2014!

Looking back, this was one of the very best years of Xbox One. Titanfall dropped in Q1 2014 to deliver one of the best multiplayer experiences of the generation, Playground Games really started to hit its stride with the fantastic Forza Horizon 2, oh, and Sunset Overdrive came out that fall. What a time to be an Xbox fan!

There were a couple of other big releases that year too, including Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Project Spark, so all-in-all it was just a great time to be playing on Xbox. After a pretty stellar launch lineup, the Xbox One generation got off to a great start - PR fumbles aside.

The question is, which big Xbox exclusive from that year did you like best? We're going to skip some of the smaller titles in this poll like LocoCycle, D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die and Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, but talking strictly AAA titles, which of these exclusives did you enjoy most?

Vote in the poll down below and pick your favourite!

Which Of These 2014 Xbox One Games Is Your Favourite? (609 votes)

  1. Titanfall21%
  2. Kinect Sports Rivals1%
  3. Forza Horizon 216%
  4. Project Spark  1%
  5. Sunset Overdrive35%
  6. Halo: The Master Chief Collection26%