Tag: Next Xbox
Talking Point Will Microsoft Fully Reveal Its Next-Gen Xbox This Year?
Or will Xbox stay quiet in 2025
A year ago next month, Microsoft first started talking about its next-gen Xbox - a console that's supposedly going to provide the "largest technical leap" ever seen from generation to generation. The thing is though, we still don't really know what that means, even if Xbox fans have pondered the topic for months now...
Guide Next Xbox Console: Everything We Know So Far About Microsoft's Next-Gen System
Your all-in-one guide to the console AFTER the Series X
With the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S generation now having spanned multiple years, it's time to look ahead to what the next Xbox console will deliver for us, which is expected to arrive at some point in the not too distant future. In this all-in-one guide, you'll find everything we know so...
News Xbox Series X|S Architect Officially Named 'VP Of Next-Generation' At Microsoft
We love it when a plan comes together
2024 has been the year that Microsoft has officially started talking about its next-generation console plans, and we now have some fresh news on who's helping build new hardware for Xbox. Jason Ronald, who was front and centre of designing and introducing Xbox Series X|S, has been named 'VP of Next-Generation'...
News Xbox's Next Console Will Feature The 'Largest Technical Leap Ever' In A Generation
Bold claim!
Today's Xbox business update delivered lots of interesting tidbits on what's coming for the platform - and news on some of the team's next-generation plans is getting us all giddy already. Speaking on the Official Xbox Podcast, Microsoft's Sarah Bond briefly talked about the team's future hardware plans and what we can all expect from
Rumour Kinect 2 Capable of Reading Lips and Emotions
Project Skynet commences
After last week's next Xbox rumours comes another set from Eurogamer, this time focusing on the upgraded Kinect said to come with every machine. Anonymous sources have apparently told Eurogamer Kinect 2 is capable of lip reading, and can detect emotion in the user's voice. Eurogamer also claims the next Kinect can...
Rumour Next Xbox Split in Two Models for Kinect and Core
Which would you choose?
Xbox 360 has been around for six years now, and although regular Dashboard updates and the introduction of Kinect have kept things fresh, eyes are starting to turn towards the next machine in the Xbox line. The latest rumours, from technical wizards Digital Foundry (via Eurogamer), claim that the new machine will come in two...