Image: Valve

Closed beta footage of Valve's new "6v6 4-lane third-person shooter MOBA" has apparently leaked online.

Allegedly codenamed 'Deadlock', this new title is expected to follow in the footsteps of games like Counter-Strike and DOTA, and will supposedly feature more than 19 heroes.

The footage that appears to have leaked online shows a single character walking around an industrial / steampunk-inspired map and also gliding on a suspended rail.

In the footage below, you can also catch a glimpse of the character roster:

Valve fan Tyler McVicker, who has shared information on this same subject recently, claims this new game is meant to be Valve's attempt at bringing all of its community together under one umbrella (via VGC).

While we're on the subject of Valve, there's been a rumour going around about the creator of Steam being bought out by Microsoft.

This particular claim was stamped out fairly quickly earlier this week by multiple sources including The Verge's senior editor Tom Warren - so no, it's not happening!

Valve hasn't made any official announcement about 'Deadlock' just yet, but if we hear any updates, we'll let you know.

What do you make of the above footage? Let us know in the comments.