Yesterday, Bungie dropped its big gameplay trailer for Destiny 2: The Final Shape, marking what is expected to be the game's last major expansion and the end of the D2 era. While it looks like the team will go out with a bang on all-things Destiny 2 with TFS, rumours are starting to swirl about what's next for the franchise.
These rumours stem from a mysterious Reddit user who correctly revealed a bunch of The Final Shape's details around a month ago (thanks, Forbes). During that reveal, they mentioned Destiny 3 as 'Codename Payback' - and have since spoken about the sequel again in a brand-new post made public after their Final Shape leaks came true.
Here's that new post, which divulges more information about Bungie's potential sequel alongside what this codename actually means:
This rumoured information hasn't been confirmed yet, and Destiny 3 has certainly not been announced by Bungie in any official capacity. Having said that, the leaker's information about The Final Shape seemed pretty spot-on, so we'll just have to play the waiting game on Destiny 3.
In the meantime, Destiny 2: The Final Shape comes to Xbox on June 4th, 2024 - and you can check out the team's brand-new trailer for that down below.
Would you like to see Bungie go ahead and make another Destiny game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
[source forbes.com]
Comments 18
Hope it’s good this time and is made in a way new players and older players that haven’t played in a long time (Me) can get back into it and have a feel for it. No missing content and story that makes zero sense.
Destiny has always had amazing gunplay but some of the worst, anti consumer practices I’ve ever seen in gaming. I learnt fast with the first game how ***** a company Bungie are and won’t support them again.
well, I hope this is in Third Person: I would prefer it.
I don't think I'll be all that interested unless there's some shake ups. I'm just not interested on yet more destiny. I think I tapped out of Destiny 2 just before they started vaulting stuff.
Maybe if they did something like Helldivers (not so much the GM thing, though that might be cool) but having the players be taking part in an evolving story. I mean these games are unplayable offline and can and will remove content they might as well embrace that.
I actually just jumped into Destiny 2 with a great deal on all the DLC. I need a tutorial for all the menus, shops, quests, and currency. Holy smokes it needs to be more streamlined
@GhanaViking Yeah, it's crazy. I played most of D1 and launch-era D2 - I just can't get into D2 now it feels so convoluted 😩
I'm probably done with the franchise but best of luck to them.
It needs a restart. As others have said, it’s nearly impossible to get into as a newer player with how convoluted the story has gotten.
I might play destiny again if destiny 3 does not make the brainless decision of ever removing DLC that I paid for.
Soon as heard destiny 2 was pulling DLC out and no longer accessible even though people paid for it. I immediately deleted the game. Never thought about ever playing it again.
As someone who still plays Destiny 2, even I can attest to how bad the onboarding process for new players is. I feel like it's even difficult for me, who is familiar with all of its systems, to adequately explain them fully to new players. A full reset in the form of a Destiny 3 wouldn't be the worst idea.
@GuyinPA75 Same here. I destroyed my Destiny 2 disc when they started vaulting content. I did decide to keep my Destiny 1 disc because that one is alright.
Is its code name "payback" because it's gonna be free to play to payback everyone for being ripped off? What they did was straight up theft. They should've given a new DLC for free for every one of them they removed to the people who were affected.
As someone who was avidly into raiding with my clan, I feel like that issue is more about end game. They need to provide experiences for the single players that are more than what is there. I get the incredibly satisfying feeling of raiding with a team of people you know, but the level grind was just too outrageous. But Bungie knows their user base and they make the process addicting as a gambling simulator with pretty skins. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but I also see it for what it really is. The cost of cosmetics has gotten pretty outrageous too.
Guess my interest in Bungie will remain at absolute zero.
What’s only for PlayStation? This game will be multi-platform.
@Fenbops The endless chorus of ' Its Activision that are doing this not Bungie, you'll see once they break from Activision........"
I was an avid player of Destiny all the way back to the beta. If it follows the same format as D2, it would be a hard no for me. I'm resigned to getting the last DLC to finish the story, but I'm done after that.
@Savage_Joe stellar blade is a sony created IP outsourced to a third party, just like bloodbourne, demon’s souls, heavy rain, detroid become human, beyond two souls, rise of ronin, ratchet & clank pre purchasing insomniac and death stranding.
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