Xbox Unveils Custom SpongeBob Series X, And You Can Actually Buy It

Over two years ago Xbox unveiled a custom SpongeBob SquarePants themed Series X console as part of a giveaway, and today the team has announced that a very similar console is actually going into limited production in the US.

Yep, Team Green has partnered up with US retailer Best Buy to start selling some SpongeBob consoles - this time created to tie in with Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. Here's a look at the finished article, all boxed up and ready to ship:

Xbox Unveils Custom SpongeBob Series X, And You Can Actually Buy It 1

As you can see in the image there, this console will be available exclusively as part of 'Best Buy Drops', a Best Buy mobile app feature that notifies customers when items become available. This Xbox console will be added to Drops at 8am PT / 11am ET on Thursday, March 7, and it'll "only be obtainable while inventory remains".

"Through Best Buy Drops on the Best Buy Mobile App, fans will have the exclusive opportunity bring home an Xbox Series X – Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 Special Edition Bundle which includes a custom-designed console inspired by SpongeBob SquarePants himself, showing off his iconic smile, Krusty Krab uniform, and ecstatic arms."

Now, there's a few other details you might want to know here. First off, the bundle also contains a themed controller and a copy of All-Star Brawl 2, and one other thing - it'll cost you $699. Yep, this isn't a cheap custom console bundle, but at least it's available to purchase in some capacity!

Thinking you might get on Best Buy Drops and try and pick one of these up? We'd imagine it'll become quite rare over time!
