SEGA Is Teasing A Major Reveal For The Game Awards 2023

The Game Awards may well be an award show in name, but we all know that December's gaming extravaganza is more about the big reveals than anything else. While we don't know many specifics about the 2023 edition heading into it, we're bound to start hearing about things soon - and SEGA is one of the teams starting to tease a major TGA announcement.

Bouncing around social media as of late are these The Game Awards 'invites' from SEGA. They appear to be going out to fighting game fanatics and influencers - with a reminder to "tune in on December 7th" for some sort of reveal.

Fans are beginning to speculate that this could be related to SEGA's Virtua Fighter series. The company's classic fighter has been dormant for some time, with its latest mainline release in Virtua Fighter 5 starting out life on console as a 2007 Xbox 360 era title. It isn't confirmed to be another VF game yet, but the signs are pointing towards some sort of fighting game reveal.

Whatever this turns out to be, SEGA is hoping to bring a "New Era" and "New Energy" to The Game Awards 2023. This year's show goes ahead on December 7th at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET, and 12:30am GMT the following morning.

Excited for TGA 2023? Tell us what SEGA reveal you'd like to see down below!