It's The UK's Turn! Xbox Series X Reduced By Over £100 For Christmas 2023

A couple of days ago, we highlighted some of the special Xbox Series X (and Series S) deals that Microsoft had unveiled in the US, and now we're also spotting the same thing here in the UK - including on the official Xbox Store.

The gist of it is that Microsoft has discounted the Xbox Series X down to £369.99, although you might find it a little cheaper at places such as Amazon. The Certified Refurbished model is also slightly less at £329.99.

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If it's the Xbox Series S you're more interested in, the Starter Bundle is also down to just £209.99:

As mentioned, there's a chance you could find deals even better than these if you shop around over the next few days, so keep an eye on your favourite retailers to see if they're providing any greater discounts. We saw this happen in the US earlier this week, with the likes of Walmart and Target offering lower prices than Microsoft.

If you do end up taking advantage of any of these deals, please let us know down in the comments below!

Interested in a Series X or Series S this Christmas? Buying one for someone else? Tell us!