Remember Arma Reforger? Bohemia's MilSim FPS came to Xbox Game Preview last year - in fact, we had a good go with its early access version back in May 2022. The game's had a number of updates since, but now — seemingly out of nowhere — the team has unleashed the full 1.0 version on Xbox and PC.

Arma Reforger 1.0 adds "helicopters, a revamped supplies system, new assets, optimizations, and more" to the realistic FPS title, which the dev says has added "a whole new dimension to the game".

The actual patch notes list for this new Arma Reforger update is absolutely huge, with the team detailing every single change as part of a new blog post. Here's a link to that newsletter if you'd like to read about all the changes that have landed in Arma Reforger 1.0.

Oh, and one final note - the developer says that this 1.0 release "is by no means the end of the game's development"and it has a whole project roadmap to check out for potential future changes. Arma Reforger 1.0 is here, and it looks like there's plenty more to come from this Xbox FPS in the future!

Interested in trying out Arma Reforger now it's left Xbox Game Preview? Leave your thoughts down below.