In yet another twist in the ongoing Xbox vs. PlayStation ActiBlizz drama (yes, that's definitely its official name now), the UK CMA has revealed Sony's response to the authority's recent "Issues Statement" concerning the acquisition. A lot of what's tucked into this statement has already been heard by now, aside from some juicy new Xbox Game Pass details.
As the PlayStation owner continues to defend its stance on blocking the deal, Sony has dropped some new Xbox Game Pass figures. According to their statement, Microsoft has now gathered 29 million subscribers for the service, up from Xbox's official 25 million number released back in January.
"Game Pass leads PlayStation Plus significantly. Microsoft already has a substantial lead in multi-game subscription services. Game Pass has 29 million subscribers to Xbox Game Pass console and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, and is expected to grow substantially in the future. The multi-game subscription tiers of PlayStation Plus considerably lag [behind]..."
This statement, if wholly accurate, means Xbox Game Pass has gained another four million subscribers in well under a year, which seems pretty good going to us!
Interestingly, Sony's quote also openly admits that the numbers for the new PS Plus Extra and Premium tiers sit "considerably" behind Xbox Game Pass figures, although the PlayStation owner doesn't reveal its own subscriber numbers in this statement.
For now, we just know that Xbox Game Pass continues to grow!
Does this sound like healthy Game Pass growth to you? Let us know down in the comments.
[source assets.publishing.service.gov.uk]
Comments 53
I thought PlayStation Plus has 50 million subscribers or something? Or am I wrong?
Gamepass growth on console has slowed but the opposite is true of PC, so while it’s growing it’s not necessarily in the console space.
How does Sony gets the numbers of his rival company? I'll never understand how bussiness works, haha.
Hey, I've got an idea - drop day one exclusives in the service.
See how offering compelling products makes you competitive?
@Fenbops yeah i though ps+ had 42-44 million subscribers but i suppose thats only their essential tier. Extra and premium are probably alot less
I’m going to be glad when this deal goes through so we will only have to listen to a few more months of whining. I own all three major consoles and don’t really have a dog in this race but good grief am I done with Ryan’s incessant hypocrisy.
@Fenbops @trev666 It seems they're just talking about the new subscription tiers, so Extra and Premium. We've updated the headline accordingly.
Here's the thing about stats; they can be skewed to make your point.
Sony continuing their "woe is me" strategy. Anything to make them look weaker than they really are. Weren't they the ones saying that MS's Game Pass model wasn't a viable strategy for them?
How are they behind when PS Plus has around 50 million subscribers? PS Plus does have more subscribers than Game Pass. Also, how would Sony know how many Game Pass subscribers there are?
Sony are cherry-picking particular issues they have. How this reads to me as is...
"Microsoft managed to make a hugely successful multi-platform game-sharing service with nearly a thousand games available year-round, with the actual game running on actual hardware, while we're using enforced streaming for 80% of a much smaller service. Woe is us."
No, Sony, the CMA and such aren't going to get Microsoft to downsize XBOX Game Pass so you're back being the biggest service around.
If Sony say they're lagging behind then there's an easy answer to that, do the day one releases and put there exclusives onto PS Plus day one then.
side question
wonder how many just xbox live gold members there are compared to just ps+ essential.
Name me one thing both Sony and Microsoft have released where Sony's offering has been cheaper, more user friendly and functional, and has lasted better.
For example, while the Playstation Eye was 'successful', it was less capable than the Kinect, and both of them were relegated to the gimmick bin, and both of them were, at that time, trying to beat the unstoppable Wiimote concept.
Well to be fair when PS+ first launched they were the first to start offering free games through a subscription. Good games too. Microsoft answered back with Games with Gold and at first it was pretty good...but lately it's been pretty useless ever since Game Pass came around.
Plus Playstation was the first to offer a duel analog stick controller layout along with four shoulder buttons which has become the standard for the entire industry.
All of the big three have contributed something to bring the industry to where it is today.
@Lup or indeed why they post a rivals numbers but not their own. Seems very snide from Sony.
Hell, I'll give you that over their console releases up until the PS5. And yes, Playstation Plus was a better draw than GwG, and still is...
If it wasn't for how Sony dropped the ball terribly outside that. Game Pass renders both PS+ and GwG obsolete, and Sony's attempts to defeat it have been lethargic and inadequate.
When Microsoft released the XBOX One S, they began to find a way to cut deeply into Sony's market share, by offering the same games on a budget system, with the System S being the cheapest console in the current generation.
Sony should really invent a time machine and make Playstation Now into a Game Pass style offering, and not leverage streaming first. If they did that, they'd be the one with the unstoppable offering.
@Fenbops PSN essential has that number , but that the equivalent of games with gold.
PSN extra is the game pass equivalent, and without giving real figures this is just hot air!
@Titntin @FraserG Ah got you that makes more sense. 👍🏻
@Snake_V5 They’re also lagging behind when they had PSNOW before Gamepass was a thing right? I wonder if Sony invested as much time and effort into Now as MS have with Gamepass, if they’d be in a better position competitively.
And they lag behind because they don't offer day one first party games.
You can't argue about the competition when you aren't actually offering a comparable service in that regard.
This just exposes the fact that Sony do not really think Microsoft will stop putting COD on PlayStation. Their real issue is they do not want COD games releasing on Game Pass. That is what they see as the real threat to their profits and their mask just slipped. It's laughable for them to pretend they're some kind of consumer champion.
Nintendo meanwhile are just looking at the drama and shaking their heads.
@Lup When it is a cout case, things like this can be subpoenaed to build a case.
That said, I don't remember hearing Sony doing anything like that. And you'd think that would be big news.
"Does this sound like healthy Game Pass growth to you? Let us know down in the comments."
That's most certainly not what people are going to be talking about in the comments, and everyone knows it.
I don’t believe a word lying Ryan said anymore, after the revelation Microsoft offered them a TEN year deal for guaranteeing COD would stay on PlayStation on TOP of the three year deal, and Sony declined it and failed to mention it to the press, or or seems the regulators, I don’t trust a word Sony or the slimey git Ryan says. Personally I’m disgusted, but shouldn’t be, at how the regulators seem to be buying up every word Ryan and Sony states.
Game pass could grow more on Xbox consoles but Microsoft don’t want to advertise and create momentum behind their two consoles.
They seem happy to just let them sit there with no advertising and general public awareness.
Hence the big slow down in Xbox console sales in UK and Europe especially with Black Friday and Christmas coming up.
General public, what’s an Xbox?
But I don’t get it, sell a console you could sell a game pass.
Currently game pass in the console space and general public space has not got any or really big hitting must have games like say a GOWR or BOTW must have.
If Xbox get COD they automatically have that big title.
Though with the amount of studios they have now they should be able to make some of their own and not really need COD.
It is purely a take over bid to grow game pass even more.
@Dezzy70 I was watching YouTube when I was working out last week and I was stunned, there was a 30 second advert for Xbox 🤣
Well there is a surprise.
When I watch main stream UK currently it’s all PS5 was HFW then Fifa23 but now GOWR, then of course those crazy Switch adverts.
It’s like Xbox doesn’t exist in this universe time line advert wise on TV.
Not sure what Xbox are up to really. They are even losing shelf space at some shops now.
I don’t understand why Microsoft don’t just manage their studios, put some hard work in management wise and release some of their own big hitting AAA games.
Then start advertising Xbox actually exists and game pass to general public.
It’s like they not even trying or bothered.
I know I’m daft for stock counting, but in the two years since release of series S and X I have never seen so much stock of these console sitting there unsold in the UK even with the recent Series S price drop. It’s a dam disgrace by Microsoft for Xbox.
Also in the USA if they have shortages as so many say on here, then it is a logistical disaster by Microsoft of stock allocation.
Far too many in the UK and not enough in the USA.
Companies have sacked managers etc for far less, they must have so much money or be so mismanaged or just don’t care.
Unbelievable from a management point and business point of few.
@Dezzy70 I mostly agree with you. It’s a shame as the X is a fine little machine, hopefully 2023 is much better from them. I think no matter what they do though they’re competing with the ‘trendy’ rival that most people buy into without knowing anything about. It’s very hard to crack into that.
The series x is an amazing console the best overall console design wise and features.
As for the general public buying the trendy machine.
Microsoft are not helping them selves with no big AAA games this year and zero advertising.
If Microsoft were trying I could understand but they leaving it all open to the competition to take mass advantages.
Sony and Nintendo must think it’s great, the giant from Redmond is sleeping.
@Dezzy70 no Microsoft can definitely do more. I was shocked at the YouTube advert, i think it’s the first I’ve seen since the launch. Ultimately they need games, not niche games like Pentiment or Scorn (which I enjoy) but big triple A first party games. Then more will buy your console. At the same time I don’t want them to copy Sony and have none stop third person ‘narrative’ driven games.
I agree we know what they need some big must have AAA Games like the Xbox 360 games, some adverts like the Xbox 360 days.
Also they should have got some second party exclusive deals like the Mass effect days and even the Xbox one tomb raider days.
They don’t have to copy Sony from a game format point of few.
At the moment Xbox are all niche games people on here might like and old games on game pass which is cool, but not when that is it, especially if you want the general public on board.
I just don’t get Microsoft currently, they not even showing the big three supposedly releasing before June 2023 Redfall, Forza and Starfield.
Drumming up some new good game footage and some release dates.
Being honest I don’t think they will release before June 2023, only Redfall will.
@Dezzy70 I think Redfall looks awful 🤣 I don’t think that games going to move consoles at all even if it turns out to be good. Forza and Starfield however, they should be big hitters and Xbox needs them next year.
Of course they will say that; they wan't to block the acquisition.
"Substantially" is not a number. Is it 5 million less? Are they comparing just Extra & Premium (which would make sense)? We don't know.
Saying anything other than that would have been quite surprising. Expect more of those.
I think the vampire theme I like about Redfall.
But I think it won’t be one game that shifts consoles, FH5 was great for me and probably helped shift a few consoles in the UK, then again advertising was poor.
They need a few very good AAA and some smart PR advertisement on the Sony and even Nintendo level.
It will be hard for them in the UK and Europe to gain much ground now this generation, they have lost a lot of momentum this year and need a minor miracle to catch that up let alone anymore catch up.
Forza might get some attention and Starfield I’m really not sure about, it hardly shouted next generation look at me and it’s a new IP.
They need the 360 day momentum when they had Halo, Gears and Forza all new and fresh and looking the best there is out there and the same advertising. The general public so wanted Xbox then.
I even had friends go straight out and buy Xbox360 after playing gears at my house, amazing general public momentum.
@Lup This is pure speculation. But didn’t that MLB The Show get released on gamepass day one. That was developed by PlayStation studios. It might be as part of the deal to get it, they have to release those figures to publishers to help entice them. Other than that. No clue.
@LoquaciousB Exactly. Sony's strategy right now is to do everything they can to deny the consumers what is best for them so Sony can have what is best for Sony.
@k3lt0n that's not sustainable without cutting budgets for games aswell as more monetisation , Sony aren't Microsoft they're a wealthy company sure but no where near as wealthy as Microsoft
Ha, that would be a true consumer move, not the Sony we know though + they make way more money not doing it. I do wonder how much the subscriber count would rise if they would do it.
I know some Sony only gamers & they would sign up immediately for day one releases + If the AB goes through, they are planning to buy an extra Xbox Console. Game Pass is really a thing for them even though they like to play with the DS controller in games.
@ValentineMeikin it’s only PS3 games that have to be streamed on PS+, everything else is downloadable. Also PS+ has more games and more gens than Game Pass.
My guess about how Sony got these numbers is that Microsoft had to provide them to regulatory bodies and at least one country made them available to any party of interest in the matter.
I do think Sony themselves have to provide some numbers.
Next up in this saga will be Microsoft reveaing the Playstations console numbers whilst not revealing the amount of Xbox numbers. Therfore showing Sonys market dominance.
If they're so worried about how few customers plus extra has, they could, I'm just spitballing, here, maybe improve their product?
Playstation customers outnumber Xbox customers by a fair margin. And it's not that most PlayStation customers that are choosing Game Pass over extra, it's PlayStation customers that are just not buying Extra. Customers like me....
Sony does NOT have more subscribers on their new subscription system. The numbers were for the old PS Plus which only gave you access to online play and other random perks. PS Now has become PS Plus to cloud that fact. Sony has begrudgingly admitted before they have a small amount of subscribers compared to GP.
Sony has been continuously aggressive at blocking anything that would allow MS to compete fairly, including paying Devs NOT to develop for MS. Now they are trying to play the "poor cousin". boohoo. They are desperate at this point. Maybe they should focus on being competitive and stop relying on exclusives.
Right now I just the deal to over so can stop read about sony whining all the time.
How the no1 company trying to stop other companies? And if they succeed what is mean for the future???
Hope to see Sony working more on making games (and not the reskin linar 3rd games) and less about being a little cry baby... I need a reason for why I have ps5
What now?
We are going to get PS+ subscription numbers from Bill Gates?
that's not sustainable without cutting budgets for games aswell as more monetisation
You keept repeating the same s***e Sony feeds you for so long that you convinced yourself it must be true 😅
Sony aren't Microsoft they're a wealthy company sure but no where near as wealthy as Microsoft
Yep that's common knowledge, yet it proves sweet FA about your sustainability claim. Next you will try to convince yourself that Nintendo are actually a wealthier company than Sony... Jebus.
Fenbops wrote:
No you are basically right (it's around 48 million right now) but that isn't comparing like for like.
PS+ (essential, base tier) isn't really a multi-game subscriptions service like Game Pass. While they don't match up perfectly here's the closest analogy.
Sony ARE well behind on the game subscription service subscriber count. Hardly surprising as PS++ and PS+++ (as I call them) just aren't as compelling as Game Pass.
@Fenbops Playstation Plus does (basically the Xbox Live equivalent), but they are talking about Playstation Premium which is basically non-existent. And stating Game Pass has only 29 million subscribers is a very low estimate. They were "well over 30 million subscribers" this past Summer (yes, that's a quote from Phil Spencer about six months ago). If they include PC subscribers, they are probably well over 40 million at this point.
@Sol4ris 'You keept repeating the same s***e Sony feeds you for so long that you convinced yourself it must be true' I'm not repeating anything , I'm using common sense & thinking for myself , you want to know the future of gamepass then just look at Netflix higher subscription costs & lower qaulity content
@Would_you_kindly Netflix the company that’s won multiple awards internationally for its critically acclaimed shows, yeah poor quality indeed.. just another trolling post from you.
Sony needs to have a one price scheme like Xbox has. Xbox Game Pass is simple and straightforward Sony's tiered subscription model is more complicated then it needs to be.
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