Soul Hackers 2 received quite a bit of attention from the Pure Xbox community when it was announced for Xbox back in February. Six months on, and we're now a week out from launch, with early reviews beginning to hit the web.
So, here's a roundup of some early reviews for Atlus' new JRPG, Soul Hackers 2.
Destructoid (8.5/10)
I wandered into Soul Hackers 2 expecting a general sense of quality from Atlus, and ended up getting sucked into its world. While dungeon design can feel samey at times, it’s not enough to distract from the flashiness of the game as a whole. As usual, Atlus really nails the details; it was fun to hang out with this crew and see where things went.
Game Rant (8/10)
Overall, Soul Hackers 2 is a great new entry to the SMT franchise, offering enough differences from its comrades that it doesn't feel like the exact same game. With its wonderful cast of characters, Soul Hackers 2 delivers a story that shows plenty of heart as well as heartbreak, with a theme that resonates with today’s world. Despite the bland dungeons, the combat is more than satisfying enough to make up for it, and the music is just a bonus to an already stylish game. If there’s an itch to play an SMT game, Soul Hackers 2 is sure to scratch it.
PlayStation Universe (8/10)
Soul Hackers 2 feels like a budget title whose developers did the best with what they had. It's still a solid game with plenty to love that fans of the genre will certainly enjoy. A strong addition to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise with great combat and art direction only held back by uninspired dungeons and exploration.
Push Square (7/10)
Soul Hackers 2 is a competent Atlus JRPG that will tick a lot of boxes for fans of the genre, but it falls well short of being that next breakout star from Japan. With awful dungeon design and little else to do outside of them, it falls upon the engaging combat system and interesting enough narrative to pick up the pieces. It's by no means the next must-play JRPG, but there's just enough to Soul Hackers 2 that warrants a playthrough.
IGN (7/10)
Soul Hackers 2 is, at its heart, a streamlined Atlus JRPG, serving as a great entry point for anyone new to the genre or the developer in general. The combat and dungeon delving are entertaining, if fairly familiar, and the charming cast of characters kept me interested all the way through its roughly 60-hour campaign. But a disappointing lack of creativity in its battle systems and a fairly shallow overarching story mean this newly resurrected series will need to do more if it wants to set itself apart amongst Atlus’ best.
GameSpot (7/10)
Taken as a whole, however, Soul Hackers 2 is a mostly satisfying experience. The character interactions and stylish art help it stand out from the pack, and the smooth-flowing, fast-paced combat makes even some of the more annoying dungeons (I don't want to see another abandoned subway for a very long time) feel like less of a drag. Soul Hackers, as a series, has a lot of potential to further grow into its own unique experience the way Persona has. Soul Hackers 2, despite its flaws, is a very promising start.
Game Informer (6.5/10)
Throughout the 30 hours it took to hit credits, I kept trying to latch onto the elements that work. Soul Hackers 2’s saving grace lies in its main characters, each with a distinct personality that often clashes with the rest. Witnessing the group’s growth by putting their differences aside and opening themselves up to camaraderie was a joy. I loved their conversations about freelancing as Devil Summoners as much as the tough chats about the people they lost over a meal or a drink. But there’s not a seat on the table for the player to take it all in.
It's looking pretty good for Soul Hackers 2 then, even if it doesn't appear to be blowing anyone's socks off. The game is sitting at a respectable 77 on Metacritic, at the time of writing anyway!
Will you be jumping into this Xbox JRPG at launch next week? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 12
It's a shame about the dungeons bad designs but I've played all of atlus games and I won't stop now. Hopefully the story and combat is good enough to keep me interested.
I got through the dungeons of digimon cyber sleuth so I should be fine 😂
interesting that almost every reviewer mentions that the dungeons aren't great...
Super exciting for this game. Can’t wait I’ve heard the music is also really good.
@UltimateOtaku91 it’s by the TMS team; I don’t remember the dungeons being interesting there either but the combat was the stand out.
@mousieone I loved Tokyo mirage session, I agree the combat was great in that so that makes me more confident in getting this day one. Still need to finish SMT V as well.
Hopefully though this game isn't as long as Tokyo mirage sessions or persona.
@mousieone on a separate topic, I've seen you online playing that new Ai game, is that any good? From the trailer it looks good but I've yet to play the first game so I don't know if I need to play that before the new one?
Only thing that's stopped me from playing the first one so far is that's its supposedly 40 hours long, and I don't know if I can play a visual novel that's that lengthy
@UltimateOtaku91 first off @NEStalgia will love you because NES loves TMS as well. I like parts of it but Tsubasa can do anything with a pep talk gets on my nerves aka the story. I love most everything else about the game minus the tact on FE bits .. it’s not as long as Persona but TMS is 30 hours as so is this. Maybe you meant SMT V?
I love both Ai games. So does @SplooshDmg Technically you don’t need to play the first one to play this one. It makes you answer some questions and if you get them wrong it takes the spoilers out of the game. That said I think you get more out of it playing both. I don’t think either was 40 hours. The first one is a little longer than the second because the second has that hidden extra part for the Nonary games. Think my play times was 30 for the first and 20 for the second. I’m not a completionist. :3 the Ai Somnium games are like my top ten best ever games. They are visual novels with puzzles and QTEs and lots of fourth wall breaks
@mousieone "They are visual novels with puzzles and QTEs and lots of fourth wall breaks"
Now I'm interested, I can handle visual novels thare have extra things to do than just read, like zanki zero and the danganronpa series, but not digimon Survive 😂 the fighting in that just bored me.
I suppose its on gamepass so I can give it a try and if I like it il get it on playstation or play the first game
Also about TMS, it took me around 50 hours to do everything with the side quests and getting all weapons, SMT around the same but not finished yet, but yeah nothing compared to persona 5 Royal which took me 120 😬 but I did platinum it
@mousieone @UltimateOtaku91 TMS#FE fans UNITE! <3
...There's only like 5 of us so we have to stick together I utterly love that game.
I preordered SH2 2 days ago. I don't buy full priced games these days, I wait for sales even if it takes a year, and this doubtfully will sell terribly and hit sales sooner than later, but I just can't wait for this one for some reason, and the previews were good, and early reviews are exactly what I expected them to be, so I'm excited. At least PXB is (kinda) covering its existence here now
LOL don't get us started on AI Som...did you miss how between me, Sploosh and Mousie we hijacked every PXB and Push thread for about a month and a half talking about it? The first one is fantastic and is on GP. I'm holding off buying the second because it's sold terribly and I know it'll be dirt cheap sooner than later. I played 1 on GP but bought it on Switch for like $8 digitally, of course it's 3 years old. I'll probably get the second on XB when it hits a sale so my saves are all on one platform though.
You're reminding me why I still have not played P5, and making me wonder if I REALLY want to start it come October..... that will consume my next calendar year. After already playing XC3, and SH2. Maybe a bit too much JRPG in one go.
@NEStalgia I don't think reviews for this game are bad at all, the fact it's averaging a 7.5 is not bad at all for a jrpg, I'm still contemplating which version to get off the store, the premium edition is calling to me with all those extras but £75, a week before made in abyss, and splatoon 3 right round the corner and my partner wants fhe Disney Valley game 😩
Wish they would include the extras with physical version
About Ai, I thought it was the second game that was on gamepass but I just Checked and it is the first one, so looks like I'm playing that one first.
How you liking XC3? I'm currently on chapter 3 and 33 hours in, the maps are absolutely enormous, I think I've already explored more map than the entirety of Xc2. The game also feels a lot easier to level up, I'm currently level 36 yet the current story level is 27, only negative for me is the simplicity of the side quests compared to Xc2
@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah, the one consistent negative point across reviews is bland dungeons, which, admittedly, for a dungeon crawler, is a pretty big negative, but it's generally where I expect any Devil Summoner subseries game to land in terms of scores, so I think it hits at the goal it was reaching for most likely.
I went with the standard edition. I looked at the bonuses in the premium versions, and none of it spoke to me. They both have extra story, but from past Atlus games I've never found the extra story mission which is usually just a thinly padded extra-hard-bonus-boss, to be worth it, and yeah, this is an expensive, expensive 6 month period for a Japanese games fan..... something had to be left on the floor somewhere, and I can buy the DLC later if I miss it. XC3, Splat3, SH2, Star Ocean, AI Som2, Diofield (maybe, maybe not, from the demo I may end up passing that by), and I know I'm forgetting things. That's quite the shopping cart.
Disney Val - [INSERT COIN]
Yeah, definitely play AI Som 1 while it's on GP. Very much worth it! And we look forward to the next few weeks of PXB/Push threads being derailed by AI Som discussion as a result lol!
I'm loving XC3 so far. I think I'm level 32 at this point, I'm not even sure what chapter I'm in, I keep going off on side quests that lead to other side quests that have level 40 monsters and I think the main quest requires level 26 or something where I am, so we're probably in roughly the same place post-Lambda. It's addictive, hours pass by in minutes. I'm just worried that the game is a little too easy to level up. I seem to be unlocking shedloads of levels and content so I worry I'm sailing through it faster than I wish. The side quests definitely feel a little simplified, and quick to complete, but OTOH XC2 had the problem that most of the side quests you pick up can't be done until late in the game, and some quests depended on completing other quests, but it never told you they did, and you could miss too many quests by simply not being in the right place at the right time, so it's an improvement in that regard. Poor Monolith just can't figure out how to get sidequests right.
Thread: Microsoft!! Xbox!! Game Pass! Jim Ryan!!
BTW you ever see the Famitsu interview with the devs? It's hilarious (and spoiler filled.) When they're talking about how the Lemniscate secretary came to be, I realized who Date's personality was modeled after
@SplooshDmg LOL! That's really the best description I can think of for that game.
I ALMOST bought it full price weeks ago, but knowledge that I'm just tossing money away for a game that'll hit good sales soon stopped me. And there's just soooo much to play on the way I'll never get to anything.
Crappy dungeons are disappointing considering both SMT V and P5R featured great level design in their own ways. I'll wait to pull the trigger on this. Especially since I expect the price of this to drop like a rock in a few months anyway.
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