It's safe to say we're all pretty excited for Starfield. Bethesda's first new IP in over a decade has been a long time coming, and following Xbox's purchase of Bethesda, it'll be a console exclusive for Xbox Series X|S! However, that isn't stopping PlayStation folk from getting hyped for it.
God of War's longtime director Cory Barlog just took to Twitter to let us all know how excited he is for Bethesda's upcoming RPG. We've edited out some of the naughty language...
"I am so f***ing excited for Starfield. I'm taking time off when that s**t comes out."
It's hardly a surprise that Barlog's reply stems from a pretty pointless graph, comparing general fan 'interest' in Starfield compared to God of War. Still, it's nice to get a positive response from it, by a PlayStation developer no less.
Are you this excited for Starfield next Spring? Let us know below!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 15
Me I can’t help but be not be moved by this game even after the show case.
And I honestly wanted be wowed and omg this is the game of all games, welcome back Xbox AAA.
Some parts looked ok.
I shall keep expectations in check and wait for release when ever that occurs.
Definitely did not look series x 12tflop new generation wow factor for me.
God I bloody love Cory. Real gamer at heart and says it as it is with no console war BS. Time off? Me and him both
Just looked at that interest graph.
If correct no surprise there.
GOW is an established franchise and coming of the back of the last game critical acclaim and success and by a studio that know how to bring it.
Also PlayStation generally has far more interest than Xbox since the Xbox one days.
Also when you watch both gameplay reveals one seriously has a wow factor the other, seems ok.
Now that can be down to what was captured gameplay wise and PR, which Sony are far better at when promoting their AAA games.
This for me is Xbox biggest issue, the same with Redfall looks ok, but where’s me wow, omg factor. Let’s go out a get and an Xbox or gamepass.
The thing is Xbox is up against 2 companies that have certain games that you just stop what you are currently playing and have to play and set the general public into a purchase must have state.
Always good to see the execs within the big 3 playing each others games and showing nothing but respect for each other. You saw it with Phil Spencer and GoW and now Cory Barlog with Starfield. They are showing they are gamers and can enjoy games no matter which platform. I'm also very interested in both, can't wait to play them
@Kaloudz It's a google search comparison;
It's interesting data, but it's more correlative of interest rather than direct interest.
I mean;
Halo and Skyrim dominate GoW and Starfield in these graphs, so what weight you want to give this is entirely up to the viewer
I love how Cory's pretty much in "IJDGAF" mode at this point
@Dezzy70 "The thing is Xbox is up against 2 companies that have certain games that you just stop what you are currently playing and have to play and set the general public into a purchase must have state."
I mean, you're saying this in a thread about the director of one of those games from those other companies saying he's going to be dropping everything and taking time off (spending days not making one of those games) in order to play an Xbox game................. If the guy behind GoW18 says he's dropping GoW29 for a few days to go play an Xbox game, I think you're in the minority on that opinion.....
Gameplay demos of games like Starfield don’t work as well anyway since it’s an RPG where you can decide where to go, where you can get more invested in your playthrough. Cinematic, and more linear, games are a lot easier to wow people with a trailer. Just how I feel. Both games will be incredible i’m sure.
That’s cool and up to him he is can drop what he likes to play it, it also helps and puts a good spin on the game and business as a whole.
I just don’t see it in Starfield from what I have seen so far.
That is not to say, I don’t want it to be an amazing wow top end AAA game, but currently it is not doing it for me so far.
Now if Nintendo showed me Mario Odyssey 2
Or Sony Ghost of T 2 it would probably wow.
Far more importantly to me, Xbox a true Halo campaign on the open world design and environmental impact, effects and different biomes, weather effects and graphically and AAA quality etc of say of HFW but in the Halo universe I would go absolutely crazy and this Halo game is mine day one no doubt there.
That is why I get frustrated with Xbox they should Dam well be producing games on another top end level of my most beloved Xbox franchises and some new ip and showing everyone how it is done and what a series x can do.
Apart from FH5 in two years this November they have done nothing of what I am saying to that high AAA standard.
Time will tell but I’m not sure what direction AAA game wise Xbox are really going in.
I’ll be there for God of War and I’ll be there for Starfield. Corey gets it; this console war nonsense is childish.
I'm excited for Stanfield too!
Might want to wait 10+ years for them to fix bugs & performance lol (still waiting for them to fix Skyrim)
@Dezzy70 hmm. I'm thinking you just like cinematics/movie feel type things. Visually star field and what little we've seen of gowr are pretty similar. Gowr looks like an enhanced PS4 game, because it is. Star field looks like an enhanced fallout 4/76 because it is. Gowr can do a little more on animations and detail because it has limited draw distance, on corridor/scripted environments. Sf has more genetic animations and less detail because it's a massive open environment. But on a technology level they're close more than they are different.
But the camera/presentation of gowr mimics a movie camera on purpose and that seems to equate to quality for you. Ironically star field and the more direct camera would translate well to vr while gow wouldn't at all. Indeed Bethesda has 2 of the best vr games. I don't remember you commenting on any psvr articles on push... Guessing you're not a vr fan? 🤔
@Would_you_kindly silver anniversary edition is the ticket! Lol
Barloggy is about to move to an Xbox owned studio in the next 2 years I swear. He seems like GoW and OS have been stressing him out. I mean he is not even the lead of this GoW but he is still getting all the Twitter harassment and the one that PS has make a video for the internet trolls n *****. I cant even remember the name of the gow director right now. Haha I am just messin around, but I could still fully believe it if it did happen.
I like big beautiful environments which are varied, different biomes with weather effects etc and exploration in those environments.
Like HFW in the jungle and by the coast.
I would have loved Halo Infinite in that universe to have been like that. A halo ring could be so varied and lush with effects etc environmentally.
Starfield in doors parts looked good and very detailed and polished. Outside so far, bland a bit Halo Infinite like sort of, simple but no lush environments with wind blowing masses of detail, weather effects etc etc. very boring to play in world wise.
FH5 in its own way as a beautiful environment and effects etc to race in and is also a top end quality open world racer, about the only thing so far Xbox have got right this new generation.
Mario Odyssey different worlds so much fun
BOTW even though on limited hardware.
As for VR I’m not good motion wise. But I’m going to give PSVR2 ago when it comes and see how I get on.
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