One of the downsides of today's Nintendo Direct Mini event was the announcement that Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, which is coming out in 2023, will be available on Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Steam... but not Xbox.
Unfortunately, this seems to be one of those situations where Xbox has lost out. The game itself sees all 10 Mega Man Battle Network games being re-released for modern platforms, complete with a variety of improvements.
"Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection brings ten Battle Network adventures to modern platforms! Using a unique battle system that fuses action and card-game like mechanics, join Lan and MegaMan.EXE as they work together to stop evil forces that threaten Net Society! Unleash powerful Battle Chips in combat and forge new bonds to take on unique new traits, then unleash your power in combat to delete viruses."
"Featuring a music player with over 180 songs, a gallery with over 1,000 images, and an optional high-resolution filter, get ready to dive in to the Cyberworld with Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection!"
Following today's announcement, the phrase "no Xbox" began trending on Twitter in response to the collection not being available on the Xbox platform, but Capcom has yet to say anything on the lack of an Xbox port.
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 59
As a Switch owner, I'd happily trade this for Soul Hackers 2.
But yeah, disappointing to see Xbox still struggle to get some of these random Japanese releases that should be a no-brainer, at least in terms of a digital release.
Also, my god, there are 10 of these things?!
This is really strange considering how easy it must be to port it to Xbox. Either it's doing to drop on Game Pass or the other collections just bombed on Xbox
Well cant use the excuse that Sony Money hatted this one
Thats...odd? Considering every other megaman game is on the platform??
This is not bad news for me. Some games should Not come out on Xbox and that is perfectly ok. This is one of them.
I seriously doubt it'll never come.
Can't have everything... Not every game has to come to Xbox. PlayStation and Nintendo have their great games and reason to game on their consoles too.
@BartoxTharglod I'm aware. But the player base must be incredibly low for them not to bother
Not every third party release has to come to every system or right away. It's like the meltdown people were having with the Persona games being announce on Xbox first and not being instantly announced on everything else qt the exact same time. Here we are a couple of weeks later and those in meltdown look silly for over reacting.
Because the sales expectations are probably very poor
@SolarSailor It's easy indeed because the Steam version runs on Windows like Xbox but I guess this is one of those games that Xbox will get later on.
A huge disappointment for me, I had been looking forward to this collection and now I feel so let down. I really hope Capcom changes their mind about this.
@OliverOwen What do you mean by that? Is there any reason why you think this collection shouldn’t be realeased for Xbox?
All the other Mega Man collections were released on Xbox, so it just seems like a really strange decision to not realease this one too.
@JoakimZ Exactlly, I mean, it's Mega Man, not God of War.
Here is our best case scenario: It doesn’t sell super well and Capcom takes the bailout money offer and it gets ported to Gamepass.
Seems like japanese devs just want ms offer them money for a port like atlus and tecmo.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when news like this lands at Redmond. Hard not to take constant snubs from Japan personally I'd guess.
I wouldn’t expect a late Xbox port. Capcom really doesn’t make a habit of it for the platform.
@Banjo- Wait what? Kratos isn’t in this one? Well they should put that on the box. Pre-order cancelled.
Probably the same reason why The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles released only on Nintendo Switch, PC (Steam), and PS4. The Ace Attorney trilogy didn’t sell well on Xbox.
Likewise probably the mega man games didn’t sell well on Xbox but sold well on Switch, PC and PS4, so Capcom chose to release it on those consoles.
@Nalverus likewise, the Ace Attorney trilogy released on Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC.
But the great Ace Attorney Chronicles didn’t release on Xbox but released on the other 3.
Same thing with mega man, it probably didn’t sell good on Xbox.
@Banjo- @JoakimZ is it strange though? It isn’t coming to Xbox because Mega Man sales on Xbox were poor at best.
That tweet up there, where about the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles didn’t come to Xbox. Probably the same reason why Battle Network isn’t coming to Xbox.
Ace Attorney trilogy released on Xbox and it sold like crap. Hence why the Chronicles released only on Switch, PS4, and PC. Click on the tweet and scroll down.
@anoyonmus yeah didnt the ace attroney game sell line 4800 copies on xbox in the leaked data. Easy to see why they skip if microsoft didnt write them a check for the port
@Rmg0731 not 4800.
It was 1000 copies on Xbox. Yeah it was bad.
So yeah that’s why The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Mega Man Battle Network didn’t come.
@anoyonmus if your talking about what I think you are it was 4800 not 1000. I’ve see the 1k quote but the leaked numbers from the Capcom hack are:
Of course that number is from 2020 and I think the true achievements not reports at least 8k players at least with 1 trophy. Either way not sure where the 1k quote is from .
@anoyonmus I dunno. The Xbox one era was rough but it wasn't short on people. A platform has a reputation but theres really only a handful that even see or have expectations like that.
People tend to grab the platform their friend(s) are on first an foremost. after that, the games that exist draw in people that like said genre. people then get affinity for said platform and expectations that more come an they keep getting that.
Every platform has extremely large groups of people that like multiple genres. Trying to tie a genre to a platform is a little misguided.
Xbox platform is, once again, growing at a pace similar to the other platforms so expectations will be set that things should be equal. Alot of people actually have every ecosystem or one or the other but will always have a preference on the platform they'd rather have it on.
Basing sales data off last gen numbers is probably not a good idea either. Those numbers will utterly change an be in flux when a new gen drops and people start swapping around again.
...but really, its megaman. where wouldn't that sell well.
@anoyonmus Yeah, as @mousieone said, that statement that the Ace Attorney Trilogy only sold 1000 copies on Xbox is not true. Over 8000 users on have Ace Attorney Trilogy on their profile, meaning that they have the game and has unlocked at least one achievement in it.
So those 8000 would not include any trueachievement users who have the game in their backlog, so that presumably means at least couple of thousand more.
But most of all, that number only includes Xbox players who also has a trueachievement account, which I bet most Xbox players don’t have. So my guess is that the actual sales numbers for the Xbox version is probably at least 20k.
@JoakimZ okay then let's break it down
Nintendo switch: 55.8%
PC: 29.6%
PS4: 12.4%
Xbox: 2.4% factoring in the 20k estimate
@mmarkster I don’t think @JoakimZ was arguing the number wasn’t small but the person was saying that the number was less than 1k. Which is a vast bit of difference. Wouldn’t you agree?
However, arguing data from a port of a VN on a platform that at the time period has next no VNs is in anyway comparable to Megaman? Don’t get me wrong I’m sure the number is low but surely you can see the logic fallacy here?
If you wanna look at other “leaked” numbers
You can clearly see where Xbox for certain games like Dragons Dogma is significantly higher. So you can’t just use the Phoenix Wright data like it’s the Bible.
@dsar9012 Capcom is more practical. Xbox gets games like DMC, Street Fighter, and Resident Evil which appeal to the West audience. But not the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles or Mega Man Battle network because they are more towards Japanese and the fact it won’t sell well on Xbox.
@mousieone that dragons dogma sales shows the combined sales of PS4 AND Xbox One. It could have easily sold more on PS4 and a little on Xbox or vice versa.
So for that, we really don’t know
and I thought Capcom were on the right track with Street Fighter 6 and Arcade Stadium 2nd, crazy that there might be a Legacy Collection not releasing on Xbox
@Ralizah there are “only” 6 entries, but starting with the third they adopted the pokemon-style-two-version release scheme, so they count the last 4 entries twice.
@dsar9012 damage control I'm simply saying not all games need to come out on every system why does that offend you so much. The fact you resort to calling them a childish name show this offends you for some reason.
@anoyonmus what we do know is that 1k figure you had is a gross understatement. Now I apologize for any confusion but what I’m saying is still the case Phoenix Wright is the absolute basement level.
@Tharsman Interesting.
Well, that's a little more understandable.
Still, never realized there were so many games in this subseries.
well.. if it's skipping xbox straight by saying "coming to modern platforms". I don't think Capcom will release xbox version, same situation with The Great Ace Attorney...
20,000 is a decent figure for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on Xbox, considering how old the games are and that the collection has been released for other platforms before. I can't find any reason for not releasing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection for Xbox when there are Windows versions.
@JoakimZ Personal opinion. I dont like the re-release of old games because other than a nostalgia feeling for a few minutes, they are more often than not, not very fun to play, too slow, bad graphics, things like that. Just leave them alone and continue to make new games that look and play amazing.
Hopefully this doesn’t take to long coming Westward
@dsar9012 how the hell do they discriminate the Xbox user base? You get the games day and date. DMC 5 had an exclusive Xbox One demo, did it not? Xbox had marketing rights to DMC 5?
Also I wasn’t complaining about Xbox outselling PlayStation in Japan. And I’m not a PlayStation fanboy. So that’s a bit mean there.
Also not willing to play Xbox games. Maybe they don’t want to play CAPCOM games on Xbox. but what is done is done. This collection will not come to Xbox and it won’t ever come to Xbox.
@Banjo- 20,000? People said it was 4800 not 20,000. Leak says about 4,821 copies sold.
Mega Man, I’m not so sure though.
@JoakimZ 4,821 copies sold on Xbox One.
No one wants to talk about PAC man World repac here??!
@dsar9012 I don't hate any system I own all current ones and enjoy games on them all. You are the one assuming a simple statement is trolling because you are defensive over a single system so much, You are also the one throwing around insults calling everyone a fanboy because you don't like what they are saying. My advice is don't scream fanboy at everyone while acting like one and using childish insults.
@anoyonmus Where do you get that number from?
Only 4,821 copies sold on Xbox One is in fact impossible, for reasons mentioned previously by both me and other users.
@JoakimZ I typed up Capcom leak sales numbers and that is what it showed.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Sales
Nintendo Switch: 462,395
PC: 245,339
PS4: 103,235
Xbox One: 4,821
My bad, I thought it was less but it was more.
@mousieone where is that article where you put when you talked about the 4,821 copies of Ace Attorney on Xbox One?
@anoyonmus Well, that leak can’t be accurate, unless it’s maybe a couple of years old.
@JoakimZ that leak came out when Capcom got attacked. And considering everything from the Capcom leak is pretty much spot on so far and the fact that The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles didn’t come to Xbox pretty much makes sense now and the leak is pretty much valid.
Last gen versions of Village and stadia version of village were in there.
RE4R was there
MH Rise and Stories 2 for PC were there. All were true.
If it makes you feel any better, Onimusha HD apparently sold better on Xbox than PC.
@JoakimZ ofc maybe people got the trilogy after these sales figures came out and it wasn’t included and even if that was the case, Chronicles was already planned for Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC from the get go. The leak even mentions those 3 platforms there.
@JoakimZ @anoyonmus the leak is old
It came fro the Capcom hack back in 2020
I think some of y’all need to face facts. The market for some of these Japanese games that Xbox gets passed up for is just not there. The sales numbers prove this. Phil and company can do everything in their power to entice Japanese flavor over, but if the people don’t support those efforts, what do you expect? Japan will take their games to an audience that will buy them.
@anoyonmus 4800? Impossible. 8,000 buyers with True Achievements accounts have unlocked achievements.
@Banjo- well like I said earlier, when the leak came out that was the sales number. Now more people would have bought it but Chronicles was planned for Switch, PS4, and PC from the start.
@dsar9012 as for Persona situation, Sega has been heavily on Atlus’s case to release more of their games multiplatform. Not just Xbox but even for Switch and PC. And now recently, Persona 4, 5, and 3 were confirmed for a Switch release. Easily, Sega could have just limited to only a PC and Switch only and leave Xbox out but I imagine that Xbox has in fact paid money for these Japanese games to come to Xbox.
@Kingleo31 Microsoft more than likely paid for these Japanese games to come to Xbox. Some like Resident Evil, DMC are western oriented so Capcom decided to bring it to Xbox as Xbox is popular in North America. But the games that appeal to the Japanese audience like Persona and Danganronpa, more likely Xbox paid for them.
Square Enix is biased because they get paid up by PlayStation like a lot. And also Nintendo to a degree.
@dsar9012 the Switch has been topping Japan and destroying PS4 sales in Japan for a while even when it first launched. And yet it took Atlus about 6 YEARS TO RELEASE MAINLINE PERSONA ON SWITCH. Just because Xbox series is selling better than PlayStation 5 doesn’t mean that more Japanese games will come to Xbox. Rather it depends whether Xbox is viable or not and sales are good for the games they chose.
And yet Soul Hackers 2 isn’t coming to Switch (really the game doesn’t even look technically demanding, none of Atlus’s games are) despite Switch topping hardware sales in Japan. I am sad that Soul Hackers 2 will probably suffer poor sales most likely because of this and also the fact that Persona is releasing on PC and Switch and Xbox.
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