Here we go again! Sadly, Xbox UK Marketing Lead Samuel Bateman has been taking to Twitter over the past 24 hours to complain about the "abuse" he's received for simply stating that the Xbox Series S is his favourite console.
Bateman mentioned that this simple tweet resulted in loads of abuse on the platform, and went on to claim that the only people engaging in this sort of toxic behaviour on social media "are some fairly insecure individuals".
Here's what he had to say in full:
"Less than 24 hours ago, I tweeted that I like the Xbox Series S. Twitter inserts me into the algorithm for gaming and you should see the amount of abuse I’ve received since then. Play what you want, on the device you want, with whoever you want."
"There is the perception that we are all at “conflict” with each other in the gaming industry and the reality just couldn’t be more different. The only people making toxic memes, targeting abuse and verbally tearing each other down are some fairly insecure individuals on social."
"The reality is that we all admire each other for our contribution to one of the greatest art and entertainment formats ever created. Every game, service & hardware from all companies is just a group of people trying to make a positive industry wide effort for all gamers."
This isn't the first time we've heard members of Team Xbox calling out console war toxicity, with Phil Spencer himself absolutely slamming it back in 2020, calling it "one of the worst things about our industry."
Unfortunately, you do come across a lot of this sort of thing on Twitter - hopefully it'll be a thing of the past one day.
What are your thoughts on Bateman's comments? Let us know down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
Twitter, the cesspool of the internet
Twitter, say no more
I wonder which community is being toxic.......⬛🔴🔺❌
@JON22 Thanks for this non-toxic comment.
Besides, we all know the most toxic fans are Nintendo's. But they're only toxic toward Nintendo, so we're all good there.
I'd love to play Starfield on my PS4. Good thing Phil and everyone at Xbox has such a strong stance against console exclusivity.
Same on playstation's twitter with people commenting on everything saying xbox better etc
Both sides are just as bad, don't see it much from Nintendo's fan base though, atleast not on twitter
Two lessons people over at Xbox need to seriously learn…yet never seem to.
Lesson 1. Some people on the internet are mentally unstable whatever you say/do. You can’t reason with unreasonable people.
Lesson 2. Every time xbox says something along the lines of ‘play where ever you want’ or preach inclusivity…they set themselves up more for people calling them out on Xbox acquisitions and exclusives… fanning the flames of more hatred from unstable irrational minds.
When will they learn. Just ignore. Focus on pleasing your install base and not one and all. It ain’t rocket science is it?
In fairness, @Krysus, having big exclusives sways people to purchase a particular console. Indeed, if every game were available on every platform, then this generation, the Series would likely way outsell the PS5 because of Games Pass and the fact that (on paper) the Series is regarded as the most powerful console, and people would opt for the best, not the (on paper) inferior PS5. That's not me having a dig at Sony, that's me suggesting that if people are going to fork out £500 for a console, if one is regarded as being better than the other, that is the one they will be seeking to purchase.
PlayStation has many exclusives, and also pays an awful lot of money out to prevent games from releasing on the Xbox (FF7 for example). Xbox is simply doing the same. I'd love to play Horizon Forbidden West on my Xbox, but I cannot, so I bought a PS5 and played it there instead. It's just the way of the console...
Stay off twitter then. Whereever you go its this stuff on both sides and liberals/democrats calling for violence to uphold their regime
Starfield is no cross gen game, so the chance to be able to play it on your PS4 is very, very small
Shlling over bits of plastic is just sad
Well, Nintendo is the one winning the console wars after all.
This guy works for Xbox so he isn't going to say PS5. Not everyone has the same opinion and the world (apart from Twitter) is a better place for it.
@Ashadelo the internet is the cesspool, sadly. We can’t even talk about liking Xbox on the us site, an Xbox site, without console war toxicity popping in and trying to tell us how wrong we are.
@MiGke that's why it's more noticeable with playstation as they have more followers and users but on twitter playstation gets the same abuse just less but people seem to leave that out.
But as I mentioned above that you don't seem to get that with nintnedo fans and I do have to wonder why. For example on here people don't say a bad word about xbox but constantly bash playstation, same with pushsqaure but reversed, yet on nintendo life they don't bash sony or xbox. Yet for some strange reason they would rather bash nintendo
@Xiovanni Imagine being in a store and someone hurling abuse at you because they didn't like what you are buying. You would assume that person needs professional help.
@Rmg0731 You think that Xbox UK's marketing lead, and former Twitter employee should just stay off twitter?
It's pathetic and I sadly see it all the time, we should be celebrating having so many great options to play games these days
@UltimateOtaku91 In my experience, Nintendo fans have been the most nutty by far.
@Xiovanni Hey c'mon now! The little guy is doing his best. :/ pets Series S
@UltimateOtaku91 "Both sides are just as bad, don't see it much from Nintendo's fan base though, atleast not on twitter"
Nintendo's fanbase is ultra toxic, just not quite in the "my console is better than yours" format, because, well....even the worst troll can't spin that one. Since there's no ground for hardware superiority claims, they can't really go head to head in console wars, so instead they divide by what games/studios are the hot potato. Scream "Pokemon Sword" in a crowded room and see if you get hit by a baseball bat.
@UltimateOtaku91 Trust me PlayStation fanboys are a lot more worse
@Fiendish-Beaver I agree with everything ngf you said. And also, not what I was pointing out. Phil made a BIIIIIIIIIGGG deal about how console exclusivity hurts the market. How not using the entire gaming infrastructure hurts whatever game it is and its ultimately counter-productive for the industry. Then Microsoft bought Bethesda and the first thing they do is make Starfield an Xbox/PC release only. Game Studio presidents are about as honest and consistent as politicians.
Absolutely get what you're saying, @Krysus. Doubtless Phil had his reasons for saying that as the time he said it, but truthfully, if you're going to spend $8 billion buying a company, you want a return on that purchase. As I said before, exclusives sell consoles, and Phil, of all people knows that, so for him to say anything otherwise is somewhat disingenuous...
In my experience the only people who ever criticize console selection are those who were disappointed with what they chose. Playstation players almost constantly pipe up whenever game pass news comes out, Xbox players usually pipe up when a playstation exclusive is announced.. it's always people trying to trash the opposition to reassure themselves that they still have "the better console".. Gamers who are happy with their purchase don't usually waste much time complaining about the one they didn't buy. You'll never stop it though, it's like buying a new car, there's always someone to talk ***** about the make you bought, and it's usually because they're still driving a 10 year old pile of rust.
@Xiovanni that's the best way to be. Just because something isn't right for you doesn't mean it's not perfect for someone else.
I wouldn't buy a series S myself, but plenty of people have and you really can't argue with that pricetag either. Some people just want something casual, they don't care which performs better, they care which is the most affordable option and the series S is probably the right choice for the less serious gamers.
@ShadowofTwilight22 PS fanboys are consistent when it comes to doxxing and death threats. I never seen it from the Xbox side.
@ShadowofTwilight22 At least you showed me evidence from Xbox side doing this. Still believe PS fanboys are worse since they're in higher numbers.
I don't condone the abuse he received at all but isn't it ironic that he says play what you want where you want when the company he works for has just done a deal to buy Activision and also Bethesda and others meaning we can't play what we want where want. I know Sony do the same the thing as well so if the gaming companies are going to make gamers choose where they play the games then you'll get alway gets idiots maling rivalries
@ShadowofTwilight22 ''so more fans on one side somehow makes the Xbox side better?''
My comment didn't suggest that
@ShadowofTwilight22 That doesn't mean Xbox side is better when they're both doing horrible things. Just that PlayStation ones are a lot more higher numbers and in my experience see them pop up more on different sites
@Solidchief Yeah in my experience the Sony fanboys have been by far the worst I have ever encountered on the internet ever since the PS4 became a thing. For some reason it sent them into fanatical overdrive and they have been trying to spew hatred and abuse towards anyone who dares to not love Playstation.
Thing of the past??? We had ZX Spectrum v Commodore 64, Atari ST v Amiga, Master System v NES, Megadrive v SNES, Playstation v Dreamcast, PS2 to PS5 v Xbox to Xbox Series X. It’ll never be a thing of the past. It’s always been like this.
The console war was a fun techy thing to discuss on the playground when I was a kid... back when it was known as the 16-bit wars, and "console" was not yet a widespread term.
But academic discussions about tech and game availability should be about as deep as it goes... Don't get all personal about it.
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