We don't know much about Starfield ahead of its launch this November, but we do know plenty of acting talent will be required to bring Bethesda's RPG to life. One such Actor, Stephen Ford, has been teasing some sort of involvement with the game for months now, and they've even jumped to defend it on Twitter.
A Twitter user replied to one of Ford's recent tweets, questioning the fan hype behind Starfield. Ford then responded, defending the game with a simple remark:
As we previously mentioned, Ford isn't confirmed to be a part of Starfield's cast. However, he's teased as much on a few occasions, and some have even speculated that the actor may be a part of the game's released key art.

For now, that's just speculation, but it seems plausible given the actor's game-related YouTube channel and their invested interest in all things Starfield. Either way, it shouldn't be too long until we know for sure.
Are you as excited as Ford about Starfield? Let us know down in the comments.
[source pcgamesn.com]
Comments 22
@ShadowofTwilight22 okay wait, Fallout 4 and Skyrim are in your opinion "bad games" so even though they built Creation Engine 2 from scratch and this is the first game using it, it will more than likely be bad?
I'll wait til I see it before getting too excited. Bethesda has always been hit and miss with me for as long as I remember. The last Bethesda proper game I enjoyed was Skyrim and that was ages ago so they definitely got something to prove with Starfield.
Hoping for the best though.
Bethesda hasn’t released any good games, lol. Push Square just was raving a few days ago about Prey. There’s been plenty of great Bethesda games. Some may release with more bugs than they should be but they certainly were still well regarded games.
I may be in the minority here but I'm not that excited for starfield ,I'll most likely play it but I'm not foaming at the mouth for it like most ppl I'd much prefer a dishonoured sequal /game
And no I'm not saying that it's gonna b rubbish I hope it is as amazing as everyone expects it to be I just have different tastes
Bethesdas recent track record is not so good so I'm not getting too hyped for this till we see some gameplay and it's confirmed not to be a buggy mess at launch like so many of their games in the past.
I really enjoy Bethesda games for someone to say they haven't released any good games is hyperbolic and looking to start an argument. Do they have bugs yes they do are some of the bugs hysterical yes they are but no good games is silly.
@Martsmall dishonored is a lot of fun I don't think all their games have to be for everyone. I am stoked for starfield but another Dishonored or rage would be great too.
@VisitingComet1 mostly all games have bugs it part and parcel with buying games now it's expected
Achivements for me being the biggest one for me , the amount of games I've purchased and have to wait for a patch to get the last few achievements is annoying and some don't even get fixed grrrrrrrr
@awp69 Bethesda has released some good games, for me the evil within, doom, prey and wolfenstein, Rage and Dishonoured games have been the best so far. For some reason though the team behind elder scrolls and fallout always release a buggy mess and just something about them that just bores me after 20-30 hours, I think for elder scrolls it's the combat, if skyrim was the same game but without the bugs and a combat similar to dragons dogma or elden ring then I would of liked it.
Hopefully though starfield doesn't feel like an elder scrolls or fallout game. I'm kinda going for a mass effect style game but with an open world or a game that's like no man's sky but with a proper story and side quests
If you are a real gamer no matter what console or consoles you own.
You want this game to be AAA massive and top end.
Enough said really 😊
@ShadowofTwilight22 And published under the Bethesda umbrella.
@ShadowofTwilight22 “ Arkane Studios is a video games developer, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bethesda Softworks American game publisher.”
It’s literally a subsidiary of Bethesda. But whatever. Even listed on their site as one of their studios.
@ShadowofTwilight22 you're entitled to your opinion, but if you think Skyrim is a bad game, you're an outlier. It's a very well beloved videogame, which is widely played to this date.
Bethesda does not need to prove for most people that they can do great RPGs. In fact, they're widely considered one of the very best developers of Western RPGs.
@ShadowofTwilight22 which is totally cool. I think Mass Effect is garbage and don't understand the hype at all, but I'm totally aware that I am the outlier in this case. To each their own.
Remember those days as well
With the Commodore 64 and Spectrum 48k
Atari and colleco system
sega master system and nes.
Though I do remember the beginning of the console wars or should I say computer wars even in the 80s when at school.
So is he saying there won't be bugs then I doubt that because skyrims 10 years old & still full of bugs
I'm hoping for a little more than "pretty awesome"
I'm also not afraid to say that I hope this game makes me a "no lifer" just as Morrowind, Skyrim and Fallout 3 did to me
@Rural-Bandit yeah but like I said skyrims 10 years old has just got an anniversary edition & is still littered with bugs it's not like it's just released
A lot of people here seem to be confusing the games of Bethesda as publisher and Bethesda as developer… Bethesda published games are generally less buggy…but also generally less ambitious in scope. And one thing starfield will be is ambitious in scope. I don’t think anyone will go into it expecting no bugs day 1.
But of course a certain section of the gaming community on Twitter are eagerly salvaging to savage it because they can’t play it… they can’t help but show their hand early now that it’s sank in it’s not coming to PlayStation.
I anticipate the reaction from them over the 2 weeks that follow starfields release to be equal measures hilarious and depressing. The only thing surer is that this game will have bugs.
@ShadowofTwilight22 none of Bethesda's games have been good? Really?
Bethesda will launch their game in November. It will have bugs. It will also probably be excellent. People whining about a game that hasn't released nor even been shown in action is just...weird.
These are the games that the core team of guys and gals made at Bethesda the last 20 years (fallout 76 was not made by the core team) and metacritic score
fallout 3 90-93
fallout 4 84-88
elderscrolls III morrowind 82-89
elderscrolls IV oblivion 93-94
elderscrolls V skyrim 92-96
So their pedigree is pretty good.
If you like those style of games, and I do, you have every right to have some confidence in Starfield imho.
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