Yes, that's right, Epic Games has announced, via it's official website, that none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi, a man we've always thought bore an uncanny resemblance to Scottish actor Ewan McGregor, will be coming to Fortnite on May the 26th (that's next Thursday!)
He's already graced the Battle Royale behemoth with his presence back on May the 4th (that's Star Wars Day, mate, pay attention) but now he'll be imprisoned within the game's item shop from next Thursday, allowing eager players to pick up a skin of the famous Jedi alongside Obi-Wan flavoured Back Bling, Pickaxe, Glider, and more.
Further to this, the Obi-Wan Cup kicks off this Sunday (May 22nd) giving players a chance to compete in a duos tournament where they can pick up all of this Obi Wan tat before it officially releases in the item store.
Here's a full round-up of available Obi-Wan merch from the official press release;
Desert Essentials Back Bling (included with the Outfit): An assortment of tools perfect for living an isolated existence on a remote desert planet.Obi-Wan’s Blade Pickaxe: An ol’ reliable partner.
Jedi Interceptor Glider: Your new fighter has arrived.
Obi-Wan’s Message Emote: An important transmission…
The Obi-Wan Kenobi Outfit, Desert Essentials Back Bling, Obi-Wan’s Blade Pickaxe, Jedi Interceptor Glider, and Obi-Wan’s Emote are available individually or together in the Obi-Wan Kenobi Bundle. This bundle additionally includes the Kenobi, Surrounded Loading Screen.
May the 26th is, of course, the day before Disney+ drops their highly anticipated new Obi-Wan Kenobi TV show, so it looks like we're all just gonna have to give into the hype and get with the program as far as this particular Star Wars character is concerned over the next few weeks. Resistance is futile and that, innit.

Looking forward to grabbing some Obi-Wan goodies in Fortnite next week? Let us know down below.
[source epicgames.com]
Comments 2
Looks like a really good outfit. It's a shame that they've removed lightsabres recently though, and so the harvesting tool is Obi-Wan's "iconic" knife.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi, a man we've always thought bore an uncanny resemblance to Scottish actor Ewan McGregor"
That's weird, I always thought he looked more like Alec Guinness.
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