Earlier this week, Halo Infinite launched its new Season 2 event, Fracture: Entrenched. Along with a lot of new themed items to unlock, it also included the brand new mode - Land Grab.
If you have played this mode, 343 Industries is curious to know what your thoughts are so far. Halo's community director Brian Jarrard has reached out to fans to ask what they think (via social media) and also shared some of his own thoughts about the mode:
"How are folks feeling about Land Grab in #HaloInfinite? What do you like about it? What do you think could be improved? I'm enjoying the quick pace and rewarding team play. Love the 10-10 scenarios. Sometimes it snowballs. Losing team seems to have little chance to come back."
This latest event follows on from a patch earlier this week - making changes to skill jumps, weapon jamming, and the tank gun glitch.
What do you think of the new update for Season 2 so far? How about the new Land Grab mode? Leave your thoughts down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 6
It is a very fun mode, but one that really hurts when your team don't play as a team. Coming back from a deficit is possible, but only if your team don't just all stand at the nearest Land Zone and allow the opponent to split up and take the other two every time.
A good mode however. Much more fun than Attrition in my view.
@pip_muzz yea, I think this is could be the best objective mode so far in Infinite.
Had some really great games. Had some hard thought ones and then ones where we got destroyed.
Aquarius is probably favourite map for this map so far. Had a 3-5 minute battle for top mid in one game. Then there was s game where we capped all 3 zones in a row. Watching my team cap them from one end of the map to the other was pretty amazing.
This mode like Conquest from Battlefield?
@GuyinPA75 not exactly. It’s been a while since I played conquest but land grab doesn’t have a life pool system. Also it’s only in arena not BTB.
The best way to describe land grab is there are typically 3 zones at one time the two teams fight over. One a zone is capped it is locked and taken off the map for that zone spawn. Once all zones are capped another set of zones spawn. So there are No hard resets or traditional rounds.
It’s first to 11 points. If one team is at 10 points only 2 zones spawn. If both teams are at 10 points 1 zone spawns.
In my experience a game goes pretty quick and is a refreshing compared to other objective games at least for this first week.
Except for the zones locking once all 3 are captured, then respawning to be captured again, it plays exactly like "control" from Destiny. Which makes since, because Microsoft is so against 343 doing anything wholely original, that they probably installed bathroom cameras to make sure everyone wipes almost the same as developers from another studio; but with just a little tweak at the end to ensure they still get skid marks.
It's good fun, especially when playing with friends and you can properly make a strategy.
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