We're almost at the end of the first season of the Halo TV show on Paramount Plus, and this week we were treated to episode eight ("Allegiance"), which contains a rather raunchy scene that everyone seems to be talking about.
Simply put, the scene involves Master Chief having sexual relations with Makee while Cortana watches.
Yes, that's really a thing that happened in this week's episode.
As you can imagine, many Halo fans are bemused, with some taking to the official Reddit community over the past 24 hours to point out the ridiculousness of the plotline, with one even going as far as to call it a "disgrace of a show".
And it's not just this part of the episode that hardcore Halo fans have been criticising, with others highlighting the "stupidity" of the episode featuring a place called "Reach City" on the planet Reach.
However, on a more positive note, the reviews for episode eight have largely been very good, with IGN calling it "a dramatic, sexually charged episode that sets the stage for an explosive season finale", and GamesRadar stating that thanks to the episode, "Halo is all set up to stick the landing in decisive fashion".
In any case, this week's episode has definitely got people talking!
IGN (8/10)
"After a frustratingly dull and pointless Episode 7, Halo bounces back in the penultimate chapter of Season 1. This episode quickly rebuilds that lost momentum as it explores Master Chief and Makee's brief, meteoric romance and sets the stage for what promises to be a very bloody season finale."
If you're eager to check out the finale next week, look out for episode nine on Thursday, May 19th.
Did you watch episode eight? What did you make of it? Tell us down in the comments below.
Comments 32
Soap opera nonsense -
Saw two episodes. Never again - its not for me, and I don't think its for people who hold the game and its lore as worthy of respect.
Does anyone have a timestamp when this happens so I can skip it? I want to see him crush the covenant not (meow)
here is the problem i see, the Halo series is not trying to cater to the hardcore halo fan or even Halo fans. What they are doing is getting people like my parents(who think the show is good) and my wife who hates First Person Shooters to watch and enjoy it...so as i see it the problem is the fans... they want it to stay true tot he games or the lore and the tv network doesnt give a toot about them and wants the larger audience...but they are not realizing the ones who wanna watch this show are the Fans of the game and anyone else like my parents watched it cause my wife told them she liked meanwhile i sat there and go WTF is this *****.......point is the network went one way when the people who want and primarily watch the show want it to go the other way...
Hey Cortana, wanna see another type of ring?🍑
Guess I'll at least be giving one episode a watch
SkillUp had the pithiest comment
My OC sexed up Chief.
Edit: I am reminded of this meme.
Trying to to be the witcher
@Richnj LMAO. Not seen that one somehow. It's gold.
@themightyant It's very old and wasn't super easy to find. And, yeah, it's even funnier now.
I really wanted to like it but I called it after episode 2. Reading stuff like this...well let's just say I'm in no rush to get back to it.😂
I'd like to watch this show, but Pablo Schreiber has an incredibly punchable face, so I won't.
Don't think I will even bother trying to watch the show from the things I've heard
My god 😂 Master Chief got himself some pum pum.
"Master Chief having sexual relations with Makee while Cortana watches."
Dafuq? I thought I typed purexbox.com but somehow it redirected to deviantart.com. Is this another CloudFlare problem?
"Hi, I'm Cortana, your Virtual Assistant! It looks like you're trying to get connected with a new interface. If you'd like me to help you get connected, just say: 'Help me connect!'"
@themightyant Despite appearances it is not gold. It is, in fact, forged from the ash of Mt. Doom.
@Xiovanni Sure, but given that there's also a Kansas City in Missouri, I think it's safe to say that Missouri just loves company.
@PanFriedSoup The fact that he plays a character named f***ing Pornstache in an adult drama about a women’s prison slays me.
I have to say, I actually love it, it’s caused an absolute s*** storm and I kind of enjoy the chaos.
@Fath Well played.
This show sounds like a mess, like what is any of this doing in a Halo show?
When Got was doing similar things it was great, not that's Halo and Microsoft everything is bad. Twitter and Reddit are where people go to whine.,
@JayJ so they don't have sex in halo universe? Or should it be just be fights and killings?
@demian Why does Halo have to be about sex all of a sudden? They don't feature pooping either, and that's something that must exist in that universe, so why aren't there extended scenes of Master Chief taking a dump with Cortana watching and taking note?
The whole concept of needing to include every bodily function that could exist in a universe would simply be a direction choice, and it would seem like a ridiculous and unnecessary one at that.
This show just sounds like a ridiculous spin-off of the source material that has nothing besides cultish fan service for a small minority of fan.
@JayJ a 1 minute scene is not "all about sex" any way you look at it, so everything else you are saying is a priori moot.
The show is great imho and all the online complaining is just laughable at this point. People think they are entitled to decide everything...
@demian Well I think I'm entitled to decide what I want to watch.
@JayJ of course you are, that's not what I was saying though.. People are not entitlent to decide what shows/games etc should be like.
And complaining that the show is all about sex is wrong, as was comparing sex with other bodily functions.
almost all non-broadcast dramas have sex scenes: vikings, westworld, breaking bad, got, sopranos. even the wire had a couple.
Where they all about sex?? No they weren't...
Was you complain biased? Yes it was...
@demian So who exactly is entitled to decide what anything should be like? I think people are entitled to their expectations and standards.
@JayJ the creators, this is still art. If you dont like it, you simply don't watch it. What's the point of complaining using invalid points?
@demian Calling this show art is quite the stretch.
A tv spin-off/remake of a game series which is mid identity crisis, still unable to find a strong direction after the departure of its creative leads.
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