Not to make you feel old, but the first season of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead launched ten years ago, having made its debut all the way back on April 24th, 2012, and Skybound has released a new video to celebrate the occasion.
We recommend checking out the full documentary (you can watch it below), but we've also included the short snippet of new footage above, which shows what an early prototype of the game looked like. As you can see, the character design in the video is totally different from the final version - it's actually Flint Paper from the Sam & Max series - but the camera work feels quite similar, and the morgue setting was reused for Episode 5 of the game.
Another very interesting revelation from the video is that Telltale Games was originally in talks with Valve to do the game as a spin-off of the Left 4 Dead series, but obviously that didn't come to fruition. It's a good job that fell through!
If you're in the mood to relive or check out Telltale's The Walking Dead for the first time, multiple seasons are featured as part of Xbox Game Pass including The Complete First Season, and we highly recommend giving it a try.
It's a classic!
What are your thoughts on Telltale's The Walking Dead? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 10
These mid Telltale games were so good. I actually just finished off my playthrough of Tales from the Borderlands yesterday (which I started in 2014; not sure what took me so long) because of the Gearbox sequel getting announced. But it was very good. And the earlier Walking Dead episodes; and Game of Thrones, they were all solid.
I haven’t checked out the Batman ones; does anyone recommend them? I think I have at least the first season with Gold.
But yea Telltale really just took on more than they could handle, announcing new licensing projects left right and centre.
Also Guardians of the Galaxy episode 5, apparently I never claimed, so I only “own” the first 4 episodes meaning I can’t finish the game due to the delisting (despite getting the season pass? Mental). Only time a delisting has actually affected an XBL purchase of mine I think.
@K1LLEGAL The final Walking Dead season is really good as well, best since the first in my opinion. Amazing they managed to finish it considering Skybound had to take over the license halfway through the season.
Fascinating that it was originally going to be a Left 4 Dead tie-in. I'd imagine it wouldn't have done half as well. Lucky break in many ways.
On the other hand completely agree with @K1LLEGAL they were a victim of their own success. They spread themselves too thin and were working on far too many projects at once. The slow episodic release cadence was frustrating and many waited until all episodes were out. They also saturated their own market. A shame but looking forward to this and Wolf Among Us 2.
@FraserG Thanks, that's great to hear. That might have given me my final push to get back to it. Played one episode (It think for a Quest achievement) then put it down.
@FraserG I remember that whole debacle. It’s the only walking dead season I never played but I do own it (bought it when they offered the entire series free with the purchase). I shall check it out, thanks!
@Kooky_Daisuke cool thanks I may have to try them at least. As for Wolf Among Us - I made the mistake back in the day of watching a youtube playthrough of it, so kind of ruined that for me; but then it has almost been a decade…
One of the Batman games on the Xbox has the wrong quick time events buttons mapped. So it'll say "Press x to dodge" but it won't work. It becomes a game to replay the same scenario to figure out what button was meant. This was never patched.
@K1LLEGAL Another thumbs up for the Batman ones.
I should probably play this after all these years.
I've never payed any of their stuff, but back then everyone was saying "what if Telltale did a [franchise] game?!!!". Then Telltale did make a [franchise] game, kept churning them out, mismanaging the company, and now here we are. 🤷♀️
@K1LLEGAL personally i loved the batman storylines, i have played through the first one 3 times the second one 2 times... and if you can get the B&W addon think it was like 5$ personally liked it better in B&W... i have always been hoping for a 3rd... but the game im dying to get is The Wolf Among Us 2 the first one IMO was Telltales best game.....
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