Update: It's been confirmed that 7 Days To Die on Xbox Game Pass is the "Classic Console" version on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, which means it's the version that sadly hasn't been updated in five years at this point.
However, if you're playing on PC Game Pass, you'll get the most recent "Alpha20" version of the game.
In other words, if you've got the option to play 7 Days To Die on PC instead of Xbox, that's definitely the way to go.
Original story: The popular survival horror game 7 Days to Die arrives on Xbox Game Pass on April 26th, but players of the game have been taking to social media since the announcement to warn people of the "state" of the Xbox version.
Basically, the console edition hasn't been updated since 2017 (according to the dev, the bankruptcy of Telltale Games was to blame for this), and therefore it's very outdated compared to the constantly updated PC version.
So, why's it being added to Game Pass? Well, there's the potential that a next-gen version could be released in the near future, as developer The Fun Pimps announced back in 2019 that it was "exploring all options that would eventually deliver a new version of 7 Days to consoles," but it would also "have to evaluate the expense and risk of porting any future versions of the game to consoles relative to the income it could generate."
It was mentioned back then that the new console port "would likely happen after the PC version has gone gold," which doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon, but who knows? Maybe it'll be a nice surprise for us next week...
Here's how The Fun Pimps concluded their message to fans back in 2019 about the console version:
"We are exploring all options that would eventually deliver a new version of 7 Days to consoles but this would likely happen after the PC version has gone gold and could end up being an entirely new product or on the next console.
Please understand: Telltale going under has put the console version of 7 Days in this situation. TFP are just trying to lookout for the future of our company and the game we care about…"
Do you think we might get a new port next week? Give us your thoughts down in the comments.
Comments 14
It's not like GP to add something like this, all I can think is the deal has allowed funding to update the console version and that update will coincide with the release.
Not the first trip up by game pass though, I still feel sick thinking about Skate Bird.
I'll be happy to not download this until they start updating it. That's why I skipped it to begin with.
First this game, then elite dangerous. If devs are gonna abandon console ports, I should get a refund.
The servers are going in August, seems ridiculous to add this now
At least they gave updates and stuff for elite this turd has had nothing added for consoles since launch.
Granted updates should not of stopped for elite but plenty too do even when it first came out unlike 7 days.
A greedy useless developer who won't update it. Microsoft should remove this turd and add something else
Would not believe a word this lying scum of company says.
@suikoden You're aiming your anger at the wrong company. The Fun Pimps have never updated the console version because they were never interested in making a console version in the first place.
TellTale went to them and did a deal to license it for console. Everything on the console version was done by Telltale. As far as The Fun Pimps are concerned they're two completely separate games.
They're not lazy or greedy, they're a small independent developer with nowhere near the money or staff to work on both the PC and console versions. Hence why they never made a console version and without TellTale that version would never have existed at all.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can still play after the servers go down, just can't join gamed or obtain the 2500 pvp kill achievements. Gotta boot up my other xbox and grind those out before they close.
The console version is seriously out of date - like a15 compared to a20 on PC. Unless they add cross play I would not consider the xbox version, even if they did release an update, without crossplay there is no assurance they would release another update in the next five years if ever. On the PC this game is worth checking out.
I would hope the revenue from it coming to GP would mean they would at least do some update or QoL stuff for it.
Why did they not just add this to PC game pass and leave console out? I can imagine some bad reviews being posted about the game, when, to my understanding it's a good laugh on PC.
@Hexamex-Tex At this point, I'd image the games are too out of sync, update wise, for the idea of cross play to even be entertained.
Pointless even starting it now, an online MMO which is losing its online servers 30th Sept 2022. Joke to even add it to game pass this late
@InterceptorAlpha beyond out of date - the console version is a15 and pc is at a20 approaching 21... with no updates planned on the console version. Crossplay would ensure that they actually care about the console version rather than it having just been a quick money grab years ago.
I still play console 7 days i love it way more then the new version I mean its got some cool stuff but idk juatblike this one way better and I heared they said they were working on the new console version but the old one is dead because taletell went under which was the main porter and the new guys can't do anything with the old one
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