Rainbow Six Extraction dropped on Xbox Game Pass late last week, and we've been digging into it since. If you've been holding off trying it until a few mates get in on the action, Ubisoft has you covered. Starting Thursday, January 27th, the game's 'Buddy Pass' system goes live.
The Buddy Pass acts like a trial, for players who don't have Game Pass, or haven't purchased the game. Existing players can invite two friends to join their squad for free, for 14 days. It isn't totally clear whether that's 14 days from the 27th, or from when you first invite a buddy, but we'd assume it's the latter.
So far, we've enjoyed our time with Extraction. It isn't perfect, but it does enough to dress up Ubisoft's typical military setting to make it quite a lot more interesting. It falls apart a little bit when playing with randoms though, so we recommend hooking up with some pals before tackling co-op.
Will you be inviting a few friends in for co-op this weekend? Let us know below.
[source twitter.com]
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