You might or might not have known that Wednesday was "National Roast Day", and the Twitter account for Wendy's was being particularly active on the day, giving out a variety of "sick burns" to anyone who asked for it.
So, guess who asked for it? Yes — the Xbox account chimed in with a request, and Wendy's duly delivered by taking a shot at Halo Infinite's lack of co-op campaign support at launch, which certainly got a lot of attention:
For those who aren't aware, Halo Infinite's co-op campaign is still in the works for later this year, but has been pushed back to May 2022 at the earliest, with the team explaining it was "just not ready" for launch last year.
The same goes for Halo Infinite's Forge mode, which again is part of the roadmap for May 2022 at the earliest. Is the delay understandable? Sure. But there's no denying this was a pretty effective roast from the Wendy's team...
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 18
His flesh is seared, just the way I like it.
This doesn't bother me at all because i prefer to play games alone. Co-Op isnt necessary for any game in my opinion.
Ahaha! Fair play. That was good. 👏👏👏
Great burn! As a Comedy Central Roast fan I applaud this 😁
I am old school but I could never imagine paying someone to play twitter quidditch with my companies reputation.
Removed - offensive remarks; user is banned
Wendy's completed the challenge of getting 10 kills with the ravager with that burn.
Well played Wendy’s, well played.
Wendy’s went IN.
@DrJamesOxford “Twidditch”
I laughed.
And then I cried because I need coop to hurry up and release so my girlfriend and I can tear it up together.
Makes me want to check out Wendy's salad bar...........
Now that I have the context
Yeah... that's gonna leave a mark.
Bravo, nice roast.
Got em like a well placed plasma.
@OliverOwen it was a promised feature of the game
IMHO social media for large companies should have a sense of humour and feel human. Never understand people that want companies to act like they aren’t run by a human.
No local splitscreen multiplayer in any form for Halo Infinite at launch. And they left an immense swath of the campaign, including variable environments and weather, on the cutting room floor in order to make that launch date. Oh, but 343 had time to make sure they had thousands of $$$ of wannabe Fortnite skins to monetize a 70 percent complete game.
They can cry about COVID all they want, but their priorities speak far louder to me.
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