Xbox GM of Games Marketing Aaron Greenberg often likes to have a bit of fun on social media, and his latest move has drummed up a lot of attention — his profile pic now features him and Crash Bandicoot doing the Xbox symbol!
It certainly hasn't gone unnoticed, with countless people taking to Twitter over the past few days to either praise the move or criticise it... although many have been leaping to his defence in regards to the latter:
In response, Aaron Greenberg highlighted that he'd seen "lots of reactions" to the change of profile picture, and it was never intended to be an attack on Sony or PlayStation fans whatsoever, but rather to "celebrate a fan creation".
He also implored everyone to "stay positive & treat all gamers respectfully":
"Thanks again Ben [on Twitter] for creating this for fun & my new profile pic. Seen lots of reactions & just want everyone to know this was about celebrating a fan creation, which I very often use for profile pic + header. Let’s be mindful to stay positive & treat all gamers respectfully."
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 54
People take social media way too seriously, imagine getting mad about this lol!
@redd214 You are basically describing Anti-Twitter.
@redd214 yeh it's nuts , it's seemed to have gotten worse since the activison announcement , I can understand most ps fans don't like it but it's business simple as ,if it was the other way around ps fans would b applauding it
@Medic_Alert Pokemon fans are like Sonic fans, they love to complain about the smallest things possible.
People are just so weird. Why in the world would you think he's trolling someone? That's going to be an MS IP, I get that it was once associated with PS but that's been almost 2 decades.
What I have noticed is how some ( not all )ps fans change their tune to go against Microsoft and I don't get that
Ps fans : can't wait for starfield it's gonna b amazing
Xbox say starfield exclusive
Ps fan : want going to play it anyway it's going to be rubbish
Xbox : we have backward compatibility
Ps fan : I don't want to play old games anyway
Rumours that BC coming to ps ( works out it was bs )
Ps fan : woohooooo backwards compatibility
I don't get that at all it's not like I hate Nintendo cause they got Zelda ,I tend to think oh nice a new Zelda game ....they not tempted me to get a Nintendo console yet just for that ...but maybe one day
Edit : and to be fair there is some Xbox fans that like rubbing Thier nose in it as well ,it's like a constant battle
Can fanboys and fangirls just go away? Nothing of value would be lost. Learn to take a joke people! Not everything needs to be taken up to 11!
@Martsmall they're constantly moving the goalpost. Now that 20 million people played Halo Infinite the argument goes from "Halo Infinite is dead" to "It should have higher numbers". They won't ever shut up.
That second tweet, I see nothing wrong with that lol, genius move by Sony. Xbox has done similar things quite often the last couple of months.
I understand that he is a microsoft employee and everything he does on sosial media will be scrutinize, but why should it not be accepted for them to have a profile picture of what they want/like ( i am talking about all companys playstation,Nintendo,xbox ect.) What if he was a massive fan of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn or Nathan Drake from Uncharted, and wanted to use a profile picture of them?
There might be "something" behind the decision to use that profile picture now, or it might just be because a fan made the picture and he liked it and are a fan of Crash Bandicoot.
@Korgon you’d think but these guys aka crazed fans don’t really play the games they claim to, many just care about who’s the perceived “winner”, and for them it’s like one massive sports game not actually a recreational activity yo be enjoyed.
Both sides are just as bad, don't get the hate over crash though as there hasn't been a good game in the series since the original trilogy and that's available everywhere remastered.
Though I can't remember what it was called I remember a co op crash game back on playstation 1/2, would be good if they remake that one next
Yup. They're hypocrites. It's just business and exclusives are great. Taking games that the platform holder never developed or created permanently from two major platforms forever is no problem. All of us here love exclusives now.
That's why I don't expect anyone here on Xbox complain about FF7R timed exclusivity. Or when KotOR possibly doesn't come out on Xbox.
Because people here are not hypocrites and it's just business.
@mousieone @Martsmall It was distressing watching internet fanboys during a console release simultaneously with a US election in 2020. The mentalities are identical. Which says a lot about everything in the world. I want to go back to the 80's. Or the 50's. Or really any time but now minus 1929-1948.
@Korgon Humorlessness is also a sign of the times. Nothing is a joke, everything is offensive. Nobody can laugh at themselves, everybody needs an ego stroking. Well half of the population can't take a joke and is offended by everything. The other half will make memes a bout it. Sadly this mess is bigger than video games, it's the default nature of the entire society now. It's like we've split into 2 species except everyone's interlocated with each other.
@Medic_Alert To be fair to the pending Pokemon outrage, GameFreak makes 343i look competent....the outrage is kinda deserved at this point. Especially after "we let the interns take the reigns..."
As for the poor raspberry rodent, though, yeah, saying "I'm a Sonic fan" is like saying "I like to get papercuts and then brine them"
@UltimateOtaku91 Since when was the original trilogy good?? Oh, wait, you're in the UK....riiight....it was "good"..... I mean, I knew back then I couldn't stand Naughty Dog.... There was that set of PS2 games made by someone other than ND that was kinda decent actually, though. It had less "running toward the camera."
And this is what happens when you breed this culture and narrative Xbox has for the past few years. It wasn't PlayStation fanboys who were upset, it was the narrative bros talking about "t0xlcltY" or some nonsense.
@UltimateOtaku91 That cuts me deeply lol. Crash 4 is my favorite game of the series, dethroning the original in my eyes.
@Medic_Alert to be fair to Pokémon fans, a lot of them are united for the new game.
@UltimateOtaku91 Crash 4 it’s about time was good o.O
This past week has truly shown me that the situation with the PlayStation community just keeps getting worse. The amount of negativity I've seen is just unreal. And the thing is that Microsoft will keep making more acquisitions and that's just going to fuel their anger even more. At some point in the future, I do think I'll stop being a part of the PS community because the situation will just become unfeasible at that point. I visit gaming sites because I want to share my passion for video games with others and to be met with constant negativity is something I don't want to see.
On one hand, it's pretty stupid to get mad over a silly profile pic, yes.
On the other, you all know as well as I do that if Sony snapped up some company whose mascot was synonymous with the Xbox brand and then an executive did something like this there'd be a bunch of butthurt Xbox fanboys yelling at him on Twitter.
@Royalblues I'll still be playing PlayStation games, it's just the community that I won't be able to stand if it continues like this. At least I can expect positivity here because these acquisitions obviously benefit Xbox users. But even that's not guaranteed since Sony can make acquisitions of their own that will make Xbox users angry. It hasn't happened yet because Sony naturally can't match Microsoft in terms of capital. But who knows, maybe they'll buy Square Enix and everyone here will freak out.
It's just such an awkward phase for us gamers right now.
As a fan of PlayStation myself I agree with what you just said. There is negativity and toxicity in the community and on PushSquare. But that also happens here. I see posts all the time from people here in literally every single article where someone negatively brings up PlayStation, even when the article is completely irrelevant to them.
And on the day that the Activision acquisition was announced there were literally comments saying "I'm going over to PushSquare to troll them and revel in their misery". So no one can claim that Xbox fans are also not toxic.
They give each other a pass depending on the side they are on. It's cultish behaviour and both sides are as bad as each other.
Just as you said, if Sony bought a major publisher how would the people here react? Exactly the same way as them, so how can anyone here claim to be better or above them? That's plain hypocrisy, the thing people here say they are not.
Look how everyone here reacted to FF7R but are ok with two major publisher buyouts. Timed exclusivity is totally evil but permanent exclusivity is ok.
And when KotoR comes out IF it doesn't come to Xbox I'll gurantee everyone here will be foaming at the mouth and conveniently forget about the Activision and Zenimax buyouts.
TLDR. Both sides are guilty of what they accuse the other of and I wish they would take a look in the mirror.
People have little to be complaining about in life if this angers them.
No need to respond to these Sony Ponies..
@GADG3Tx87 That's not what I'm trying to emphasise here. What I'm trying to say is that it really is no one's fault for being angry right now, it's the corporations that are affecting them. Microsoft is doing their thing, which is fine, but it's affecting the behaviour of people who are usually calm and well-mannered. It's affecting purely PlayStation users because Microsoft are making acquisitions that have more impact compared to Sony. So even though it's not their fault, I still can't be around those people anymore. The likelihood of Sony making an acquisition that will upset Xbox users equally as much is low but it could still happen. That's why if I want to turn to a community now with more positivity, I'll turn to the Xbox community and not the PlayStation one. Because that's just how things are right now: Microsoft will keep making these huge purchases, Xbox users will be happy and PlayStation users will get more displeased. Microsoft simply has more capital to spend than Sony, thus it's more likely that PlayStation users will keep getting more upset compared to Xbox users.
Aaron Greenberg was definitely trolling.
He's done it on multiple occasions and why not?
Xbox has been in the trenches an entire console generation. PlayStation have trolled Xbox in the past with stuff like that game sharing advert.
As long as it's all done tongue in cheek then I have no issue with it.
And I'm pretty sure PS fanboys used that same picture of him to joke when Wolverine got announced, so a bit of karma for those console warriors I think. LOL
I hate how right you are. 😂
@Ralizah actually that sort of happened when Sony announced the KOTOR Remake.
@Royalblues Yeah, to me, games like TLG, Gravity Rush etc were why I always used to prefer PS. As they've abandoned that, there's definitely a loss of identity to PS in my mind. In hindsight it mostly came down to "I like Japanese style games" which I just associated as "Playstation style games". Which while MS still has a lot of catching up there, PS isn't really much of a bastion for it more than MS anymore either. But the community is, well its better than it was for a while by far, but there still is a large population of really weirdly brand-crazed zealots. At least there's now enough people that aren't insane if you filter through the ones that are.
If they start buying big Japanese publishers, though, I guess it'll swing back for me to some extent. I'm not entirely happy about that. When MS buys a company I know I'll be treated well as a customer and offered value. When Sony buys a company I know they'll extort every penny they possibly can from me under duress. It leaves a bitter taste like an abusive relationship with how they and Nintendo do business. You know you're being abused and yet you can't quite separate from it either.
@Medic_Alert Yeah, it's a bad mix of Pokefans being....a....special........type of fan, plus GF being generally incompetent and not even throwing anyone a bone to like. They've barely figured out how to make X360 games and aren't actually very good at it. I thought Arceus was going to be the shift people hoped, but the more they revealed of it the more like SnS it started looking. Definitely not a day-1 for me, that's for sure. I'll see how it fares.
They're between a rock and a hard place though. Pokemon used to be a pretty deep RPG, and the old fans want a return to that. But, like Fortnite, the big money is in the kiddies, so financially it makes sense to keep it all dumbed down. How can they ever please everyone when it's a legacy of a serious game, and a cash cow among those you can't figure out what to do with triggers? If we're honest, Pokemon probably would be best as a mobile game at this point, but Nintendo owning big stake in TPC means it can't be. But then there'd still be a void to fill for what it used to be.
Maybe Game Freak should just walk away from Pokemon, let Team Sonic make it, and they just double down on making Tembo the Badass Elephant a AAA F2P Co-Op Survival game.
@mousieone I thought the KOTOR Remake backlash was more about them picking a writer that famously hates the story of a beloved story? I was a huge KOTOR fan and I've mostly forgotten the remake even exists because I mostly don't care. I'm not sure Disney cares, either, considering they celebrated releasing the remaster of the OG on Switch AFTER that announcement.
Well yes that is true, but the fans do fuel that fire on both sides when something like this happens which makes matters worse and each side will claim to be the victim.
Even this article right here has people being negative and slightly toxic towards PlayStation in the comments.
It's the level of hypocrisy on both sides I can't stand. People here keep saying in some articles "MS should buy -insert developer-" on multiple different developers.
They should think for a minute, how would they feel if it was the other way around? Sure, it's positive for Xbox but how does it help everyone else?
To split the industry like that and to actually want it, only benefits a certain demographic. They don't consider the effect on the industry as a whole. Because to them all that matters is "for us to win they must lose". As gamers no one should think like that, but here we are.
I get what you're saying and you're right, but hardly anyone else on both sides will see either your point or mine because to the majority of them all that matters is the logo on a box.
I've said this over on PushSquare too and those people should be ashamed of such behaviour. Each should try putting the other in their shoes.
@GADG3Tx87 couldnt agree more with this.
@Medic_Alert Sonic needs his day in lights again. Not been a great Sonic game for me since Generations.
@GADG3Tx87 TBH, total exclusivity really is a different animal from the evils of timed. It means the platform holder paid for the game to be made to one extent or another, and means another version of the game was just never made.
With a full exclusive, the platform holder basically takes the game's liability to own it as their content. With a timed exclusive it's a cash package offered to hurt your competitor for a fixed time by NOT selling the other version of the game made for that system in exchange.
Imagine if AMC Theaters paid Disney to NOT air Frozen5 in Regal Theaters for an "unknown period, rumored to be a year but is not certain and could be extended." It would be unthinkable. It's one thing if they just bought the rights to Frozen 5 and own them and paid for the film, but to pay a publisher to NOT sell their content in a competitor's market just long enough until it hurts them, it leaves customers in a limbo not knowing what's going to happen with the content.
I think the biggest shout-down about it goes to whoever is demanding the deals and the length of their terms be secret and create an atmosphere of uncertainty. Whether that's Sony or Square, or other publishers doing that, that's what makes it wrong. If they said from the start "permanent" or "12 months" it would be one thing. It's the secrecy and clandestine nature that makes it unfair to the customer.
And yes, Square-Enix did the same thing with Tomb Raider for MS, and yes, it was bad, but that was Matrick. That should be the number one give-away that the whole idea is bad. I don't mind if Sony wants to buy FFXVI and make it an exclusive game. I do mind if they want to pretend it is while not confirming it actually is and hedging for long periods of time and get all the benefits of exclusivity without actually paying out to buy the rights to the game, using the customer as bait.
Meanwhile, In Sony's case, big money they could be putting into more experimental games like they used to make, things like Gravity Rush etc, goes out the window to buy marketing enhancement on content that doesn't even enhance the platform, which benefits shareholders and not customers.
For Sony, my opinion is they got dependent on "accidental exclusivity" from the PS1/2 era, where their CD format meant they had games locked to their platform not from buying the rights but just because the game was built for their tech and couldn't run on anything else. Things like FF and KH being PS exclusive not by having paid for that privilege but just because it wasn't going to be able to run on something else. Once the tech became homogenized, the games they got used to having to themselves were now everywhere, and they didn't really have a strategy to deal with that, so they ended up copying Matrick's "timed exclusive" menace to get it back without having to actually splash the cash to actually buy total rights to games. It's an ugly setup. Long term I don't think it will help them much if it means MS keeps buying studios and releasing exclusive games on Game Pass, while PS keeps splashing billions for "timed" exclusivity of games that just end up on Game Pass eventually anyway. They need a better strategy.
That's also my point. Timed exclusives will be played by everyone eventually. Buying up publishers where the games were previously accessable to all is the same thing but permanent. It just makes me scratch my head when folks say timed exclusivity is worse than a big permanent third party buyout.
I think I had a conversation with you the other day on PushSquare where I said what's wrong with creating new studios and new games, why should gamers hope one side or the other should buy everything?
Sony's contract has expired with FF7R and apparently EGS have or are securing a new timed exclusivity with the game.
I think third parties should be off limits for timed or buyouts unless they either specifically look for a buyer or need help with development costs.
The gaming industry is long overdue some legal regulation to prevent unfair practices in the industry in my opinion.
Feel the two moments in question are completely different and comparing them is odd. The Sony p take was because MS tried to block the second hand market and everyone, including Xbox owners, were against it. It also made MS go back on the idea and it was a win win for every body in the end.
Buying the company that make the biggest selling games that are sold on the PS, especially after some will have bought a PS5 and now won't get the games they planned - so are financially put out by this is not a win win scenario.
Feels like saying people upset by being allowed 2nd hand games on Xbox One is equivalent to people being upset by not having access to games they have invested time/money. Its just not the same for me.
I must be missing something, what am I looking at? Doing the Xbox symbol - what?
Oh I see now I was looking at the very first picture at the top of the story like an idiot, no hold on, surely the first picture should have been the Xbox symbol and not one of the guy looking at his phone
@NEStalgia That’s the secondary, now main issue. It stopped the first wave, “Oh nothing to be upset about because the writer is this person.”
However, my point was that we’ve seen something like that already and the reaction.
@GADG3Tx87 The problem with timed, like I said, isn't that it's timed, but that it's shrouded in secrecy, doubt, and uncertainty. They don't come out and say "timed for 1 year." They vaguely do "console exclusive" then we hear from the rumor mill that it "might" be timed for an unknown time, then there's the guessing. Is FF7R coming to Xbox? Nintendo? We don't know. Because they keep using secrecy and vague terms to buy the illusion of FULL exclusivity, but without paying fully for full exclusivity (maybe? Maybe not?) There were the hints from S-E about DQ11, the first game confirmed for "NX" that they couldn't release it due to "adult reasons" and then suddenly a year later it released. Buying a time, and announcing that time is one thing. Buying a time and saying "IDK, it may, it may not, today it's exclusive, who can say what tomorrow brings" is just shady AF and insulting to customers. As the old saying goes "sht or get off the pot."
I don't think anyone would have a problem if they came out and said "FF7 will be exclusively on PS for 24 months." Except PS fans that rightfully be upset that money that could have gone to new actual PS games are going to buying a year of marketing bliss. And I don't think anyone would have a problem if they said "FF7 is a PS exclusive" It's the whole cagey word parsing that's underhanded.
I mostly agree that third parties should be off limits for timed exclusives, but I think we can all compromise and say timed exclusives are fine (though it's debatable if they're actually useful) if you just say what the timed duration is for. If you want FF7 in the next 12 months, you buy it on Playstation, EGS, whatever, if you can wait, you wait. But the secrecy is just plain insulting. IDK if Square or Sony deserve most of the ire for how the recent games have worked out.
Plus Square, being Square probably uses it for their own misdirection. FFXIV is already confirmed for Xbox...but they don't actually have a plan or strategy or timeframe in mind....but there's no exclusive binding, they already said they're doing it. They probably hide behind sketchy unknown exclusivity to hide delays all the time.
I do agree about the buyouts, although, in this case, Activision was secretly looking for and approaching buyers. We didn't know that at first, and I was against the buyout at first. I hate hostile takeovers with a passion. But if Acti was shopping for a buyer, and shopping only around big-tech that could afford it ....that's a bit different. They probably did approach Sony, but knew there wasn't a chance in the world they could pony (ahem) up the money for that.
Definitely agreed....not so much just the gaming industry but tech in general is long, long overdue for regulation. We're about 20 years too late for that...
@UltimateOtaku91 Did you play the new Crash game (It’s about time)? I thought it was really good. I also thought CTR was a fantastic remake, and in all honesty, much preferable to Mario Kart for my own personal tastes.
@Hypnotoad107 I think my main problem with number 4 was that it was frustrating hard and didn't enjoy it becuase of that, I found it harder than any of the original 3.
Yes CTR was also good, I liked that it had a story and explorabe hub area which are both missing from mario kart games
Playstation fans can get oddly devoted to their favorite game console. They've become notorious for their outrage and aggression when things don't go their way. You can find fans like this everywhere but for some reason there seems to be a whole lot of them at Playstation though, like they are all really organized and hang out in these dark corners of the internet together plotting their rage against all Playstation dissenters.
@JayJ let’s be fair all three consoles have fanboys that are just as bad. I feel many posters here just aren’t that self aware of how they sound sometimes.
The pic is a non-event. Let’s hope the actually make a game soon and not just nice profile pics.
I’ll get excited when all these IPs start getting Xbox studios game releases. New titles I mean.
The pic is in poor taste. Imagine if Sony somehow bought Bungie out from under MS, and before the ink on the deal was even dry a Sony exec updated their profile pic to them grinning while they and Master Chief formed a human "PS" together. It's gloating, pure and simple, and there's really no call for defending it, whatever your stance on fanboyism.
@Royalblues I'm not saying I want them to do that, I'm just saying I predict they might and if they do it will force me to shift a bit more that way again.
I don't think they'll buy SE though. They're already in their pocket, and they already recently sold the sizeable chunk they owned of it anyway. I doubt they're back for seconds.
Tough foresoken seems meh so far (and is Sony funded), XVI we really still don't know if it's exclusive or timed, and XIV is most definitely not exclusive, they already confirmed they're bringing it to XBox, they just have no dates as to when (and it's so popular on ps and pc their servers can't handle what they have), byt that one definitely will be on Xbox. When they do bring it they either need to wait until it's popularity is fading or they need Microsoft to provide servers though, because they already had to delist it on psn for a while when they released the newest expansion because the demand of brought the servers down. Imagine what would happen if they put it (minus sub) on game pass!
I'm hoping you're right though. I don't want to see the bigger Japanese studios get costumed at all. I still say Sony shot themselves in the foot closing Japan studio. They weren't profitable but they had an immensely creative studio the bean counters closed on profit terms.
@UltimateOtaku91 crash bash , I thought twinsanity was decent just the terrible controls that let it down for me , crash team racing & crash tag team racing are both great crash games too & the new one was brilliant although it was a little too difficult
At this point getting to the letter X when reciting the alphabet will trigger some fanboys.
@Martsmall and there is loads more.
I been saying this for years the yes it's on both sides but from what I noticed over the last 10 years it's always seems to be worst on the Sony side. They even blind to a lot of the bad news that comes out about Sony then it gets buried and forgot about.
I love my consoles but dam blind fanboys piss me off.
His mistake here is acknowledging these idiotic fanboys at all.
The attitude of some Sony fans is sick, to say the least. They are probably the same saying that Activision Blizzard suck anyway and they haven't played one of their games in 10 years.
Enough with the whataboutism stuff on the internet. I'll end it in Xbox's favour right now without besmirching the past:
Sony had barely anything to do with the creation and revival of Crash Bandicoot franchise, and so can't claim it really - it was dead for a generation of time anyway. It's been a part of non-Playstation households for years now (a console generations lifespan almost).
How many of us played it on PSX back in the day, and ended up also owning other systems in subsequent generations? Countless millions. I can't think of ANYONE who just sticks with a single console family, including PS, time after time.
This is moot. Nothing ever belonged to them, the fans. Sony doesn't need anyone to defend itself. Nothing belongs to us really, either, unless you're a significant shareholder of Microsoft, right? Nah.
That's it. Here in my country, we got bigger things to worry about. I don't wanna have to come clean this up, too (that goes for Xbox users as well, as I'm sure we poke the bear now and then too). Someone repost this on some idiot PlayStation website, too, thanks.
@GADG3Tx87 Thank you for saying this! I was reading through comment after comment on this page from people who prefer Xbox criticizing those who prefer PlayStation for the very thing they’re doing right now: making fun of another fanbase. Neither the PlayStation community nor the Xbox community are any better at moving past prejudices than the other. Both of them suffer from this problem immensely.
I personally don’t think that someone is automatically a “fanboy” because they prefer a certain platform over another. I also don’t believe that actually being a “fanboy” is necessarily a bad thing. I think the problem is when people start to hurt others or act in a toxic way towards others because of what they prefer. Otherwise, it’s actually perfectly okay to be a fanboy, and no one should be made to feel ashamed because they prefer Xbox over PlayStation, or PlayStation over Xbox, or any such combination. That being said, in my personal opinion, I do think Microsoft has taken a rather huge chunk out of the video game industry by investing in such massive acquisitions like Bethesda and Activision. I think if Microsoft keeps Bethesda and Activision games exclusive to the Microsoft ecosystem, that’s probably going to be okay, even if it makes it much harder for companies like Sony and Nintendo to compete. However, I do think that if Microsoft plans to keep making acquisitions that are just as massive as either Bethesda or Activision, sooner or later, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for legal action to be taken against them. I’m not saying that as if acquisitions are a horrible thing. After all, Sony has also made acquisitions (although their acquisitions have thus far been on a much smaller scale). What I am saying is that if Microsoft continues to make such massive acquisitions, I do think — whether they intend to or not — will in fact, be taking away any kind of healthy competition in the video game industry. Competition is good for the video game industry and is just business, but if Microsoft continues down this path and starts acquiring more massive publishers and developers, that is no longer good for the industry. If it comes to that, that is absolutely NOT simply “just business”. I really do think that Microsoft needs to scale down in the sizes of any further acquisitions. I’m not saying that because I prefer to play on PlayStation over Xbox; I’m saying that because I am very concerned for the video game industry’s future. I think that Microsoft has done an excellent job of building up their first party business, but at the same time, Microsoft has also said repeatedly that they think both Nintendo and Sony are beneficial to the video game industry and that it wouldn’t be the same without them. If Microsoft continues to take away third party content from Sony and Nintendo, I personally don’t think either Sony or Nintendo will be able to successfully compete anymore.
Glad to see there are some people here neutral enough to see that the Xbox and PlayStation community, or this website and PushSquare are both two sides of the same coin.
I've been wanting to say it for a while but was always afraid to because of the cultish nature of people here. I thought I would get roasted over it, called a fanboy and everyone would be blind and in complete denial of how they behave.
The problem with a fanboy is no matter which side you are on you always think the other is worse because they are making fun of insults to your side.
They say here Xbox fans are not toxic and PlayStation fans are the most abusive.
They want to go over to Twitter and Reddit to see how their community behaves towards PlayStation, the abuse is so unbelievable that some of them even go so far as to threaten lives. Over a damn console.
The thing that bothers me the most is the hypocrisy. Literally every single thread on this site they bring up PlayStation and how they hate them and yet their comments mirror exactly the same as the other side.
They say exclusives are good when MS bought Zenimax and Activision, while getting mad over timed exclusives.
They say Sony are bad for putting games only on PlayStation (they put games on PC now too) while ignoring that MS took entire developers and IP's away from two other major platforms forever.
They complain about FF7R and will complaint about KotoR, while saying about CoD, Fallot, Elder Scrolls etc "it's just business, you don't spend all that money to share with a competitor.
And yet Sony licences Spider-Man, pays their own developer to make a game and keeps it only on PS and that's completely wrong WHEN THEY MADE IT THEMSELVES. They say Sony are anti-consumer but forget Microsoft tried to double the price of XBLG, they forget the 2013 fiasco, they forget that Phil wants the right to ban people across the entire internet for breaking the Xbox code of conduct, they bring up cross-play and forget Sony asked for it first.
How can they not see it? Maybe they just don't want to. All fanboys can see is hate, not logic.
I like Xbox, I like PlayStation. I like PS more because their games, single player stories, and their business model, buying games on disc outright for a one time fee, appeals more to me.
I don't want digital or to be tied to a service, there's nothing wrong with that. There is also nothing wrong with those who do.
When I say this I just get met with "GamePass is the best deal in gaming, you're just a 'Pony', it's the future".
It may be 'better' for you but it's not 'better' for me. I don't want that future, I don't like not having ownership or a nice physical collection to admire. And when you speak out about it you get called a 'pony' and a 'shill'.
Either side calls the other a 'pony' or an 'xbot' if any of them dares speak out against their precious box, not realising you can like one or both without blindly worshipping everything they do.
I think Phil Spencer is an idiot and he's destroying gaming because they can't directly compete with PS in a fair games to console offering, they can't create an IP so they buy everything instead.
I also think that Jim Ryan is a moron, because he can't find his way out of a paper bag let alone run a company. When he said "at PlayStation we respect our legacy" I spat my coffee out and yelled "where's the f***king backwards compatibility then!?!". "Who would play these old games" he said.
I'm more of a playstation player, but I'd still rub it in their annoying faces that xbox has crash now.
@GADG3Tx87 You make a lot of really good points, and I agree that both the communities of Xbox and PlayStation suffer from the same problem in regards to a lot of fanboys being hurtful towards others. I also agree with what you mentioned about how each community is constantly forgetting different good things and bad things that both sides have done. It’s really sad that a lot of people don’t remember such things (although I’m certainly guilty of forgetting at different times too, unfortunately). Both companies and communities supporting them tend to pass a lot of judgment and hate towards each other. I think that’s really unfortunate. I personally have a PS5, a Nintendo Switch, and an Xbox Series S, and I personally love all three of them. I use my PS5 and Switch more than my Xbox, but I still really love my Xbox as well. I can also understand that a lot of people can’t afford all three at once, and that can create uncertainty around timed exclusives and potential disappointments regarding not being able to play a game they love on what they have. Both Sony and Microsoft have made a lot of mistakes over the years, and both of them have also done a lot of wonderful things over the years too. I hope that all gaming platforms can continue to thrive and be successful. Whether it’s Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Amazon, Google, or any other company or platform in the video game industry, I think it’s important for each one to thrive and compete within the industry. However, I certainly don’t appreciate the hate that some fanboys choose to spread either. I like to think of it as similar to sports teams, where it’s okay to have appreciation and excitement for one’s favorite team, and even tease other team’s fanbases in a friendly way, but I don’t think it’s okay for different fanbases to attack and disrespect each other.
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