It looks like our hopes and prayers for a proper fix for Halo Infinite's Big Team Battle issues are finally being answered. Halo Community Director at 343 Industries, Brian Jarrard (AKA Sketch) took to the Halo Waypoint forums to talk over what's coming in Infinite's next patch.
The team is confident it has a fix in place for the numerous matchmaking issues regarding Big Team Battle. And, because these issues are so widespread, this fix is being prioritised over others in the pipeline over at 343.
A strike force continued to work on this [BTB fix] over the break and we’re optimistic to say we believe we have a fix in hand for the core issue. This went into QA last week and so far it’s looking positive - we are not seeing this issue occur internally using this build.
For now we are opting to slipstream the BTB fixes given the broad scope of impact on all players.
While BTB issues are clearly the priority right now for Halo Infinite, other problems are being looked into. Chief among which is cheating, which seems to be next in the pipeline.
We know there are a number of other topics you’re eager to hear about - including some issues with instances of cheating. The team has been working on a patch for mid-Feb that looks to address this and other things, and we’ll have more details to come as we get closer to release.
We have to admit that while we're happy to see BTB being prioritised, another month of cheaters could prove problematic. Hopefully, given the time needed, that mid-February patch will help solve most of our problems regarding cheaters.
Are you happy with the way 343 Industries is dealing with issues in Halo Infinite multiplayer?
[source forums.halowaypoint.com, via dotesports.com]
Comments 15
Sounds good. I don't really care for BTB anyway but good for the folks that do. As for the cheating I've been pretty fortunate in that I haven't run into too much of that lately but still interested to see what they have in mind to fight it come February. I'm most interested in when we could see more maps. Hopefully it won't be until May before we see new maps. Just two or three would go a long way.
Well it sounds like we won’t have to wait until mid-Feb for a BTB fix. It’s also worth mentioning that a lot of the quick tweaks 343 put in for challenges were done server side so there was no need to push out a patch.
The BTB fix looks like it will need a client side patch hence the need for cert approval etc.
@Korgon sadly I don’t expect new maps before season 2. There has been nothing said about us having to wait until season 2 for new maps though. I really really hope they have a few new maps ready to go for then. Modes would be nice but maps are critical too.
The game should have been delayed another year. The game is such a mess that it is embarrassing that it the flagship title of Xbox.
To be fair, it sounds like BTB has big issues and it’s appears to be what players seem to want fixed the most. So they seem to be putting priority on what they’re being asked by the community the most.
Honestly, especially compared to Battlefield’s managers, the Halo devs seem to be really responsive to player opinions. Battlefield is doing the opposite in many cases.
I think 343 is getting more crap than they deserve. Just my opinion.
The released an outstanding single player game and a sound, great feeling multiplayer that has problems but is getting better as they listen to player feedback.
Far from “embarrassing” IMO.
Comparing Infinite to the train wreck that is Battlefield is always going to make it look great in comparison, though. Compare Infinite’s launch to any Bungie-made Halo game, though, and it doesn’t look so great. I’m enjoying Infinite, the campaign was pretty good and I still hop on the multiplayer from time to time but this game feels a far cry away from being feature complete. The fact that it’s taking them months to start addressing the cheaters issue alone is mind boggling. The gameplay feels amazing, but that doesn’t excuse everything around it feeling unfinished.
Compared to PlayStation’s and Nintendo’s flagship first party I.P, Halo Infinite IS pretty embarrassing. At least Forza Horizon 5 didn’t disappoint.
@Phostachio I honestly think calling it “embarrassing” is absolutely ridiculous. The campaign alone is one of the best shooters I’ve played in recent years. Also one of the highest rated games of 2021. Far exceeded my expectations and definitely didn’t disappoint.
Multiplayer may need work but to call the game as whole as embarrassing is just stupid.
Also, PlayStation’s attempt at multiplayer in games like Uncharted have sucked and also felt “unfinished” (difference being they never were polished enough even with updates to be good). So are those “embarrassing”.
Taken as a whole Halo Infinite was a success in my eyes.
Halo Infinite has the blueprint of a very good game but as Miyamoto once said, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
And on the Uncharted thing, I seriously don’t know anyone who buys Uncharted purely for its multiplayer, yet I’ve always enjoyed them. Care to elaborate on what you felt was unpolished?
@Phostachio Uncharted multiplayer was always filled with connection issues and bad matchmaking. Gameplay was unbalanced. Climbing and ledge kills never felt right. I don’t feel like Naughty Dog put much effort into it after launch for either 3 or 4. Heck, they’re dropping multiplayer from the remasters all together which says something.
Anyway, my comment was less about Uncharted and more about Halo Infinite being far from an embarrassment. Campaign was great IMO and I still have fun in MP personally. I also don’t give a rat’s ass about cosmetics and will never spend a dime and have the same experience.
But I guess MS has egg all over their face with that 87 on Metacritic and an 8.5 from players there.
It says that people really don’t care about Uncharted’s multiplayer and always bought the games for their great single player campaigns. The Halo campaigns are great, but a huge part of the appeal is being able to play them co-op which is not something you can do in Infinite yet. Whether or not you purchase cosmetics is besides the point, the point is that they’re overpriced and Halo cosmetics used to be free and unlocked by playing. I enjoy Infinite, it’s quite good and might be great a year from now but as a long time Halo fan, I’m certainly not going to ignore everything it’s missing.
@Phostachio I’m a big Halo fan as well, though play more casual on multiplayer, and have a blast. I just know calling the game as whole embarrassing is far from a common point of view. And many, especially for the campaign, think it’s great.
If you don’t think games launching with the bare minimum with the promise that they’ll add what they should have had at launch later is embarrassing, suit yourself. I expect more. Luckily Halo Infinite is free on Gamepass because it definitely doesn’t feel worth $60 yet.
@Phostachio The single player campaign alone is worth 60. And you are buying the campaign if you get it at retail. Multiplayer is free to download even if you don’t have GamePass.
Only thing missing from campaign is co-op but otherwise it’s complete, very polished and almost bug free compared to other AAA games at launch.
I always play solo for campaign, and if I had had to play $60 for it, I would have been quite happy with the results.
Again, you are paying for the campaign. You know, the one that got 87 on Metacritic.
Nothing to be embarrassed at all with the retail part of the game especially.
It’s free because they know Halo multiplayer hasn’t been top dog in years and Halo Infinite’s is the most barebones yet, and people would have been upset if they had to pay for such a paltry offering. The campaign? If you say so, again no co-op, no actual cutscenes, story was pretty meh compared to Halo 4 and any Bungie-made Halo game and it got pretty repetitive.
$60 used to get you a Halo game with a co-op campaign, multiplayer with a bunch of maps and modes and working big team battle with No cheaters, Forge, and a huge customization suite. Today? You get a single player campaign that’s hardly Halo at its best.
87 is a great score, whether or not the I.P and fact that it’s a first party I.P bumped it up a bit is debatable
(I personally believe that to be the case), but I find it funny that it’s the lowest scoring mainline Halo game aside from 5.
Again it isn’t a big deal, I didn’t preorder it because I was worried it was going to be incomplete at launch and I’m glad I didn’t. Gamepass saved me $60.
The latest God of War sits at 94%, the latest Zelda a whopping 97% and the latest Forza Horizon at 92%. Some of my other favorite franchises are only getting better, it just sucks to see Halo, Microsoft’s Mario in terms of importance, take a step down.
@Phostachio I loved the campaign (and no cutscenes? What game were you playing?). Best in years and in my top 3 Halo games. Absolutely blows the doors off Halo 5. Again, exceeded my expectations. It certainly didn’t “take a step down” and be embarrassing.
But whatever, you believe what you want to believe. I know many others that feel the same way I do. Heck, it got 23 Game of the Year Awards from publications including Game Informer.
I’m done.
In-game cut scenes, yes, no gorgeous CG cut scenes that even Halo 5 had. Halo 5 had a worse story (though a better set up at the end for Infinite that they just ignored), but I’d argue more variety in the campaign as a whole. Not really interested in Infinite’s open world if all they do with it is throw like 4 different types of side objectives in it and call it a day. The campaign was still good, luckily the pure gameplay is probably the best in the series so that got me through pressing 200 switches with the same animation of Weapon stepping forward and turning around to look at you.
The launch IS embarrassing. The game itself will probably have everything I feel that it’s missing in a year, but the game already launched and I’m going to judge it based on what it launched with. I’m so tired of gamers telling me “they’re working on such and such, they’ll add such and such” for games that are already out to assure me they’re worth playing. I have more important things to do than invest my money into overlong betas because publishers these days get away with selling now and fixing later.
Damn, you’d think a game with that many game of the year awards would at least score a 90, no?
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