Update: Max Payne 3 has also been spotted on the old marketplace - another one to add to the list!
Original story: There's been plenty of speculation that Microsoft might be looking to add new backwards compatible games to the Xbox library this Monday, November 15th, and now a random batch of classic titles has appeared on an old storefront.
11 games in all have been added to the Xbox 360 Marketplace, one of which is dated November 15th (Dead or Alive 3), and the rest of which are dated yesterday, November 10th. Here's a look at the list in full (thanks XboxEra):
- Dead or Alive
- Dead or Alive 2
- Dead or Alive 3
- Manhunt
- Max Payne
- Max Payne 2
- Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee
- Red Dead Revolver
- Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Star Wars: Episode III
- Thrillville
None of these games are purchasable right now, and very few even have any box art, so they could just be there for testing purposes. However, considering the timeliness of their appearance, it does seem like something is going on.
We've only got a few days to wait until we (hopefully) get some answers, with Xbox's big 20th anniversary celebration event taking place on Monday, November 15th. Let's hope some of these classics get the back compat treatment!
Would you be excited if these were to be added on Monday? Give us your thoughts down below.
[source xboxera.com]
Comments 28
I still have a achievement to get on thrillville maybe this is my year to get it
Well if true ill save some money atleast
That's a good list
Oooh Thrillville i can aready hear the song in my head
I think it's really weird that Jedi Outcast isn't on XB1 at all. Obviously the Aspyr ports of Star Wars games skipping Xbox were a result of the OG Xbox versions being already on XB1 via backwards compatibility but Jedi Outcast isn't on backwards compatibility and didn't get the Aspyr port on XB1.
@RedKnight34 t h r i l l v I l l e , thrilllville let's go !!!
For those who don't know it or don't remember it.
I'd grab the star wars games for nostalgia if they're bc.
Red red redemption might be good too so I could check out the undead dlc.
OHH i hope star wars is true, i LOVED the episode 3 game
Time to check if i still have it just in case
I'd quite like Godzilla. It was Godzilla and Dead or Alive series behind my buying an Xbox all those years ago. Then I discovered so many other gems on my gaming journey.
I'd pick up Mahunt, the Max Paynes and Oddworld games easily.
@Bobarino Red Dead Remdeption 1 is already BC. This game is Red Dead Revolver, which is drastically different from the Redemption games. It's not all that fun, and very awkward, but is interesting as a piece of gaming history.
I'll grab Red Dead Revolver in a heartbeat.
Here's hoping SSX Tricky gets a release too.
Max Payne <3 I'll cry tears of joy if this turns out to be true.
Jet Set Radio Future
Silent Hill 2
Max Payne 1 and 2 used to be available to buy on 360, it makes sense they could be bringing them back
DOA3 was the reason I wanted the OG Xbox glad to see it back
You would hope that Manhunt 2 and Max Payne 3 would appear too judging by the list. Also The Warriors.
If ever games need a proper remaster it is Max Payne 1 & 2. The console versions of these were terrible compared to PC and even that has aged. Low res, low framerate, loading screens etc. Would still like to play them BC but would prefer a full remaster.
I'd play Oddworld Munch's Odyssey too.
And still no RE Operation Raccoon City! 😂
Already have munchs oddysee on the switch & max Payne on the PS4 I'll ger max Payne 2 though , what I really want to see is Simpsons hit & run , midtown madness & the older need for speed games
Excited for DOA and max Payne series. If this list joins the other list of ten or so games suggested a little while back next week could be very interesting. 😀
20th Xbox anniversary, you mean.
@EVIL-C I do indeed. Thanks!
I’d luv a remake of Manhunt on XSX/S or PS5!! That game was brutal!!
Dead or alive 2 is a classic for me! I hope this happens
I keep hoping Kung Fu Chaos will show up, but I guess the licensed music will make it impossible
@Richnj @SplooshDmg - Thanks. I must have really been out of it yesterday to totally misread that!
Max Payne 2 is such an utter classic, would love to play that game again.
Also DOA 1 - 3 is a must.
Had 4 360 games with new title updates tonight, Alan Wake, Kameo and Gears of War 2 & 3
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