Rumour: Seven OG Xbox Games That Could Be Getting Backwards Compatibility

Earlier this week, we reported on a story that Xbox might be thinking about adding more backwards compatible titles to the library this November, and now a few rumoured possibilities have cropped up on the original Xbox side.

As highlighted by True Achievements, the outlet spotted a few bizarre original Xbox additions to the Microsoft Store back in September which were subsequently removed, and here's what was discovered:

"Looking back through our store data, we saw seven OG Xbox games added to the new Microsoft Store from the old Xbox 360 store in September, all with a strange November 30th release date.

These titles include one of the best-received original Xbox launch titles Dead or Alive 3 (which would tie in nicely with the Xbox 20th anniversary celebrations if it does get added to the program), Dead or Alive Ultimate, Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers, Gladius, Gunvalkyrie, Advent Rising, and bizarrely, Chicken Little. They have all since been removed from the store."

True Achievements goes on to state that no-one should "jump to any conclusions" based on this information, as this could just be a case of Microsoft performing some tests and nothing more. The original rumour from XboxEra's Shpeshal_Nick also mentioned that "sometimes OG and 360 games are tested but don't make the cut".

It'll be interesting to see what comes of this (if anything). Something like Dead or Alive 3 would serve as a perfect addition to the backwards compatible library for Xbox's 20th anniversary, considering it was an Xbox launch title.

We'll see what happens!

Do you think we'll see any of these games made backwards compatible this November? Tell us below.
