Halo Infinite - Hope
Image: 343 Industries / Xbox

Halo Infinite is arguably the most anticipated release of 2021, and it's set to arrive in just under 60 days.

Although it is just around the corner, one part of the game we still haven't seen much of is the campaign. While 343 might not be ready to show off Master Chief's new adventure just yet, in its latest post over on Halo Waypoint, it's taken the opportunity to remind fans how they'll be stepping into Master Chief's shoes in under two months, with two new pieces of artwork - titled "sacrifice" and "hope":

"...you'll have the chance to become the Master Chief, inspiring hope in humanity through heroism and sacrifice, no matter the cost. Step into Master Chief's shoes and become the hero of the journey as you face the Banished and travel across Zeta Halo when Halo Infinite launches on December 8. In honor of that, we wanted to share some artwork that evokes some of those sentiments."

Halo Infinite Sacrifice
Image: 343 Industries / Xbox
Halo Infinite Hope
Image: 343 Industries / Xbox

In the same post, 343 also reminded fans of how it left some concept art files in the Multiplayer Tech Preview Build - which ultimately led to it sharing these files. Here's a selection of some of the ones featuring Master Chief, but you can see the full lot by downloading the full collection or zip files.

"Our error is your gain as we decided to face the issue as open and honestly as we could. We opted to package up the collection in downloadable zip files and shared some of the art of Halo Infinite with you directly."

Halo Infinite Concept Art
Image: Xbox

Are you looking forward to stepping into Master Chief's shoes on 8th December? What do you think of the above artwork? Leave a comment down below.

[source halowaypoint.com]