Skyrim Anniversary Edition

Yes, another version (!) of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is on the way, this time in the form of an Anniversary Edition. It's set to launch on November 11 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

The new release is to mark the 10th anniversary of the game and will be available to purchase for owners of Skyrim: Special Edition or Xbox Game Pass subscribers as part of a special upgrade version (it'll also be sold separately). It will include "the full game plus all three expansions and over 500 pieces of unique content from Creation Club, including pre-existing and new quests, dungeons, bosses, weapons, spells and more".

"We’re excited to announce the most definitive version of Skyrim to date: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition. In addition to the three free Creation Club items mentioned above, this version contains the full game plus all three expansions and over 500 pieces of unique content from Creation Club, including pre-existing and new quests, dungeons, bosses, weapons, spells and more!"

For those not interested in the Anniversary Edition, free content is also coming out for Skyrim: Special Edition, along with a free Xbox Series X and Series S upgrade (included with Xbox Game Pass). It's not yet been revealed what the next-gen update will include, but the additional content will consist of three Creation Club pieces: Fishing, Survival Mode and new quests with Saints and Seducers.

"Existing owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will also receive the option to purchase an Anniversary Edition upgrade for their Special Edition version of the game to gain access to all the additional content found in the Anniversary Edition."

It's all a bit convoluted in all honesty, but the short story is everyone will be eligible for a free upgrade to next-gen with a few bits of additional content. Anyone who wants more can pick up the Anniversary Edition for over 500 extra pieces. Ignoring the confusing nature of it all, at least there are some freebies for everyone to enjoy!

Will you be picking up Skyrim: Anniversary Edition? Or just sticking with the free next-gen update? Let us know below.
