Yes, another version (!) of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is on the way, this time in the form of an Anniversary Edition. It's set to launch on November 11 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.
The new release is to mark the 10th anniversary of the game and will be available to purchase for owners of Skyrim: Special Edition or Xbox Game Pass subscribers as part of a special upgrade version (it'll also be sold separately). It will include "the full game plus all three expansions and over 500 pieces of unique content from Creation Club, including pre-existing and new quests, dungeons, bosses, weapons, spells and more".
"We’re excited to announce the most definitive version of Skyrim to date: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition. In addition to the three free Creation Club items mentioned above, this version contains the full game plus all three expansions and over 500 pieces of unique content from Creation Club, including pre-existing and new quests, dungeons, bosses, weapons, spells and more!"
For those not interested in the Anniversary Edition, free content is also coming out for Skyrim: Special Edition, along with a free Xbox Series X and Series S upgrade (included with Xbox Game Pass). It's not yet been revealed what the next-gen update will include, but the additional content will consist of three Creation Club pieces: Fishing, Survival Mode and new quests with Saints and Seducers.
"Existing owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will also receive the option to purchase an Anniversary Edition upgrade for their Special Edition version of the game to gain access to all the additional content found in the Anniversary Edition."
It's all a bit convoluted in all honesty, but the short story is everyone will be eligible for a free upgrade to next-gen with a few bits of additional content. Anyone who wants more can pick up the Anniversary Edition for over 500 extra pieces. Ignoring the confusing nature of it all, at least there are some freebies for everyone to enjoy!
Will you be picking up Skyrim: Anniversary Edition? Or just sticking with the free next-gen update? Let us know below.
Comments 28
Ok…. So what if I own Skyrim SE on Switch, Xbox, and PSN…. AND I have Game Pass?
@Dm9982 Todd visits your house and takes you on a cart ride.
Rofl, Todd has found a way to sell Skyrim to game pass subscribers now!
I know I know it's just the dlc bundled with other stuff, but still....
Curious about next gen though!
@P3nguinprisM Scarousing!
What the hell?! How great are these additional 500+ creative club contents to the point they make anniversary version out of it?
Sigh, now i believe they will ABSOLUTELY remake Skyrim in the future and probably aimed for 9th gen consoles or Series consoles excluisive. Afterall, Skyrim needs to be still relevant no matter what just like GTA V!
So many version and I have yet to play this game more than an hour lol
Another pointless cash grab
I must admit, as much as I agree with @UltimateOtaku91 the updated graphics and the inclusion of the Creation Club stuff has me a little excited.
@GrandPariah @UltimateOtaku91 afaik the updated graphics are free, and the anniversary edition is just a complete dlc bundle for one price, so technically it's not a cash grab, it's a value bundle if you want all the dlc.
At first the idea of it not being free in game pass made me fear Sony like monetization of game pass, but then I realized it's basically just the same dlc they already sell for it just in one package for probably a discounted bundle price.
Depending on price I might buy since I haven't bought any dlc, own SE, and haven't played the game yet beyond the first town despite owning the LE on 360 with the massive dragon statue, the switch version, the psvr version and the SE in x1sx. But I'm most excited for the next gen version depending on what it does.
I'm still hoping this game will come to psvr2 and it's one of the existing platform caveats z even though I know it won't. It was amazing to get into on psvr but really needed better hardware.
@GunValkyrie It makes the FFXIV Complete Edition actually look complete... 😂
Next gen update sounds lovely
Hmmm, May bite. Guess I’ll see at the time if I fancy it or not. Might just have another run through when we get the free upgrades with game pass it’s been a good couple of years. Every time I play Skyrim I’ll play a save about 10-20 hours then not play for months and come back completely forget everything I’ve done and where I am and then start a new save and pretty much do the same build and stuff over again and repeat lol… We need an oblivion remaster!!!
Pre-orders for the Ultimate 20th anniversary edition of Skyrim are available now! Launches in November of 2031! If you pre-download the game on Xbox Series X2/S2 you'll receive the new funky mode at no additional cost!
@Wyatt006 which retailers are offering the Dante from the Devil May Cry series horse armor?
@BigP here here on oblivion! Best tes game but just a bit rickety. Morrowind REALLY needs a remaster. It's almost unplayable.
I still need to play Skyrim..
I would have been much happier if they had remade Morrowind and Oblivion with Skyrims construction kit and bundled it altogether! Don't think I'll triple dip when I have 100% on 360 and XB1
@SplooshDmg Interesting what PSBlog said. It's definitely possible that the upgrade is Xbox exclusive in all but name. I haven't followed what PC features they've been supporting. On series consoles it's already doing boost to 60fps4k and autohdr iirc. So there has to be something to the upgrade. Maybe it's just full speed ssd support. Honestly that would be worth it for Game that stupidly loads each building when you walk in and out.
Own it on 360, PC LE and SE, and the SE for xbox one, but yeah what can I say, will definitely be buying this, normally I wouldn't but I save so much money these days with everything on gamepass, would have bought Outriders, the Ascent, Hades otherwise, but didn't have to, Hades will be a no-brainer buy when it leaves the service, hope the Ascent and Outriders will get enough patches/updates to make me think the same.
Ok I can understand people thinking oh god again but we can't just give skyrim a hard time when we are living in a world were GTA V just won't die for the love of Pete lmao
So between now and the end of the year we have rereleases of Skyrim, The Witcher 3, and GTA V...all huge open worlds and time-sinks, and that’s without all the new titles coming out! The days just aren’t long enough!
This article doesn’t say anything about the graphical enhancements - does anyone know what the visual improvements are?
I always wondered... Is this game actually that good? That we need to hear about it almost every other day a good decade after its release?
@SplooshDmg I just assumed it is a native app for new consoles. I think being a tech-savvy first-party dev they have done it. But there are many examples to the contrary. Crysis 2 and 3 Remastered are going to just be BC with extra features (on both Xbox and PS5) despite the fact that they are rather extensive remasters.
@SplooshDmg If I remember right about Gears 5. it basically brought all the maximum settings of the PC version plus some extras to the X|S. So I would still wager it is a native app. ME probably wasn't aiming for any maximum graphics or next gen features in a big way so probably that is why they are just using the BC.
The Crysis 2 and 3 remasters are also using the BC because they are basically just taking the maximum settings of the PC versions at the time of release plus some extras in lighting and texture work and releasing it on PS4/X1 but with BC for next-gen making 60fps and higher base resolutions possible.
I never played Skyrim largely because back then I played Fallout 3 and didn't like it. So then I just stuck to Sci-fi RPG and with ME and Deus Ex : HR there was a good deal of content there back then.
@SplooshDmg I think a better question is on Series X|S what's the difference between native and BC to begin with? Obviously if the game is just built with the X1 target and it's running the same code it's just running BC, but if they're adding X|S specific features, and have to rebuild for them rather than just unlocking frame rate for X1, is it automatically native even if they don't use the newer features explicitly?
PS4 to PS5 seems more different with a different set of tools entirely. Supposedly easier to use tools, but different so "native" may mean more there.
Although, even there, we have the GoT Director's Cut, where GoT already unlocked framerate in BC mode, and in Push Square's interview with the devs, when asked what the new native PS5 version offers the response was (hilariously) that it added haptics for the new controller and improved vibration. Yeah. That was literally all they had for the "native" PS5 version. Better controller vibration. (And they're charging for this....) Plus it'll use the SSD properly (though the funny thing is that's one of the only games without loading times on PS4, so it doesn't really matter as much as it would for Skyrim.)
So all the companies are playing loose with "native" builds, where in some cases it literally offers next to nothing other than just being "native."
MS on the other hand has done a bunch of stuff with games including Skyrim to enhance even the BC version, so if they're doing native, it makes me wonder what they're doing. The game even has RT now even in BC mode, what else can they really do with it if they're not re-skinning it which is really the last thing it would benefit from.
I can see the extra horsepower of the Series consoles helping with some of the mods, but as far as the vanilla game goes, is there much more to "enhance"? It's an ancient game. I feel like the One X already made the vanilla game look nearly as good as it can, no? With diminishing returns, if we're just pushing a few extra pixels.
Edit: I mean, that part is free so I'll take it! But I'm not under any illusions of a mind blowing visual difference.
@SplooshDmg IIRC the problem with BC on PS4, which is still faster than an HDD most of the time, is that the entire shtick of Cernydrive is basically that it's just using multiple slow SSDs in parallel to make it fast. So a new game built for it will do that, but an old game will just use the single module, which is actually quite a bit slower than XSX's. I wonder if people using an internal gen4 mmc will see a boost on BC games since the single drive speed isn't the limit anymore? Though a lot of the slowdown is probably the CPU unpacking things since it's throttling down to PS4 mode.
IDK about GoT having new textures. The devs could have been just caught off guard in the interview and didn't think it through, but that was in their own words that the controller features and SSD speed were whats new. I would think they'd have talked about improved texturing. But they laid the marketing spiel on really thick for Dual Sense features.
The trailer for ESO showed quite a big difference, I thought. And they're doing another round of enhancements as well as some of the differences with the HDR didn't go down well. Skyrim....there's only so much you can do with those old textures.
@NEStalgia You have to pre-order the 25th anniversary $250 collectors edition to get that. It comes with a special themed Xbox 360 controller in an exclusive "canvas" carrying case.
Rather play ESO at this point. Content is fresh and the game has evolved nicely.
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