Titanfall 2 Fans Fear The Worst As Servers 'Destroyed' Across All Platforms

Update (Mon 12th Jul, 2021 13:46 BST): It seems the servers are working again on Xbox for now.

Hopefully it'll stay that way!

Original story: It's been a horrible week for Respawn Entertainment in general, with Apex Legends hackers initially "ruining a holiday" for the developer, and now the servers for Titanfall 2 appear to have been hacked across all platforms.

The issue seems to have been caused by a series of DDoS attacks on the servers which are causing absurdly high ping levels. This is the same issue that has been plaguing the PC version of Titanfall for a very long time now, which Respawn has yet to have been able to fix, causing some fans to believe this really could be "the end for Titanfall."

Respawn has previously acknowledged that the team is working behind the scenes to fix issues with the PC version of Titanfall, although it looks like they've got a much bigger problem on their hands now. The vast majority of them are now working on Apex Legends, with supposedly just a handful of people left on the Titanfall series.

It remains to be seen whether Respawn will be able to get the situation under control later today, but it's certainly been a rough weekend for fans of the series regardless. Let's hope it's a false alarm and this isn't "the end for Titanfall".

Did you run into issues with Titanfall over the weekend? Let us know in the comments below.