Today's the day! Mass Effect Legendary Edition is now finally available on Xbox, and the first few reviews and impressions have begun trickling in over the past 24 hours, although there's not too much to look at thus far.
It seems pretty much every outlet was affected by getting review access later than anticipated for this remastered collection, and considering all three games can take almost 100 hours to complete if you want to see everything (including DLC), it's no surprise that the majority of them have refrained from publishing a full review as of yet.
That said, there are impressions floating around, so here's what we've come across so far:
Press Start Australia (9.5/10)
"Mass Effect: Legendary Edition stands tall as one of the best remasters that I've ever played. The amount of care and effort that has gone into restoring the original Mass Effect along with the other two games is unmatched. While there are some underlying minor design issues with the original game, Legendary Edition is the best way to experience the Mass Effect trilogy. Period."
Eurogamer Italy (8/10)
(Translated) "The work done on improving the graphic sector and updating the game systems of the trilogy has impressed us in a positive way. Sure, the first chapter begins to show signs of time passing from the point of view of IA and playful structure but, once you get over the initial rock, what you'll have in your hands is one of the most celebrated and appreciated action-RPG experiences in video game history."
Push Square (Hands-On)
"If you're brand new to Mass Effect, but you've always been interested, we'd highly recommend checking out Legendary Edition based on what we've played so far. For the first game in particular, this looks and feels like the definitive way to experience a beloved RPG."
GameSpot (Review-In-Progress)
"All in all, I'm enjoying playing Mass Effect 1 again, something I never thought I'd say (I find the original game's combat too frustrating). I'm eager to get back to it, and see how the Legendary Edition may have changed Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 as well."
Game Informer (Review-In-Progress)
"Even all these years later, Commander Shepard is a powerful force that lives up to their iconic status, and the trilogy is still captivating and worth your time. You won’t forget these are older games while you play, but this remaster makes the first game much more approachable. That’s the best way to sum up my journey to this point."
Ultimately then, while there's still a lot of reviewing to be done - particularly of the second and third games - it seems the overall reception has been highly positive so far, and Mass Effect Legendary Edition is living up to the hype.
How are you finding Mass Effect Legendary Edition so far? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 32
@IndoorHero I'm of the same impression. I still have Fenyx Rising. Assassins' Creed, and Legion to play. Plus, I'm busy with The Division 2 again, and have been sucked into Fallout 76's world once more. I haven't finished Control, Doom Eternal, Senua's Sacrifice, and RDR2. So, yeah, I have a ton on my plate!
I've grabbed it, but it's added to the huge backlog for now!
Too many games, not enough free time!
My favourite trilogy ...but yeah not enough time..I've only managed to play about 2 hours of resident evil village in a week because of work ..nvm all the other games in half way through or haven't started lol
Yeah absolutely loving it so far. ME1 has been updated just enough to make it pass as a modern game, while still feeling very much like the original.
I'm surprised how much the gameplay still feels like the original. I thought they would've just used the mechanics from ME3 or something, but they haven't at all.
Having never played any of these I'm looking forward to it, Will wait for a sale though as in the same boat as most. Just too many games to play. Just finishing up Resident Evil Village NG+ and want to have a stab at Village of Shadows difficulty too.
I'm on my second run through Resident Evil Village. I'm probably just over halfway through, and though this run is much quicker than my first run (which took just over 17 hours), I cannot see me finishing the game today (or maybe not even tomorrow).
Mass Effect Legendary is sitting accusingly in my games library, but I'm enjoying Village just a bit too much to stop right now. Sorry MEL...
I only played an hour or two of the original Mass Effect snd I can’t say I’m interested in this. It just didn’t grab me.
Almost dropped 60,000 Microsoft points on this. But on reflection I already have too many games unplayed to pick up all 3 Mass Effect's right now. Will get to it in time, and by then any additional patches will be there too.
@IndoorHero Is the gameplay compelling? I know people love the story and all - but not willing to go through hours of mediocre gameplay for a good story. What are your thoughts? I'm on the fence of this one, and I've never got to play this series.
I did also play a bit of the original and found it a bit tedious.
There is a meltdown among non English speaking fans over language settings. You can't set English voice and Polish or other subtitles. In this way we have a mess in Polish version.
Polish audio and text in ME1
Polish audio and text in ME1 but with different actors and some DLC never released in Poland with English dub
English dub and Polish subs in Mass Effect 3
I am really disappointed and hope they will fix it and let us pick English voice and Polish subs. I don't know why they bothered with dubbing and expected them to scrap it at all. As always there must be something wrong with EA and Bioware, sad really.
Unfortunately my copy won't be here until Monday.
The first two hours of the first game are, in my opinion, the most boring two hours of the entire saga, @Johnnel.
Running around the Citadel, collecting missions and talking to various NPC's is the dull bit. Once you get out into space, and all the action starts and the story begins to unfold is where you will see the appeal. Give it 10 hours, and you'll be hooked.
I've yet to start MEL because I'm finishing REV first, and honestly, I'm not looking forward to that first two hours, but I know what's instore after that, and as such, I know it'll be worth it...
@SegataSanshiro Ummm, arn’t you dead?
@G8crasha I have an extensive backlog, but Mass Effect Legendary Edition is absolutely cutting in line. I played and replayed the trilogy to death, years back.
@sakanakami I'm sorry!! My copy isn't arriving for a couple days, but I'm also out of town so I'm luckily not at home antsy obsessing over the tracking info. I definitely would have been.
@Sy-B if you have gamepass ultimate then this game will be in EA Play anywhere from 6-9 months from now. So i would just keep crushing that backlog until it's added to the service
@SegataSanshiro Segata = 🙂, DC = 😭
I'm picking up my copy later on today, Can't wait to play it..
@Krzzystuff I indeed do have GP ultimate and it's probably a good idea to wait and finish everything else off first. Looking to start Control after I'm done with RE:Village.
Trouble is I've always wanted to play through ME but when it was released originally but it's right about the time my twins were born so gaming was put of the back burner. Knowing me I'll get too beered up tonight and end up waking up to it installed and ready to go. 🍺🍺🍺🍺😂😂
Almost like Nintendo... LOL
@sakanakami man that's rough do far it is really good the difference in the elevator loading times in the citadel is amazing the combat for 1 feels more fluid.
@Fiendish-Beaver the first two hours no where near as bad now moving around the citadel is so fast it took me a half hour max to be in space after doing some if the easier quets.
@Sy-B it's a great series well one and two I never played 3 due to not wanting it to end. I'm enjoying my replay of one so far but I only ever played it once all the way through.
Good to know, @VisitingComet1
Mind you, I still haven't decided what class to pick as yet either. That alone will likely take me half an hour...
@Fiendish-Beaver lol true I played through the first ten minutes of the original a couple of times to help me decide. I ended up with vanguard
Will get it eventually, but too many other games on the go at the moment...AC Valhalla, Outriders, Dying Light, to name but a few, and with Biomutant just around the corner (day 1 for me) I’m afraid ME will have to wait.
Newegg has it, digitally, for xb for $50. Gotta use a code(EMCEWHU22) and sign up for their newsletter.
I’m probably going to pass on this, they really needed to rework ME3’s story for me to come back. ME1 and 2 were so good that I just don’t want to put myself through the disappointment of ME3 again.
I have it coming from Amazon tomorrow (silly how you can order a game from them on release day and have it come the next day, but if I pre-ordered it beforehand, it wouldn't have been here until next week).
Anyways, I'm not sure if I will start it right away after I finish up Gears 5 or not. Obviously I want to play it or I wouldn't have ordered it, but like others, I have new games to play as well. Maybe I will play Mass Effect 1 and then move on to a new game like Immortals Fenyx Rising (or the other way around). Regardless, I'm glad it seems to have turned out pretty good.
So I have played only one so far I've been to three planets and am really looking forward to seeing the consequences of my choices. That being said it has lots of quality of life things and I would highly recommend it I was worried about playing through one but it has been really fun.
From what I have played, the first one runs well and looks nice, but it is still the same old ME1 what I know and love.
5 hours into ME1 and its so smooth. Not clunky in the slightest. Such an improvement. The games are all amazing. Looking forward to playing through all 3 again. However the 1 issue I have is why put a second disc in the case and not use it. The 1st disc installs ME1 plus a 9.4Gb update. From in game menu you can select to install 2 or 3 separately. But rather than using the second disc the game 'updates'. 30.6Gb and 36Gb respectively. Stupid. The box art mentions Required download(s) in tiny writing but come on
I’ve played several hours and here’s what I’ll say. You’ll notice right away it’s a remaster, as graphically (talking me1) it shows some it’s age. However it plays very smooth with no issues and is still an amazing, timeless game experience. I’m playing on series x to be clear.
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