Updated story: Persona is a series many Xbox fans have been wanting to see on the platform for a very long time. Now, a couple of sources have potentially teased that the franchise could be making its way over in the near future.
Both Windows Central's Jez Corden and XboxEra podcast host Shpeshal Ed have provided suggestions that the series is on its way. While these mostly just take the form of teases (and one tweet has since been deleted by Shpeshal Ed about it over the past few hours), they've conjured up speculation that something might be brewing.
As we say, this is far from definitive confirmation as of yet, but there's at least a chance that something might be underway. The series' producer, Kazuhisa Wada, teased late last year (thanks, Persona Central) that 2021 will see "exciting plans" for the franchise. Could it be that it will be finally making its way to Xbox? The recent Persona 5 Strikers made the jump to Nintendo Switch, so clearly it's not an issue of console exclusivity. Anything is possible!
Would you like to see the Persona series come to Xbox? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 49
In before the salty sony fans. Sweet if true i have Royal on Ps4 but havent played it yet.
I've got Royal on the PS5 but haven't got round to start it yet.
I just hope it's Persona 5 Royal the Xbox gets and not Strikers! lol
Will definitely reccomend everyone play persona 5 Royal one of the best jrpgs full stop. Just be prepared to set aside 130 hours
Tbh this is great news for xbox owners in the west but in terms of Japan Id think everyone who wants to play persona have done so by now
But got to feel for those who want it on switch lol
@blinx01 Strikers isn't a bad game, I'm currently playing it on ps5 and it keeps a lot of the mechanics and the story is brilliant and a true sequel, just shame about the combat
There's a few ways I could see Persona getting on Game Pass:
1. Spinoffs - Persona 5 Strikers released on the Switch, Persona 4 Arena came to 360, etc. so spinoffs coming to XB1 doesn't seem that unlikely given SEGA put Yakuza on Game Pass.
2. Some Game Pass games are exclusive to Game Pass PC because they aren't on Xbox console like Microsoft's own Age of Empires franchise (I hope that changes someday and Microsoft brings Age of Empires to Xbox console). As Persona 4 Golden came to PC, more Persona games are clearly coming to PC and they come to Game Pass PC at some point.
You're likely setting up for disappointment if you think main series Persona ends up on any console that isn't part of the Playstation brand. Would like to be wrong though, Joker would be more fitting in Smash if Persona 5 was on the Switch.
While Persona isn't my cup of tea (tried Persona 5), this would be huge if it happens. Obviously I'd be all for it whether I like the series or not as it would be a huge get for Xbox. Maybe I'd even give the game another shot someday, or at least try Strikers since it's different.
Yes bring P4G and P5R to xbox please. Also announce P3 remaster on xbox first so the whole internet would explode again
Might get this on X1 if it makes the jump. People say it's a very good game.
Persona 5 Royal on Xbox would be huge..
I almost bought it on PS4 but I hate the DualShock so I skipped some 100-hour games. I regret playing FFX/X-II on PS4 100% now that it's on Xbox, specifically that Chocobo race. Fortunately, I didn't play any more Final Fantasy games on PS4. I knew that XII The Zodiac Age would be released on Xbox since the PS version was announced. I might even try to play X/X-II on Xbox even if it means playing the Chocobo race again.
Buying/playing games on Xbox is much better because of the free upgrades, backwards compatibility and the controller. If Persona 5 Royal is released on Xbox I'll get it. I've heard that the Royal Edition fixed some controversial aspects. It's awesome that popular Japanese games are released on Xbox but I didn't expect so many of them to join Game Pass. Phil and Microsoft did better than expected. It's crazy but Final Fantasy XIII is available on Xbox One (improved on Xbox One, Xbox One S and enhanced on Xbox One X) and Series X/S and not on PS4/PS5. Same for Octopath Traveller.
I didn't mean that it's a bad game. I just meant that it's a sequel to Persona 5's main plot as I understand it, so even though they've randomly released that on Switch, I don't think that's the game Xbox players are after!
If Xbox gets mainline Persona before Switch does I'm going to laugh so f*cking hard
This would be genuinely hilarious
@TrueAssassin86x Royal's great
Honestly worth it for the third semester content alone. Some of the best writing I've seen from Persona in years
@BlueOcean FFXIII is technically just a backwards compatible-enhanced title from what I've heard and I think it just works with your OG Xbox 360 copy if you have one lying around
I bet Square probably wants to brush XIII under the rug with how polarizing it is among the other main entries which is probably why there hasn't been an official remaster
Even if atlus does not feel there is a market for Persona on Xbox, MS might be willing to take the bet on the port and pay for it as part of GamePass.
@TheFrenchiestFry that one got a bit more love than most BC titles. It runs 4k and all cuts scenes are higher res assets that were not available on any version before that BC addition.
It's rare, but for some games Xbox sometimes does asset swapping that can result in near remaster quality end product.
Persona 5 arena ultamix😂😂😂😭😭😭
Given the constant rumours and speculation about MS buying SEGA wouldn't that also give them Atlus and therefore Persona as well? Can you imagine if Persona suddenly became an Xbox exclusive franchise!?!? That might move the needle in Japan!
@Only1PJA I doubt the SEGA acquisition stuff is actually happening. In that case why didn't they just dissolve the deal they had over PSO2 if they were being bought outright which would naturally make future games exclusive to Xbox
@blinx01 Strikers isn’t a bad game. It’s actually a pretty complete package game. Hits a lot of the same notes. Combat is closer to an action rpg rather than a Musou.
However, if you mean getting a sequel before the OG game I’ll agree with that 100%.
Edit: auto correct hates me.
Been rumoured for a good few months from a number of industry insiders. Not really an if but a when.
In BeFoRe SoNy PoNiEs - clowns on this site 🤡
@TheFrenchiestFry oh I dont think it's happening either hence my "can you imagine..." but the speculation still exists
My main question (which may have been swallowed by my imaginings) was whether MS would own Atlus if they bought SEGA or are Atlus their own corporate entity that works in partnership with SEGA?
Yeah, I meant more about the sequel aspect.
I don't want the same situation as Switch where they have Strikers but no Persona 5 OG.
@blinx01 Ironically Xbox has already been in that situation twice with both Persona 4 Arena games
Stop this nonsense.
Seen Jez sort maybe debunk this
@masofdas yeah I can’t see it but then again I didn’t think Outriders would be day 1.
I did remember someone in a podcast but it didn’t suggest it was coming just that it could come over.
@mousieone Looks like Final Fantasy VII Remake is the new rumor anyway
@masofdas ???? Link
I don’t think that’s happening either Jez has been adamant that one is no. I mean anything could happen either but I think these are two separate rumors. Sega’s IPs are different but anyway I’ll be pleasantly surprised or okay either way
@mousieone Square RT a Game Pass tweet which they put seven eyes and the timed deal by PS4 box ends this month
Also seen a "insider" say not sure on Persona but Xbox will be getting more PlayStation like deals with Japanese games such as Octopath before PlayStation
@masofdas I don’t know that seems out there as well. Anyway I think neither is coming
Persona 5 royal is the only reason I own a playstation!
I am all for games for everyone but if this goes to xbox before switch, I’m sticking with SMT. I’ll be happy for xbox fans but I would be done with Persona as a franchise.
@Ryu_Niiyama that seems kind of a weird thought process....
@TheFrenchiestFry No, it's digitally available as well and improved even on Xbox One (S) as I and @Tharsman have explained.
@Ryu_Niiyama I just wanted to point out the last four Atlus games have tankef on the Switch. Like I think if they brought something like Etrian Odyssey over I think it would have done well, but even with reasons for the four games as it stands-
TMS sold less than the WiiU version and in fact people in Japan bought more copies of the WiiU version.
Catherine Fully Body Crashed and burned
Persona 5 Strikers sales are dwarfed (like less than 20%) of the PlayStation and Steam sales. And Steam didn’t get P5 either and Steam versions had some crashing but eh doesn’t seems to matter.
Nocturne had a lot of performance issues on Switch in Japan. I know a lot of people hesitant to buy in three West and the Japanese sales weren't too hot.
Look I love my Switch but unfortunately the math isn’t there to back the complaints. At this rate, it wouldn’t take much for Xbox to outperform and that’s saying something in Switch’s direction.
O M G. Now PXB is down to the daily "Where's P5, Atlus?" articles, too......
inb4 "Joker for KI!"
@UltimateOtaku91 @Ryu_Niiyama If it comes to Xbox, it's all but certain it comes to Switch as well considering Switch is a better fit, technically, and already has Strikers, the sequel. I think it's more about finally leaving the Sony shackles than Xbox specifically. Which, honestly, is weird that hasn't happened yet, anyway. When FFVII and FFX, the cornerstones of PS brand identity go multiplat before Persona, Sega's not doing what Squaredoes.
Seriously, though, if Atlus goes to Xbox, and if Sony's lock on FF really is just time limited and not permanent, I really am starting to wonder why I bought a PS5. It'll mostly be an SSD-based PS4 backlog box for me if so.
Jim Ryan has seriously Matricked up Playstation if were talking about basically all the Japanese tentpoles in exodus to multiplat in a 365 day period.
@mousieone TMS is the only relevant one IMO.
TMS surprises me mightily though. I suspect part of the problem with that one was basically Japan getting screwed over by getting the Westernized release on Switch. I recall they actually had to allow returns of preorders for that reason....Japanese gamers were really put out by that and that killed it's Japan chances. In the west....it's a shame, that game is possibly my favorite JRPG of all time....and yet I guess there really aren't many fans of "very Japanese things" here even though the internet makes it feel like it's totally mainstream now.
Catherine..... That's such a weird niche title, even as an extreme Atlus fan I can't get into it. It was full price by the point it was already budget, often, on PS.... I think that should have been a budget release and would have done way better. The release itself was poor.
Strikers is a non-starter. It's a sequel to a game that isn't on the platform. I honestly don't know why it's on Switch to begin with without P5. Anyone that did play P5 is just going to continue the sequel on their PS. Anyone that didn't play P5 isn't going to be that interested in the sequel, especially with endless rumors of P5 coming to Switch.
Nocturne, we'll see. A core, niche, hardcore audience that already knows it's a low quality port before it leaves Japan doesn't bode well. It's an ancient game famed as a PS2 exclusive. The audience comes baked in there.
Sales of SMTV are going to be the actually telling ones. If they ever release it.
That said, all of that, I really don't get it. Atlus games sold like gangbusters on 3DS. Has Switch's market really changed that much from the 3DS days? I know I've been turned off Switch by it's inactivity in the past few years, and I will never, ever, understand how that dreaded AC downgrade has become the greatest system seller since TLoU (which I also don't understand for different reasons.) But while 3DS was basically THE system of RPGs all the time.....is Switch really just the Wii of couch casuals after all? I can't imagine that's true, honestly. Even on Push Square everyone's big on Switch.
@NEStalgia hence why I said the games had reasons. I can’t stand Catherine either but the amount of money put into the marketing for that game.
Anyway all these reasons make sense to me But to a publisher? I mean P5 isn’t one PC but that didn’t hurt the sales of Strikers- that’s the issue. Don’t get me wrong; I agree mostly with what you said. I just feel like it doesn’t bode well for Switch enthusiasts.
As for the audience shift, back in 2019 I remember seeing the complaints of another Otome game on Switch in Reddit threads. Never mind that Nintendo has always been #1 home to these types of games.
I don’t know what gives honestly but here we are.
@mousieone Atlus has enough of a Nintendo legacy....and enough of a Japanese player base where only Nintendo matters, that I can't imagine they could think they have no market there. If we're scratching our heads as to why the #1 selling console in the world, possibly leading to of all time - it's on track to surpass PS2, and that's before the mid-gen refresh and discount late gen bundles, a monopoly in the homeland, that's a direct successor to Atlus' most successful platform isn't turning in sales numbers, I'm sure their managers are trying to figure out what went wrong too. I mean, PS barely sells anymore in Japan, let alone Xbox...
I would guess that management is holding course and waiting for SMTV. If that bombs, they'll probably bail almost wholesale from Nintendo. Which would be incredibly weird. I think I'll be begging for Vita2 at that point. Though maybe xCloud would do it. I still can't imagine using my $1000 phone battery on video game streaming though....there has to be a better way. I intend those things to last years, and gaming won't help that.
I can't tell if it's that the people who play the sort of games we're talking about just don't play video games (at all) anymore, and thus the genres themselves are dying out, or what. The growth of the platforms doesn't mean sales shrink on these genres, it just means they look drowned out by the huge sales f other genres. Actual drops in sales just doesn't make sense.
But we have the Atlus sales on Nintendo, we have Playstation abandoning Japan in general and dismal sales on their Japan games. We have both people who bought an Xbox in Japan this year.
If Japan can't sell Japan on Nintendo, the Official Console of Japan, I don't know what to think other than that somehow Japanese gaming interest both in Japan and worldwide just randomly died in a few years.
I also can't figure how how Strikers sold on Steam without P5, moreso than on the Official Weeb console, beyond that I think there's a certain percentage of 1337 PC gamerez that just love to get in on anything exclusively Playstation while maintaining they'd never buy a Playstation, just for the lulz.
None of it makes sense.
@NEStalgia As always I get good thoughts from you.
Other Japanese games are flying well on Nintendo like Konami’s Momotaro, Story of Seasons, etc it’s kind of Atlus... Literally Ryza finally pushed that series West and the sales on the Switch were good. Disgaea 6 even charted better on Switch.
Atlus isn’t moving the games that I think could do well to the Switch again Etrian Odyssey/Trauma Center etc And Nintendo fans aren’t up for “hand me down” versions anymore. Not when likes of the Witcher 3, Overwatch, and Monster Hunter Rise are on it. I mean Catherine is obscure as all out but that came to Switch. But Nocturne is glitchy which shows low effort to me. I guess it could be the other games hiding the sales I mean Little Nightmares 2 came out and didn’t chart on Switch either. For reference it was 5th on Xbox and 10th on PS.
I could guess at a lot of things but honestly my personal thought? Atlus has no clue how to handle the Switch market... They know handhelds but not Nintendo consoles. TMS is a sign of this. Even know it’s censored, the best selling version is still the Western one. Even Japan didn’t want a pop idol satire, it only worked after they took out the commentary.
Another thing is they are still really old school and there are huge delays in the Western version. That doesn’t really work anymore, Nintendo knows this and picked up translation on SMT V. 6 months or Less is fine but a year is too long and we are too global and people watch YouTube or something.
As for PC; I think a lot of Switch owners are PC owners.
Who knows again SMT V will be interesting.
@mousieone Disgaea charting is about as mindboggling as Atlus games not charting. That's one weird, overcomplicated series that I try and try to get into and never quite can. I love the world and charm and characters, but the gameplay and complexity of information and stats loses me part way into every entry. I'll probably buy 7 and experience the same.
I'm not sure what the future will hold for EO. The map drawing mechanic is so tied to the 3DS hardware, I can't imagine they can really move that franchise without breaking what makes it. I don't want to say they've abandoned it totally, but I can't imagine it's not on a hiatus so it can transform into something different.
That's a good point about other games hiding sales. Behind the 1st party trinity of MK, AC, Smash, everything gets buried, and the well known manipulation and popularity of the eShop means tons of cheap unimportant games push major games off the charts easily. I'm not sure that we get hard sales numbers for a lot of these games if it's not on the charts.
IDK, the Switch market seems to be primarily a handheld in Japan, and 50/50 elsewhere. I don't know that there's anything about it that needs to be handled differently to the 3DS. Or the PS for that matter. If they polled fans about how to handle Switch versus 3DS we'd probably mock the question. I'm kind of surprised TMS was such a failure though. I'd really have thought that would have done well in Japan in general. It was half-doomed in the west. No matter the content or appearance, with sub-only dialogue there's only a small core of players that care, and it largely is going to overlap with Miku game sales. But in Japan? I don't know why it went down so poorly.
One issue Nintendo does have as a market is, especially in Japan, it's still largely a children's toy. It has big numbers, but most of the customers in Japan bought in for talking animals, not threatening demons.
TMS, and especially SMT, and especially Catherine isn't going to find an audience with an install base mostly under 14 years old. In the west it's mostly adult. And there's certainly a desire for core experiences there, with really really niche and complicated things like Disgaea making a home there. It may just be that the west is more marketing driven, and Atlus marketing kinda sucks. They did put a lot of money into Catherine, who knows why, but the game itself really doesn't sell to anyone. Creepy occult puzzle-dating-simulators isn't really a checkbox on the ESA registration page. It was born to be a cult classic. Atlus, despite Catherine, doesn't feel like it's "arrived" on the platform yet. And, honestly, after Sega bough them, what have they really done on any platform? Their big 3DS days were all pre-Sega days. After Sega it's been P5 dancing games, fighting games, a re-release of the same game, and Catherine, with SMTV lurking in the distance. I don't think it's necessarily Sega's fault, but I think the bankruptcy must have had a bigger impact on them than we knew.
SMTV is it. That's the endgame. If that makes it big, they'll keep investing big. If that fizzles, Atlus is probably done on Nintendo this gen. The question though is if they'd move onto XB, or just keep making Persona spinoffs endlessly on PS.
@NEStalgia Atlus could make it work. Both Platinum and Square Enix have been on similar situations.
That said to skip to the heart of the matter Atlus has 13 sentinels now after Sega’s acquisition. It gets high praise. And the game looks like if it wasn’t exclusive, would do well on Switch. Again they could also bundle previous titles for Switch, but they are so freaking odd. They had no clue people wanted P4G off Vita? Like that seems like a no brained PS4 release...Catherine is an odd duck and I suspect a passion project for them. Hence way too much attention on it. The game is super niche even if it wasn’t a niche story but gameplay and story both being weird...
Don’t worry about the numbers with Disgaea just worry about the Prinnies
@NEStalgia I will of course wait and see. But Atlus is all over the place for platform choices. I will let my purse speak for me though.
@Ryu_Niiyama as any smart consumer should
@Ryu_Niiyama Calling it now: Persona 6 will be Luna exclusive, because that's how Atlus rolls.
Putting Persona5 on the Xbox wouldn't hurt Sony's Persona5 sales in Japan that's for sure.
@mousieone ? First my thought process is “weird” but now I’m a “smart consumer “... Even though my stance hasn’t changed.
Please make up your mind. I can’t tell if you are trying to be insulting, condescending or neutral.
@Ryu_Niiyama umm condescending ? No not at all :/ and I hope not insulting either.
I just didn’t understand your thought process. Being done with a series because they won’t put it on your platform when their sales on said platform is lackluster. I mean it’s still your choice, and I’m not suggesting buying a new system just to get a game. However, I assume based off your posts that you have an Xbox.
My natural thought, based on your comments, you won’t play the game if they put it in Xbox because it’s not on Switch but you have an Xbox? See why that’s confusing...
Hence I asked...
(Granted I still think Switch and PC are more likely first before Xbox)
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