Developer Gears For Breakfast has announced that A Hat In Time is coming to Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S on March 31, along with brand new content for the game that was previously only seen on PC and Nintendo Switch.
The next-gen upgrade will see the game being bolstered up to 60 frames per second, which will undoubtedly make the already pretty title look even more gorgeous. Additionally, both The Seal the Deal and Nyakuza Metro DLC will be available to purchase for $4.99/€3.99 across all Xbox systems.
If you haven't heard of A Hat In Time, it's a genuinely great platformer, inspired by classics in the genre such as Super Mario 64. It also infuses some of its own clever ideas as each level is completely different to the previous one. If you're a fan of platformers, this is one you won't want to miss out on.
Will you be checking out A Hat In Time's next-gen upgrade and DLC? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 3
I’m loving all of these Series X upgrades. I’ll have to replay A Hat in Time soon.
Good stuff. Just picked this up recently in a sale, so will hold off playing until its updated.
Awesome! Will definitely replay this one, very fun and funny game.
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