The controversy surrounding the poor performance of the base Xbox One and PS4 versions of Cyberpunk 2077 is heating up once again today, with PlayStation having shockingly pulled the game from its digital store a few hours ago, and promising to offer a full refund to everyone who has purchased it via that method.
However, it looks like Microsoft isn't currently planning to do the same thing - at least according to developer CD Projekt Red, which has told Reuters that it's "not in such discussions" with the Xbox division.
“We are not in such discussions with Microsoft at the moment."
It remains to be seen whether Microsoft will respond to Sony's bold decision to remove the game entirely until further notice, although it should be noted that Xbox has a dedicated refund system unlike PlayStation, so the overall process of returning a digital Cyberpunk 2077 purchase should be smoother on the whole.
CD Projekt Red has also responded to PlayStation's decision publicly on Twitter today, telling fans that it's "working hard to bring Cyberpunk 2077 back to the PlayStation Store as soon as possible".
Do you think Microsoft should pull Cyberpunk 2077 from the Xbox Store? Give us your thoughts below.
Comments 18
Keep it as an Xbox Timed Exclusive! I'm loving the game on my Xbox 1X.
@Lionyone Impossible. Already exists and is available on PS4 in physical form. And PC. Game is not exclusive in any way.
I don't think it should be pulled. I know its not at a consistent standard on the older generation consoles, but its not the 'worst' performing game at all on Xbox (or Playstation).
To say Sony has a 'high' standard after letting games like Black Tiger and Lichdom Battlemage release is a joke. Yes those games were not as high profile, but the developers didn't try and force Sony to offer refunds either. I am almost certain that if CDPR hadn't made that comment, the game would still be up on the PS store.
@BAMozzy CDPR announced on the Cyberpunk twitter that they decided in discussions with Sony to have it taken down. Nothing to do with Sony going into business for themselves.
CD Project Red doesn't have anyone to blame but themselves they flat out lied and deceived everybody..
I think MS should keep it available. What's the point of taking it down now that it's been released? I think all parties have had more than enough time to decide before the release date if this was ready to be sold or needed more development. Removing it now looks a bit hypocritical IMHO.
@Menchi don't say that - can't not have Sony being the bad ones here even though Cyberpunk deliberately tricked Sony, MS and the players and have agreed with Sony to halt sales until they fix their mess. I do think MS should stop the sales of this for now and start up again once its acceptable. Partly because it will mean people will still play the game in future but at a much higher quality and enjoyment level instead of spending their money to be aggrieved at a broken game. I also hope all these system crashes aren't able to brick consoles like supposedly every other game that crashes does.
If there was a faulty product sold in shops that didn't work it would get pulled from the store no questions asked - and that does happen often. Put it this way, if MS took it down too then 100% of people here would agree with it. Too much politics because its a console war out there!
If people disagree with me I have a hover board I'm selling for £100. It may not hover but its only fair you have the chance to buy it broken and say that you can still stand on it and its at least part of the experience.
Different markets with different opinions. The outcry hasn't been as loud on xbox as ps. Maybe it runs just a little better, maybe the players are more forgiving. Either way it doesn't really make sense to follow suit.
Microsoft has a good refund policy & Sony doesn’t. That is probably why this is happening. It’s a PR move for Sony, but more power to them, I guess?
Funny how they have left many broken games up on PSN in past years with no issue. As a former PS3 owner & an owner of the broken mess that was Skyrim (even years after the game was released), I question the motives here.
But Cyberpunk is all over the news right now, so Sony can get some PR boost while nobody notices their completely awful refund policy.
Microsoft should just let people request refunds, if they choose to, & honor those refunds......just like they have been doing.
Xbox has paid for the marketing of this game, so I imagine it's a much tougher decision to pull this game than it was for Sony.
Xbox also has a slightly better refund policy, so if you've played 2 hours or less and no longer before 14 days after purchase, you should be safe.
Either way, CD Project Red have a lot to answer for.
Basically admitted during an investor call that they focused too much on the PC version and neglected the consoles.
I'd be pretty annoyed if I was Microsoft.
I think it is pretty good on the new consoles so they probably shouldn't pull it.
A warning on the product page might be warranted.
@KeltiDevil dude please. Skyrim was perfectly playable when was released PS3. 92 vs 55 metascore should tell you which game was really broken at launch.
One bad decision doesn't justify another. Games should be sold when they are finished or else offered with a disclaimer. If platform providers sold games too soon before, doing so makes no more sense today.
Microsoft and Sony already vetted Cyberpunk 2077 and decided to sell it. That's on them. They knew a last-minute patch was unlikely to fix the worst problems. A disclaimer now is sufficient. CDPR probably decided to pull the game from Sony's store and not Microsoft's because of a difference in policies and flexibility. Remember that refunds cost platform providers money because it's their employees tied up with unhappy customers and processing claims.
CDPR probably hid the game's poor performance on base platforms because investors were losing confidence after so long without a new game and CDPR had already committed millions of dollars to marketing campaigns around the world. The videos on YouTube are cheap, but the billboards and commercials require contracts with advertising companies.
Even on the best platforms (high-end PCs, Series X, PS5), Cyberpunk 2077's AI systems would have been unacceptable a decade ago. The game was rushed. Granted, some bugs only occur late in development as a result of interacting systems and can't be easily fixed. Maybe the AI systems were okay and broke near release. Since they said in an investor call that AI issues are considered bugs, that seems to be the case (if anything they say is honest). CDPR probably would have delayed again if didn't cost them a ton of money. But they at least should have been honest and upfront with everyone.
That's the core problem: the dishonesty. Lots of companies sell games in early access. But it's unacceptable to sell something you claim is a finished product when it's not. Anthem, Fallout 76, and No Man's Sky were all incomplete or offered less than advertised at launch. CDPR isn't alone in that. Apparently, not even smaller publishers can be trusted with preorders. But CDPR has continued to lie by pretending they didn't know how bad the base console versions were before launch. If execs didn't see those products for themselves or didn't heed the warnings of employees who did, they were not doing their jobs.
Cyberpunk 2077 will be great eventually. Even players enjoying it now are not experiencing all the developers intended, since the AI systems are obviously broken or incomplete, along with some physics. CDPR can win back a lot of confidence like Hello Games and Bethesda did. But CDPR must stop lying.
Xbox refunded my purchase quickly and easily. I will buy the game again after the fixes and the Series X optimizations. Whether or not I pay full price for the truly finished version will depend on CDPR's actions from here on.
@Grot Yeah pretty much all Bethesda RPG's like Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim where barely functional when they released. It's something that those games have always been notorious for, especially among the PC community. I mean anyone who says Skyrim was perfectly fine when it released is just a straight up revisionist liar, that game was a notoriously buggy mess that inspired many memes back in it's day.
@Menchi I was joking. The whole situation is pretty funny. Admittedly it helps that I've been enjoying the game on Xbox 1X. Still, you gotta laugh..
@Lionyone You never know, people on any console desperate for anything to call exclusive
I actually don't like exclusives. I think it's a real shame that people are excluded from playing games solely because they aren't rich enough to own another console or gaming system.
And console wars are dumb. Like the world doesn't have enough divisions without macho jocks fighting others because they think their console is better. I mean really... Surely playing together is better?
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