The big topic of discussion this week has centred around the poor performance in Cyberpunk 2077 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and while the debates and analysis continue on, it's also reignited the talk about whether Halo Infinite should be released for the Xbox One at all when it arrives late next year.
It seems this was primarily started by an opinion piece over at Windows Central, and a good portion of fans have since shared their support for this viewpoint, believing the Xbox One will ultimately hold the game back.
Of course, there are plenty of fans who aren't in agreement with this viewpoint either, with many suggesting that CD Projekt Red, rather than the consoles themselves, is at fault for Cyberpunk 2077's poor performance at launch.
With all of this in mind, then, how do you feel? Should Halo Infinite skip the Xbox One, or do you think it's still a good idea for the game to release on current-gen consoles? Give us your thoughts down below.
Comments 70
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Cross-gen releases are all well and good, but not if it's to the detriment of the game. I know the idea is to cater to the bigger install bases of the last-gen consoles, but big games like Halo Infinite and Cyberpunk 2077? Those games would sell well in the long run once the Series X|S and PlayStation 5 are more readily available.
What they should do is make it series s/x exclusive, but available for gamepass streaming. An xbo/1x and a wired connection, should be more than sufficient to run it with little to no latency, in ultra graphics/resolution
They have already spent hundreds of millions of dollars working on a cross-gen scalable engine for last couple of years. Game is already announced for cross-gen since forever and honestly it’s lot of R&D investment at risk. Had it not been for the custom graphics engine works, we would be more near to the launch.
At least, CDPR's dishonest marketing puts more pressure on the Halo team to show Infinite on both generations and allow reviewers access to both before launch. The Infinite trailer was Series X only, right?
We don't know yet what changes are being made that would apply equally to both generations of hardware. Digital Foundry suggested lighting was a major source of complaints about Infinite's graphics. But it looked to me like a design problem of the environment being too bland and cookie-cutter. The latter could be improved on both generations, but only the new generation will get RTX.
Without question it should skip Xbox One, even on PC they aren't going to be targeting near 10 year old CPU's and GPU's and the Xbox One S has been out of its depth for a few years now.
By the time this launches we're going to be virtually a year into next gen and I'd much rather see the Series S being the new base line
I thought this long before Cyberpunk.... Should have always built this halo purely for the series x/s
Can people just admit they don't understand how game development works?
I said it from the day they released that game play and the vote then was around 70% for Series consoles only. For me it will allow the team to totally focus on these next generation consoles a lone and make a better game overall and focus valuable resource.
It will also as it is fall 2021 now help increase the up take of the series consoles sale wise which in turn will increase game sales, peripheral sales and game pass sales. Just do it Phil. Over 70% of Xbox fans want it that way.
Yes, it absolutely should skip Xbox One. We knew it was a risky idea from the start, and now we've seen proof that it's not the way to go.
Its tough to say. If what Joseph Staten said is true and that the game is done and the extra time will be used for polish and optimization then i think they'll have plenty of time to make sure it runs well on both platforms.
If that's not the case then sadly yea it should skip the Xbox One. Infinite cannot stumble out of the gate and a crappy launch could make people write Halo off for good.
Xcloud for PC and TVs will be avalaible by then. We could think that an app directly made for Xbox consoles will be there, too.
So the game will still be avalaible for One users.
But in streaming.
Hope so.
All I have to say is, "Amen to cancelling last gen versions!"
Still awaiting the fixes for the Xbox One X version of Cyberpunk 2077 before even opening up my preorder, as well.
Yeah they should probably scrap the Xbox one version at this point..
It's not like xbox one exactly sold gang busters. Skip it would be my vote.
@sixrings 45-50 million is a hell of an install base to ignore.
Hmm. I think cancelling the XO version would do more damage than good at this point. Considering the other studios assisting 343 in development, perhaps at least one of them could focus solely on optimising the last-gen version?
Listen it's late in the game so if they don't release on Xbox one it's not going to change anything. I hope they focus in the next Gen patch being part of the launch first and making it run decent on the old technology second. Cyberpunk seems to be pretty fantastic on PC from what I'm hearing so clearly old hardware didn't hold it back. They just didn't optimize it at all for old gen consoles and are still working on the next Gen patch. Halo will be on both gens but might be rather disappointing on old gen at launch...and that's ok.
Hey look, even more proof I was right that Microsoft were lying to you the entire time.
Of course the PC community knew this already because we don't believe every word out of PR mouthpieces.
Scalability works only goes so far. Eventually the lowering development floor drags down the ceiling.
Too late in the development now to cancel the Xbox One version.
The technology would have been built to scale to that lower hardware.
I just think they MIGHT have to drop to 30FPS in campaign for Xbox One. Can't see them hitting 60FPS with those ancient CPU's.
I think everyone wants to believe that cancelling the last gen version will somehow make the next gen better. It will not make a huge difference, even if the last gen version sucks. It all depends on how the game runs on last gen, optimization for last gen likely will improve performance on next gen too. They have not shown the last gen version yet so it may well suck. The lighting is the reason it looks flat, but many gamers do not want to understand how physically based rendering works, so they just blame the textures. They are not low res, the game lighting is just bad. If anything that means they already have made last gen lighting, and it will distract minimally from next gen efforts. Mob mentality is what made people put blind faith in Cyberpunk, we can't judge what we don't know. Last gen might be a lost cause, but given Cyberpunk looked too good for last gen and Halo Infinite doesn't look good enough for next gen the situation is different. I'm inclined to say the last gen release will probably be alright, but I would not pre-order.
I’m on my phone so this is going to be a mess. I’ve spent the last month watching every analysis video of the games coming out right now for all systems with the “Next Gen” upgrades. The fact is the bulk of these games are last gen games with extra stuff quickly added in. Meaning that they were running on Last Gen Hardware well before. Cyberpunk is the first multi-platform game that really shows you why Last Gen hardware even with better GPU can’t cut it. The XSS runs better than the Pro version. I’m not sure how well the last gen version can or can’t run the game, but I think focusing might be a good thing in this case. I don’t know but it just seems less complicated on a studio that has really hasn’t had the best track record.
I should also remind people that console streaming is a thing now; that’s how the Switch has to play Control. It’s not ideal but maybe it will make up for it.
And also they silently killed the XB1 version of MS Flight Sim.
They aren’t going to cancel the Xbox One version. It’s too far along in development at this point.
And just because CD Projekt Red messed up their launch, it doesn’t mean that 343 will do the same.
It's probably gonna bite them in the ass if they do release it on xbones.
Flight Sim XB1 is already confirmed cancelled as shown by the Game Awards trailer. With the increasing problems of recent games on base XB1, I think Psychonauts 2 will probably be the last 1st party XB1 game.
There are plenty of examples of games successfully launching on both generations. Dont mistake CD project Red's pathetic launch for a hardware issue. There is no reason for Halo to not be on xbox 1.
Oh look, Microsoft quietly cancelled Flight Sim for Xbox One (which I pointed out ages ago when all mention of Xbox One was removed from everything to do with it except 1 obscure Microsoft FAQ page)
Stop listening to Phil, he abandoned you 5 years ago.
Don't forget that Halo Infinite is supposed to be playable on an X-Box One S. ESS.
So yeah, for the love of God, CANCEL THE LAST GEN VERSIONS.
Horizon Forbidden West should be PS5-only, too. F@&k the PS4 version - I want to fly in the world with a flying mount, and the PS4 won't do me any favors.
@Scenes with that logic it should be playable on the 360 too since that's a hell of a lot of users to ignore. At some point we have to move on. If the xbox one is holding it back it's time to drop it. Series s is cheap enough to upgrade to if you haven't upgraded by next fall.
@sixrings if Sony can get Miles, Horizon2 and God of War2 to run on PS4 then I’m sure Microsoft can get halo to run on Xbox One. What you’re forgetting is the big play for free multiplayer. That’s only good to take off if it’s cross gen with an instant instal base of 50m players rather than 5-10m of X/S.
@Scenes Sony developers are clearly a lot more talented with their engines and design than Microsoft developers though.
Your 50mil number is also off. There aren't 50 mil Halo players. Or 50mil gold subs.
@Menchi Halo will be free to play. You won’t need Gold. But the 50m was Xbox One consoles. But if you want to be specific there are actually 90M people with active gold accounts as of April this year.
Also look at gears 4 and 5 or any Forza game. They run just fine on Xbox One and look amazing. For the record I voted cancel it. I’m lucky enough to have a Series X. But saying a good cross generation version can’t be done without it performing like cyberpunk is a bit off the mark.
I never played Witcher3. As I understand it that also sucked at launch. What’s it like now? Did they fix it eventually?
@Scenes Miles is a lot different than Horizon 2. It’s an upgraded PS4 game like Valhalla, and I’m not entirely sold that Horizon 2 will run well on both hardwares. However, from what I heard rumor mill wise, so grain of salt, they are actually making two versions at the same time not one version and porting it up or down. And also isn’t GOW2 supposed to be PS5 only? I don’t keep up much with that, no clue.
That said I’m sure CD Projekt Red will fix Cyberpunk but 343 isn’t CD Projekt Red. And yes the Collation/Playgrounds have proven they can work magic with the base Xbox one hardware. This is 343, not a lot of confidence.
Microsoft must release Halo Infinite for the Xbox One. Phil Spencer promised as much. The Cyberpunk comparison is invalid. The game has bugs and issues on XSX and PS5. Microsoft knows how to scale software for different spec configurations and has been doing this for decades in the PC space. CD Projekt Red released an unfinished game. Microsoft won’t make the same mistake.
Just make the game exclusive to Series X/S and PC. I don’t remember PS2 games having to be released to PS1. Give people a reason to upgrade their consoles
Stupid fans.
The PC version of the game looks great, Cyberpunk was not held back by older consoles, we just didn't get the PC upgrade on the new gen consoles because that are simply too new.
@mousieone but Halo has been designed from the start to be an Xbox One game and then ported to next gen just like the point you made with Miles and PS4/PS5. In fact it’s probably been in development longer then miles as that’s been done in two years. And halo must be into its 4th or 5th year.
@Scenes Literally says requires gold on console on all trailers and press releases. All "f2p" games on xbox need gold.
It'll be f2p on PC, need gold on Xbox.
@Scenes How many of those 50 million xbox ones will still be hooked up and or working in 2022?
I also would love free online but it's one of those I won't believe it till I see it things.
@Menchi there’s a year between now and then. Let’s see what happens.
@sixrings for arguments sake let’s say 45 million are still active. So there’s a choice between 5m series x/a or x/s + Xbox ones for a total of 50m user base. It’s an easy decision. You want as many people to be able to play your FTP game as possible.
@Scenes part of that was developing the game engine. Then in late 2018/early 2019 the game was shifted to be cross gen. I’m not sure how much of that time was actually spent trying to get it up and running on last gen. I guess but I mean by the time it releases the XSX/XSS will be attached to it for three years. Kind of not the same thing as a Valhalla which was done and then tweaked. But I’m not saying your right or wrong per se just I’m not sure you could use miles as your benchmark.
Sure, Let's go out on a limb and do like Medium seems to be doing, and forbid XBOX One entirely from getting these oh-so-demanding games.
When Phantasy Star Online 2 releases the NGS Upgrade, Anyone on the XBOX One family remains on the current client, while anyone on PC or a Series console gets the updated version, and New Genesis itself is incompatible with XBOX One.
The next Forza, Perfect Dark, all those hugely anticipated games, let's encourage people to get at least a Series S, it's not that expensive...
Looking through The Game Awards, EVERYTHING Microsoft announced is way too detailed for the weak XBOX One!...
OK, Now I'll be serious. Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 released in an incredibly sorry state, and a couple of other games have had signs of optimization missteps.
But to declare 'Oh no! The XBOX One is no longer powerful enough! Cancel [Insert huge AAA title here] on the XBOX One!' reminds me of the debacle that happened at the launch of Arkham Knight on PC, where there was practically no optimization.
People were furious that their way overclocked gaming PCs weren't getting butter-smooth 60 FPS on that one game.
Now, apparently, gamers are kneejerk reacting to a massive optimization fail, that affects both PS5 and XBOX One, and asking for THE biggest XBOX title of 2021 to skip anyone who hasn't upgraded yet.
I could seriously see whiners asking for things like I wrote above, and Sony fanboys asking for a similarly huge title to skip the PS5 for a similar reason. And they'd likely be wrong.
Halo Infinite COULD, more than likely, have launched tomorrow if they focused on feedback from the non-interactive demo, and only did enough optimization to hit targets on an XBOX Series X. But they instead are trying to hit targets on as much as possible, to get the game to as many of the fans as possible.
Yes, Cortana might not look as translucent, and the Chief's visor might not be as shiny, but I just want to go out and kill things. I don't need 8K at 60FPS to do that. I just need to know the game's coming in a few months.
If it was last gen holding the games back, they'd still look and play great on the highest end hardware.
The reason Halo Infinite looked so rough, and Cyberpunk is so buggy is because of bad management, not bad hardware.
It should have never been an Xbox one game from the start and that’s the issue really. It would have been built from the ground up to help that situation. My ideal would have been built from the ground up for series consoles only taking full advantage of the new consoles powers.
A massive show case for the release of next generation. The must have game on the must own console, building hype and sales both initially and long term.
@Scenes Nah, I don't play the waiting game, the only exclusive game Xbox actually has. Meanwhile I'll run with the published amd established facts.
@Richnj this a thousand percent.
@Menchi if you’d have run with the established facts Dec 2019 and I’d told you in a year. the world would be locked down. Xbox had bought Doom, Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Call of Duty was bricking xboxes, EA games were free on game pass and Cyberpunk was a hot mess would you have believed me?
@Scenes Still displayed on all of Halo Infinite's official details pages:
(requires Xbox Live Gold on console, membership sold separately).
@Menchi and this time last year if you looked at EA's Jedi Knight's page it said nothing about it being free on game pass.
@Scenes Halo still requires gold on console
@Menchi and this time last year Jedi Knight cost £60 and Doom wasn't exclusive to Xbox. We're kinda going around in circles. Lol. Lets pick this up next December. 👍
@Scenes No need, it's still requiring gold like every other "f2p" game on Xbox consoles.
@Scenes maybe ftp was their plan but after spending billions on these companies their way of enticing new customers may have changed. It's a year away. All sorts of time for things to change either way. So unless you've been in the future I don't think it's fair to act like you definitively know.
@sixrings same but flipped. You can’t act like you 100% know what the situation will be this time next year.
@Scenes I would suggest that because xbox has never had free to play, definitely not first party games, that this would be unprecedented and as a result less likely to occur. If past actions is the best indicator of the future than its a long shot at best that your prediction will happen. I can't say with certainty it won't. But the odds have to be against it. Therefore it is much easier for someone to say it won't happen and be taken seriously than someone predicting it will happen and be taken seriously. I might as well ask what this week's lottery numbers are.
But sure I'll amend my statements to "it likely won't be free to play."
This kind of goes in line with Sony’s strategy of generations as opposed to having every game on every platform. MS might feel in a sticky situation with this one...
@eggsbox just sell the xbox series s for 250 next year and all of this will be taken care of. If people aren't willing to upgrade next year to play then microsoft is in a worse situation than I think they are in
There seem to be a lot of people who don't understand, that cross gen does not hold back anything. Otherwise all these old PCs would hold back games as well.
Different consoles get different graphical presets - with some options turned on and others turned off or tuned down. Simplified: Like as if you were on a PC and turned ray tracing on, ray tracing off ... "Next gen" on, "next gen" off ...
Whether these presets work well is a question of optimization. As a developer, you approach the sweet spot (balance between FPS and graphical quality) in incremental steps, which is why you WILL see Cyberpunk running at much more stable 30 FPS on last gen consoles, as new patches come out.
And the neckbeards start screaming because console war nonsense. It doesn't matter. It "CANNOT be held back by outdated hardware"? Pffft. Grow up and get a life.
It's a video game. It isn't life. If it's good, then great. If it isn't, then oh dear. There are only 800,000,000 other videogames out there to play.
Also, understanding how videogame development actually works might be an idea before demanding things of videogame developers. Releasing on Xbox One doesn't hold anything back. Not even remotely.
Cyberpunk sucks on Xbox One because the product is of questionable quality on all platforms. Cyberpunk 2077: Definitive Edition might contain the actual finished game and be worth playing when it launches in 2022.
as someone who loves halo but cannot get a series x or s because i'm an adult who has parental responsibilities, i most definitely want it to come to xbox one
I don’t care what anyone says.
If you are making a game for the new hardware only, latest CPU,GPU,faster RAM and fast SSD etc etc from the ground up you can make it better than trying to make it work on last generation.
Also all the company resources can just focus on current new generation.
PC sliders go so far and yes it is a technique that can be used to some degree.
But a game built just for next generation only from the ground to take full advantage of new hardware will be superior and better in the right hands.
All this does is prove how clueless most people are. I have the game on the One X and it's beautiful experience on that console, better than what a lot of PC gamers have been reporting even. I am sure it's not nearly as good on the launch spec Xbox One but that is honestly not a big deal as it clearly isn't holding back how good the game can be on better hardware.
Basically all this proves is how social media is a garbage source for insight. It's all about emotion there, logic is totally lost on that crowd.
@SuperKMx Fact is it would be held back by PC going by their logic, because PC games need to work for a wide variety of hardware and not every PC gamer has the latest high-end gaming PC. That would also be a ridiculous stance to take as it will only be a short matter of time until PC's start outperforming next gen consoles, then next gen consoles will be supposedly holding back PC games going by their logic.
@Menchi very true. But you have to be careful on here giving facts. The usuals on here will class you as a Sony fanboy & block you. Halo infinite should skip last gen. I’m on the one s, but I’ll hold out from playing it till I get the series x.
@Cyrus29 It's funny, I get called a Sony fanboy on here and an Xbox fanboy on Push Square. All because facts and logic don't fit their narrative.
@JayJ So much ignorance in this comment I'm not even gonna attempt to correct it.
It's a mute question. This game has been in development for years, primarily as an X1 game. The entire game is designed around X1 at this point. Cancelling to remake it for "next gen only" would basically mean scrapping all development and starting over from scratch with a whole new design concept - and anther 3-4 year wait for a new game to be made, much like what happened with Metroid Prime 4.
This is an X1 game with baked in XSX enhancements, like Miles is a PS4 game with baked in PS5 enhancements. It's been designed that way for years.
BUT there is a big difference between this and CDPR's mess. This is a game designed around the X1 and then built around enhancements for what better hardware, including PCs can do. But with X1 as the target, the hardware wasn't badly limited by what it can do.
CDPR's problem is they design entirely around PCs, then try to back-port that high-end PC design into much weaker hardware. You can always take software designed for weak hardware and keep adding things to it to take advantage of powerful hardware. You can't always take software designed for powerful hardware and keep stripping it down until you get something that works if core systems need the powerful hardware. Cyberpunk is a failure on base consoles because it was designed for far more poweful hardware in ways they can't really extract anymore - and they started the work on weak hardware, apparently, late in design.
Maybe Infinite could have been an even cooler game if it was designed for top end hardware first, but that would involve multiple years of redesigning the fundamentals of a game that was designed to run well on the weaker hardware first and foremost. Now isn't the time that can be altered without scrapping the project almost entirely as though it never existed.
if the base model is the problem just skip the whole gen then the base model xbox was garbage and a dog out the gate.... one S barely handles Cyberpunk from what ive seen, the one X which they discontinued (i think due to it being stronger the the Series S) handled cyberpunk fine if you used a SSD
I felt the July trailer was pretty good and looked forward to it. It felt like Halo 1 all over again. Without any details, I have to imagine this has been in the works for at least a couple years. Very well in the meat of the XBox One generation. I think the July gameplay showed us was the culmination of that, but people clamored for Next Gen, and rightfully so. So 343 went back to the well to make it snazzier and more Next-Genish.
I think the XBox One version is there already. 343 is busying themselves with painting the house and installing quartz countertops and hardwood, but the house is still there.
I wonder if they can extract the XBox One version for Day 1 and at the same time also release the Series S/X version? Old gen and Next gen on the same day?
Well to be honest, if Microsoft wants more money than my Game Pass deal, they should skip the Xbox One indeed, as I now don't see any reason at all to make the step up from my $125 Black Friday purchased All Digital Xbox One.
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