We already know Square Enix will be revealing new gameplay and co-op footage for the upcoming Xbox One game Marvel's Avengers in a 'War Table' stream on June 24th, and now to help build some excitement a first-look at the new trailer has just been teased.
The game's creative director Shaun Escayg shared this still shot over on Twitter - noting how the team had just wrapped up the clip. Here's his full message:
The team’s just closed out this trailer. We can’t wait for the fans to see it! 6/24 HERE WE COME! @PlayAvengers
The picture (above) shows off the team's Stark Tech suits, and the new look is courtesy of Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal (the teams developing this game). The game itself is scheduled to arrive on 4th September this year.
While we wait for next week's stream, tell us what you think of this latest screen from the game.
[source twitter.com]
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